1. Overview
The NEORV32 RISC-V Processor is an open-source RISC-V compatible processor system that is intended as ready-to-go auxiliary processor within a larger SoC designs or as stand-alone custom / customizable microcontroller.
The system is highly configurable and provides optional common peripherals like embedded memories, timers, serial interfaces, general purpose IO ports and an external bus interface to connect custom IP like memories, NoCs and other peripherals. On-line and in-system debugging is supported by an OpenOCD/gdb compatible on-chip debugger accessible via JTAG.
Special focus is paid on execution safety to provide defined and predictable behavior at any time. Therefore, the CPU ensures that all memory access are acknowledged and no invalid/malformed instructions are executed. Whenever an unexpected situation occurs, the application code is informed via hardware exceptions.
The software framework of the processor comes with application makefiles, software libraries for all CPU and processor features, a bootloader, a runtime environment and several example programs - including a port of the CoreMark MCU benchmark and the official RISC-V architecture test suite. RISC-V GCC is used as default toolchain (prebuilt toolchains are also provided).
Check out the processor’s online User Guide that provides hands-on tutorials to get you started.
1.1. Rationale
Why did you make this?
For me, processor and CPU architecture designs are fascinating things: they are the magic frontier where software meets hardware. This project started as something like a journey into this realm to understand how things actually work down on the very low level and evolved over time to a quite capable system-on-chip.
When I started to dive into the emerging RISC-V ecosystem I felt overwhelmed by the complexity. As a beginner it is hard to get an overview - especially when you want to setup a minimal platform to tinker with… Which core to use? How to get the right toolchain? What features do I need? How does booting work? How do I create an actual executable? How to get that into the hardware? How to customize things? Where to start???
This project aims to provide a simple to understand and easy to use yet powerful and flexible platform that targets FPGA and RISC-V beginners as well as advanced users.
Why a soft-core processor?
As a matter of fact soft-core processors cannot compete with discrete (ASIC) processors in terms of performance, energy efficiency and size. But they do fill a niche in the design space: for example, soft-core processors allow to implement the control flow part of certain applications (like communication protocol handling) using software like plain C. This provides high flexibility as software can be easily changed, re-compiled and re-uploaded again.
Furthermore, the concept of flexibility applies to all aspects of a soft-core processor. The user can add exactly the features that are required by the application: additional memories, custom interfaces, specialized co-processors and even user-defined instructions. These application-specific optimization capabilities compensate for many of the limitations of soft-core processors.

RISC-V is a free and open ISA enabling a new era of processor innovation through open standard collaboration.
Open-source is a great thing! While open-source has already become quite popular in software, hardware-focused projects still need to catch up. Although processors and CPUs are the heart of almost every digital system, having a true open-source platform is still a rarity. RISC-V aims to change that - and even it is just one approach, it helps paving the road for future development.
Furthermore, I highly appreciate the community aspect of RISC-V. The ISA and everything beyond is developed in direct contact with the community: this includes businesses and professionals but also hobbyist, amateurs and enthusiasts. Everyone can join discussions and contribute to RISC-V in their very own way.
Finally, I really like the RISC-V ISA itself. It aims to be a clean, orthogonal and "intuitive" ISA that resembles with the basic concepts of RISC: simple yet effective.
Yet another RISC-V core? What makes it special?
The NEORV32 is not based on another (RISC-V) core. It was build entirely from ground up just following the official ISA specs. The project does not intend to replace certain RISC-V cores or beat existing ones in terms of performance or size. It was build having a different design goal in mind.
The project aims to provide another option in the RISC-V / soft-core design space with a different performance vs. size trade-off and a different focus: embrace concepts like documentation, platform-independence / portability, RISC-V compatibility, extensibility & customization and - last but not least - ease of use.
Furthermore, the NEORV32 pays special focus on execution safety using Full Virtualization. The CPU aims to provide fall-backs for everything that could go wrong. This includes malformed instruction words, privilege escalations and even memory accesses that are checked for address space holes and deterministic response times of memory-mapped devices. Precise exceptions allow a defined and fully-synchronized state of the CPU at every time an in every situation.
To summarize, this project pursues the following objectives (in rough order of importance):
RISC-V-compliance and -compatibility
Functionality and features
Safety and security
Minimal area
Short critical paths, high operating clock
Simplicity / easy to understand
Low-power design
High overall performance
A multi-cycle architecture?!
The primary goal of many mainstream CPUs is pure performance. Deep pipelines and out-of-order execution are some concepts to boost performance, while also increasing complexity. In contrast, most CPUs used for teaching are single-cycle designs since they are probably the most easiest to understand. But what about something in-between?
In terms of energy, throughput, area and maximal clock frequency, multi-cycle architectures are somewhere in between single-cycle and fully-pipelined designs: they provide higher throughput and clock speed when compared to their single-cycle counterparts while having less hardware complexity (= area) and thus, less performance, then a fully-pipelined designs. So I decided to use the multi-cycle-approach because of the following reasons:
Multi-cycle architectures are quite small! There is no need for pipeline hazard detection/resolution logic (e.g. forwarding). Furthermore, you can "re-use" parts of the core to do several tasks (e.g. the ALU is used for actual data processing and also for address generation, branch condition check and branch target computation).
Single-cycle architectures require memories that can be read asynchronously - a thing that is not feasible to implement in real-world applications (i.e. FPGA block RAM is entirely synchronous). Furthermore, such designs usually have a very long critical path tremendously reducing maximal operating frequency.
Pipelined designs increase performance by having several instruction "in fly" at the same time. But this also means there is some kind of "out-of-order" behavior: if an instruction at the end of the pipeline causes an exception all the instructions in earlier stages have to be invalidated. Potential architectural state changes have to be made undone requiring additional logic (Spectre and Meltdown…). In a multi-cycle architecture this situation cannot occur since only a single instruction is being processed ("in-fly") at a time.
Having only a single instruction in fly does not only reduce hardware costs, it also simplifies simulation/verification/debugging, state preservation/restoring during exceptions and extensibility (no need to care about pipeline hazards) - but of course at the cost of reduced throughput.
To counteract the loss of performance implied by a pure multi-cycle architecture, the NEORV32 CPU uses a mixed approach: instruction-fetch (front-end) and instruction-execution (back-end) are de-coupled to operate independently of each other. Data is interchanged via a queue building a simple 2-stage pipeline. Each "pipeline" stage in terms is implemented as multi-cycle architecture to simplify the hardware and to provide precise state control (for example during exceptions).
1.2. Project Key Features
all-in-one package: CPU + SoC + Software Framework & Tooling
completely described in behavioral, platform-independent VHDL - no vendor- or technology-specific primitives, attributes, macros, libraries, etc. are used at all
all-Verilog "version" available (auto-generated by GHDL)
extensive configuration options for adapting the processor to the requirements of the application
highly extensible hardware - on CPU, SoC and system level
aims to be as small as possible while being as RISC-V-compliant as possible - with a reasonable area-vs-performance trade-off
FPGA friendly (e.g. all internal memories can be mapped to block RAM - including the register file)
optimized for high clock frequencies to ease timing closure and integration
from zero to "hello world!" - completely open source and documented
easy to use even for FPGA/RISC-V starters – intended to work out of the box
NEORV32 CPU (the core)
32-bit RISC-V CPU
fully compatible to the RISC-V ISA specs. - checked by the official RISCOF architecture tests
base ISA + privileged ISA + several optional standard and custom ISA extensions
option to add user-defined RISC-V instructions as custom ISA extension
rich set of customization options (ISA extensions, design goal: performance / area / energy, tuning options, …)
Full Virtualization capabilities to increase execution safety
official RISC-V open source architecture ID
NEORV32 Processor (the SoC)
highly-configurable full-scale microcontroller-like processor system
based on the NEORV32 CPU
optional standard serial interfaces (UART, TWI, SPI (host and device), 1-Wire)
optional timers and counters (watchdog, system timer)
optional general purpose IO and PWM; a native NeoPixel(c)-compatible smart LED interface
optional embedded memories and caches for data, instructions and bootloader
optional external memory interface for custom connectivity
optional DMA controller for CPU-independent data transfers
optional CRC module to check data integrity
on-chip debugger compatible with OpenOCD and GDB including hardware trigger module and optional authentication
Software framework
GCC-based toolchain - prebuilt toolchains available; application compilation based on GNU makefiles
internal bootloader with serial user interface (via UART)
core libraries and HAL for high-level usage of the provided functions and peripherals
processor-specific runtime environment and several example programs
Doxygen-based documentation of the software framework; a deployed version is available at https://stnolting.github.io/neorv32/sw/files.html
FreeRTOS port + demos available
Extensibility and Customization
The NEORV32 processor is designed to ease customization and extensibility and provides several options for adding application-specific custom hardware modules and accelerators. The three most common options for adding custom on-chip modules are listed below.
Processor-External Bus Interface (XBUS) to attach processor-external IP modules (memories and peripherals)
Custom Functions Subsystem (CFS) for tightly-coupled processor-internal co-processors
Custom Functions Unit (CFU) for custom RISC-V instructions
A more detailed comparison of the extension/customization options can be found in section Adding Custom Hardware Modules of the user guide. |
1.3. Project Folder Structure
The root directory of the repository is considered the NEORV32 base or home folder (i.e. neorv32/
neorv32 - Project home folder │ ├-docs - Project documentation │ ├-datasheet - AsciiDoc sources for the NEORV32 data sheet │ ├-figures - Figures and logos │ ├-references - Data sheets and RISC-V specs │ ├-sources - Sources for the images in 'figures/' │ └-userguide - AsciiDoc sources for the NEORV32 user guide │ ├-rtl - VHDL sources │ ├-core - Core sources of the CPU & SoC │ ├-processor_templates - Pre-configured SoC wrappers │ ├-system_integration - System wrappers and bridges for advanced connectivity │ └-test_setups - Minimal test setup "SoCs" used in the User Guide │ ├-sim - Simulation files │ └-sw - Software framework ├-bootloader - Sources of the processor-internal bootloader ├-common - Linker script, crt0.S start-up code and central makefile ├-example - Example programs for the core and the SoC modules │ ├-eclipse - Pre-configured Eclipse IDE project │ └-... - Several example programs ├-lib - Processor core library │ ├-include - NEORV32 core library header files (*.h) │ └-source - NEORV32 core library source files (*.c) ├-image_gen - Helper program to generate executables & memory images ├-ocd_firmware - Firmware for the on-chip debugger's "park loop" ├-openocd - OpenOCD configuration files └-svd - Processor system view description file (CMSIS-SVD)
1.4. VHDL File Hierarchy
All required VHDL hardware source files are located in the project’s rtl/core
VHDL Library
All core VHDL files from the list below have to be assigned to a new library named neorv32 .
Compilation Order
See section File-List Files for more information.
rtl/core ├-neorv32_application_image.vhd - IMEM application initialization image (package) ├-neorv32_boot_rom.vhd - Bootloader ROM ├-neorv32_bootloader_image.vhd - Bootloader ROM memory image (package) ├-neorv32_bus.vhd - SoC bus infrastructure modules ├-neorv32_cache.vhd - Generic cache module ├-neorv32_clint.vhd - Core local interruptor ├-neorv32_clockgate.vhd - Generic clock gating switch ├-neorv32_cfs.vhd - Custom functions subsystem ├-neorv32_cpu.vhd - NEORV32 CPU TOP ENTITY ├-neorv32_cpu_alu.vhd - Arithmetic/logic unit ├-neorv32_cpu_control.vhd - CPU control, exception system and CSRs ├-neorv32_cpu_cp_bitmanip.vhd - Bit-manipulation co-processor (B ext.) ├-neorv32_cpu_cp_cfu.vhd - Custom instructions co-processor (Zxcfu ext.) ├-neorv32_cpu_cp_cond.vhd - Integer conditional co-processor (Zicond ext.) ├-neorv32_cpu_cp_crypto.vhd - Scalar cryptography co-processor (Zk*/Zbk* ext.) ├-neorv32_cpu_cp_fpu.vhd - Floating-point co-processor (Zfinx ext.) ├-neorv32_cpu_cp_muldiv.vhd - Mul/Div co-processor (M ext.) ├-neorv32_cpu_cp_shifter.vhd - Bit-shift co-processor (base ISA) ├-neorv32_cpu_decompressor.vhd - Compressed instructions decoder (C ext.) ├-neorv32_cpu_icc.vhd - Inter-core communication unit ├-neorv32_cpu_lsu.vhd - Load/store unit ├-neorv32_cpu_pmp.vhd - Physical memory protection unit (Smpmp ext.) ├-neorv32_cpu_regfile.vhd - Data register file ├-neorv32_crc.vhd - Cyclic redundancy check unit ├-neorv32_debug_auth.vhd - On-chip debugger: authentication module ├-neorv32_debug_dm.vhd - On-chip debugger: debug module ├-neorv32_debug_dtm.vhd - On-chip debugger: debug transfer module ├-neorv32_dma.vhd - Direct memory access controller ├-neorv32_dmem.vhd - Generic processor-internal data memory ├-neorv32_fifo.vhd - Generic FIFO component ├-neorv32_gpio.vhd - General purpose input/output port unit ├-neorv32_gptmr.vhd - General purpose 32-bit timer ├-neorv32_imem.vhd - Generic processor-internal instruction memory ├-neorv32_neoled.vhd - NeoPixel (TM) compatible smart LED interface ├-neorv32_onewire.vhd - One-Wire serial interface controller ├-neorv32_package.vhd - Main VHDL package file ├-neorv32_pwm.vhd - Pulse-width modulation controller ├-neorv32_sdi.vhd - Serial data interface controller (SPI device) ├-neorv32_slink.vhd - Stream link interface ├-neorv32_spi.vhd - Serial peripheral interface controller (SPI host) ├-neorv32_sys.vhd - System infrastructure modules ├-neorv32_sysinfo.vhd - System configuration information memory ├-neorv32_top.vhd - NEORV32 PROCESSOR/SOC TOP ENTITY ├-neorv32_trng.vhd - True random number generator ├-neorv32_twd.vhd - Two wire serial device controller ├-neorv32_twi.vhd - Two wire serial interface controller ├-neorv32_uart.vhd - Universal async. receiver/transmitter ├-neorv32_wdt.vhd - Watchdog timer └-neorv32_xbus.vhd - External (Wishbone) bus interface gateways
Replacing Modules for Customization or Optimization
Any module of the core can be replaced by the user for customization purpose. For example, the default IMEM and DMEM
modules as well as the CPU’s register file can be replaced by technology-specific primitives to optimize energy, speed
and area utilization. The module, which are dedicated for customization, i.e. CFS and CFU can be replaced by
user-defined modules to implement application-specific functionality.
1.4.1. File-List Files
Most of the RTL sources use entity instantiation. Hence, the RTL compile order might be relevant (depending on
the synthesis/simulation tool. Therefore, two file-list files are provided in the rtl
folder that list all required
HDL files for the CPU core and for the entire processor and also represent their recommended compile order.
These file-list files can be consumed by EDA tools to simplify project setup.
- HDL files and compile order for the CPU core; top module:neorv32_cpu
- HDL files and compile order for the entire processor/SoC; top module:neorv32_top
A simple bash script generate_file_lists.sh
is provided for regenerating the file-lists (using GHDL’s elaborate command).
This script can also be invoked using the default application makefile (see Makefile Targets).
By default, the file-list files include a placeholder in the path of each included hardware source file. These placeholders need to be replaced by the actual path before being used. Example:
NEORV32_HOME = path/to/neorv32 (1)
NEORV32_SOC_FILE = $(shell cat $(NEORV32_HOME)/rtl/file_list_soc.f) (2)
1 | Path to the NEORV32 home folder (i.e. the root folder of the GitHub repository). |
2 | Load the content of the file_list_soc.f file-list into a new variable NEORV32_SOC_FILE . |
3 | Substitute the file-list file’s path placeholder “NEORV32_RTL_PATH_PLACEHOLDER” by the actual path. |
set file_list_file [read [open "$neorv32_home/rtl/file_list_soc.f" r]]
set file_list [string map [list "NEORV32_RTL_PATH_PLACEHOLDER" "$neorv32_home/rtl"] $file_list_file]
puts "NEORV32 source files:"
puts $file_list
1.5. VHDL Coding Style
The entire processor including the CPU core is written in platform-/technology-independent VHDL. The code makes minimal use of VHDL 2008 features to provide compatibility even for older EDA tools.
A single package / library file (
) is used to provide global defines and helper functions. The specific user-defined configuration is done entirely by the generics of the top entity. -
Internally, the generics are checked to ensure a correct configuration. Asserts and "sanity checks" are used to inform the user about the actual processor configuration and potential illegal setting.
The code uses entity instation for all internal modules. However, if several "submodules" are specified within the same file component instantiation is used for those.
When instantiating the processor top module (
) in a custom design either entity instantiation or component instantiation can be used as the NEORV32 package file / library already provides an according component declaration.
Verilog Version
A GHDL-generated all-Verilog version of the processor is available at https://github.com/stnolting/neorv32-verilog.
The provided setup generates a synthesizable Verilog netlist for a custom processor configuration.
1.6. FPGA Implementation Results
This section shows exemplary FPGA implementation results for the NEORV32 CPU and NEORV32 Processor modules.
The results are generated by manual synthesis runs. Hence, they might not represent the latest version of the processor. |
HW version: |
Top entity: |
Intel Cyclone IV E |
Toolchain: |
Quartus Prime Lite 21.1 |
Constraints: |
no timing constraints, "balanced optimization", fmax from "Slow 1200mV 0C Model" |
CPU ISA Configuration | LEs | FFs | MEM bits | DSPs | fmax |
1223 |
607 |
1024 |
0 |
130 MHz |
1578 |
773 |
1024 |
0 |
130 MHz |
2087 |
983 |
1024 |
0 |
130 MHz |
2338 |
992 |
1024 |
0 |
130 MHz |
3175 |
1247 |
1024 |
0 |
130 MHz |
3186 |
1254 |
1024 |
0 |
130 MHz |
3187 |
1254 |
1024 |
0 |
130 MHz |
4450 |
1906 |
1024 |
7 |
123 MHz |
4825 |
2018 |
1024 |
7 |
123 MHz |
Goal-Driven Optimization
The CPU provides further options to reduce the area footprint or to increase performance.
See section Processor Top Entity - Generics for more information. Also, take a look at the User Guide section
Application-Specific Processor Configuration.
1.7. CPU Performance
The performance of the NEORV32 was tested and evaluated using the Core Mark CPU benchmark.
The according sources can be found in the sw/example/coremark
The resulting CoreMark score is defined as CoreMark iterations per second per MHz.
HW version: |
Hardware: |
32kB int. IMEM, 16kB int. DMEM, no caches, 100MHz clock |
CoreMark: |
2000 iterations, MEM_METHOD is MEM_STACK |
Compiler: |
RISCV32-GCC 10.2.0 (compiled with |
Compiler flags: |
default but with |
CPU | CoreMark Score | CoreMarks/MHz | Average CPI |
small ( |
33.89 |
0.3389 |
4.04 |
medium ( |
62.50 |
0.6250 |
5.34 |
performance ( |
95.23 |
0.9523 |
3.54 |
The NEORV32 CPU is based on a multi-cycle architecture. Each instruction is executed in a sequence of several consecutive micro operations. The average CPI (cycles per instruction) depends on the instruction mix of a specific applications and also on the available CPU extensions. More information regarding the execution time of each implemented instruction can be found in section Instruction Sets and Extensions.
2. NEORV32 Processor (SoC)
The NEORV32 Processor is build around the NEORV32 Central Processing Unit (CPU). Together with common peripheral interfaces and embedded memories it provides a RISC-V-based full-scale microcontroller-like SoC platform.

Section Structure
Key Features
optional SMP Dual-Core Configuration
optional processor-internal data and instruction memories (DMEM/IMEM)
optional caches (I-CACHE, D-CACHE, XBUS-CACHE)
optional internal bootloader (BOOTROM) with UART console & SPI flash boot option
optional RISC-V-compatible core local interruptor (CLINT)
optional two independent universal asynchronous receivers and transmitters (UART0, UART1) with optional hardware flow control (RTS/CTS)
optional serial peripheral interface host controller (SPI) with 8 dedicated CS lines
optional 8-bit serial data device interface (SDI)
optional two-wire serial interface controller (TWI), compatible to the I²C standard
optional two-wire serial device controller (TWD), compatible to the I²C standard
optional general purpose parallel IO port (GPIO), 32 inputs (interrupt capable), 32 outputs
optional 32-bit external bus interface, Wishbone b4 / AXI4-Lite compatible (XBUS)
optional watchdog timer (WDT)
optional PWM controller with up to 16 individual channels (PWM)
optional ring-oscillator-based true random number generator (TRNG)
optional custom functions subsystem for custom co-processor extensions (CFS)
optional NeoPixel™/WS2812-compatible smart LED interface (NEOLED)
optional general purpose 32-bit timer (GPTMR)
optional 1-wire serial interface controller (ONEWIRE), compatible to the 1-wire standard
optional autonomous direct memory access controller (DMA)
optional stream link interface (SLINK), AXI4-Stream compatible
optional cyclic redundancy check unit (CRC)
optional on-chip debugger with JTAG TAP (OCD)
optional system configuration information memory to determine hardware configuration via software (SYSINFO)
2.1. Processor Top Entity - Signals
The following table shows all interface signals of the processor top entity (rtl/core/neorv32_top.vhd
All signals are of type std_ulogic
or std_ulogic_vector
, respectively.
Default Values of Inputs
All optional input signals provide default values in case they are not explicitly assigned during instantiation.
The weak driver strengths of VHDL ('L' and 'H' ) are used to model a pull-down or pull-up resistor.
Variable-Sized Ports
Some peripherals allow to configure the number of channels to-be-implemented by a generic (for example the number
of PWM channels). The according input/output signals have a fixed sized regardless of the actually configured
amount of channels. If less than the maximum number of channels is configured, only the LSB-aligned channels are used:
in case of an input port the remaining bits/channels are left unconnected; in case of an output port the remaining
bits/channels are hardwired to zero.
Tri-State Interfaces
Some interfaces (like the TWI, the TWD and the 1-Wire bus) require explicit tri-state drivers in the final top module.
Input/Output Registers
By default all output signals are driven by register and all input signals are synchronized into the processor’s
clock domain also using registers. However, for ASIC implementations it is recommended to add another register state
to all inputs and output so the synthesis tool can insert an explicit IO (boundary) scan chain.
Name | Width | Direction | Default | Description |
Global Control (Processor Clocking and Processor Reset) |
1 |
in |
none |
global clock line, all registers triggering on rising edge |
1 |
in |
none |
global reset, asynchronous, low-active |
1 |
out |
none |
Watchdog Timer (WDT) reset output, synchronous, low-active |
1 |
out |
none |
On-Chip Debugger (OCD) reset output, synchronous, low-active |
JTAG Access Port for On-Chip Debugger (OCD) |
1 |
in |
serial clock |
1 |
in |
serial data input |
1 |
out |
- |
serial data output |
1 |
in |
mode select |
32 |
out |
- |
destination address |
32 |
out |
- |
read data |
3 |
out |
- |
access tag |
1 |
out |
- |
write enable ('0' = read transfer) |
4 |
out |
- |
byte enable |
1 |
out |
- |
strobe |
1 |
out |
- |
valid cycle |
32 |
in |
write data |
1 |
in |
transfer acknowledge |
1 |
in |
transfer error |
32 |
in |
RX data |
4 |
in |
RX source routing information |
1 |
in |
RX data valid |
1 |
in |
RX last element of stream |
1 |
out |
- |
RX ready to receive |
32 |
out |
- |
TX data |
4 |
out |
- |
TX destination routing information |
1 |
out |
- |
TX data valid |
1 |
out |
- |
TX last element of stream |
1 |
in |
TX allowed to send |
32 |
out |
- |
general purpose parallel output |
32 |
in |
general purpose parallel input (interrupt-capable) |
Primary Universal Asynchronous Receiver and Transmitter (UART0) |
1 |
out |
- |
serial transmitter |
1 |
in |
serial receiver |
1 |
out |
- |
RX ready to receive new char |
1 |
in |
TX allowed to start sending, low-active |
Secondary Universal Asynchronous Receiver and Transmitter (UART1) |
1 |
out |
- |
serial transmitter |
1 |
in |
serial receiver |
1 |
out |
- |
RX ready to receive new char |
1 |
in |
TX allowed to start sending, low-active |
1 |
out |
- |
controller clock line |
1 |
out |
- |
serial data output |
1 |
in |
serial data input |
8 |
out |
- |
select (low-active) |
1 |
in |
controller clock line |
1 |
out |
- |
serial data output |
1 |
in |
serial data input |
1 |
in |
chip select, low-active |
1 |
in |
serial data line sense input |
1 |
out |
- |
serial data line output (pull low only) |
1 |
in |
serial clock line sense input |
1 |
out |
- |
serial clock line output (pull low only) |
1 |
in |
serial data line sense input |
1 |
out |
- |
serial data line output (pull low only) |
1 |
in |
serial clock line sense input |
1 |
out |
- |
serial clock line output (pull low only) |
1 |
in |
1-wire bus sense input |
1 |
out |
- |
1-wire bus output (pull low only) |
16 |
out |
- |
pulse-width modulated channels |
32 |
in |
custom CFS input signal conduit |
32 |
out |
- |
custom CFS output signal conduit |
1 |
out |
- |
asynchronous serial data output |
64 |
out |
- |
CLINT.MTIMER system time output |
RISC-V Machine-Mode Processor Interrupts |
1 |
in |
machine timer interrupt (RISC-V), high-level-active; for chip-internal usage only |
1 |
in |
machine software interrupt (RISC-V), high-level-active; for chip-internal usage only |
1 |
in |
machine external interrupt (RISC-V), high-level-active; for chip-internal usage only |
2.2. Processor Top Entity - Generics
This section lists all configuration generics of the NEORV32 processor top entity (rtl/neorv32_top.vhd
These generics allow to configure the system according to your needs. The generics are
used to control implementation of certain CPU extensions and peripheral modules and even allow to
optimize the system for certain design goals like minimal area or maximum performance.
Default Values
All optional configuration generics provide default values in case they are not explicitly assigned during instantiation.
Software Discovery of Configuration
Software can determine the actual CPU configuration via the misa and mxisa CSRs. The Soc/Processor
and can be determined via the SYSINFO memory-mapped registers.
Excluded Modules and Extensions
If optional modules (like CPU extensions or peripheral devices) are not enabled the according hardware
will not be synthesized at all. Hence, the disabled modules do not increase area and power requirements
and do not impact timing.
Table Abbreviations
The generic type “suv(x:y)” is an abbreviation for “std_ulogic_vector(x downto y)”.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
natural |
0 |
The clock frequency of the processor’s |
boolean |
false |
Enable the SMP dual-core configuration. |
natural |
0 |
Boot mode select; see Boot Configuration. |
suv(31:0) |
x"00000000" |
Custom CPU boot address (available if |
boolean |
false |
Implement the on-chip debugger and the CPU debug mode. |
boolean |
false |
Implement Debug Authentication module. |
suv(10:0) |
"00000000000" |
JEDEC ID; continuation codes plus vendor ID (passed to the JTAG Debug Transport Module (DTM)). |
boolean |
false |
Enable |
boolean |
false |
Enable |
boolean |
false |
Enable |
boolean |
false |
Enable |
boolean |
false |
Enable |
boolean |
false |
Enable |
boolean |
false |
Enable |
boolean |
false |
Enable |
boolean |
false |
Enable |
boolean |
false |
Enable |
boolean |
false |
Enable |
boolean |
false |
Enable |
boolean |
false |
Enable |
boolean |
true |
Enable |
boolean |
false |
Enable |
boolean |
false |
Enable |
boolean |
false |
Enable |
boolean |
false |
Enable |
boolean |
false |
Enable |
boolean |
false |
Enable |
boolean |
false |
Enable |
boolean |
false |
Enable |
boolean |
false |
Enable NEORV32-specific |
boolean |
false |
Implement sleep-mode clock gating; see sections Sleep Mode and CPU Clock Gating. |
boolean |
false |
Implement fast but large full-parallel multipliers (trying to infer DSP blocks); see section CPU Arithmetic Logic Unit. |
boolean |
false |
Implement fast but large full-parallel barrel shifters; see section CPU Arithmetic Logic Unit. |
boolean |
false |
Implement full hardware reset for register file (use individual FFs instead of BRAM); see section CPU Register File. |
Physical Memory Protection ( |
natural |
0 |
Number of implemented PMP regions (0..16). |
natural |
4 |
Minimal region granularity in bytes. Has to be a power of two, min 4. |
boolean |
true |
Implement support for top-of-region (TOR) mode. |
boolean |
true |
Implement support for naturally-aligned power-of-two (NAPOT & NA4) modes. |
Hardware Performance Monitors ( |
natural |
0 |
Number of implemented hardware performance monitor counters (0..13). |
natural |
40 |
Total LSB-aligned size of each HPM counter. Min 0, max 64. |
Internal Instruction Memory (IMEM) |
boolean |
false |
Implement the processor-internal instruction memory. |
natural |
16*1024 |
Size in bytes of the processor internal instruction memory (use a power of 2). |
Internal Data Memory (DMEM) |
boolean |
false |
Implement the processor-internal data memory. |
natural |
8*1024 |
Size in bytes of the processor-internal data memory (use a power of 2). |
boolean |
false |
Implement the instruction cache. |
natural |
4 |
Number of blocks ("lines") Has to be a power of two. |
natural |
64 |
Size in bytes of each block. Has to be a power of two. |
boolean |
false |
Implement the data cache. |
natural |
4 |
Number of blocks ("lines"). Has to be a power of two. |
natural |
64 |
Size in bytes of each block. Has to be a power of two. |
Processor-External Bus Interface (XBUS) (Wishbone b4 protocol) |
boolean |
false |
Implement the external bus interface. |
natural |
255 |
Clock cycles after which a pending external bus access will auto-terminate and raise a bus fault exception. |
boolean |
false |
Implement XBUS register stages to ease timing closure. |
boolean |
false |
Implement the external bus cache. |
natural |
64 |
Number of blocks ("lines"). Has to be a power of two. |
natural |
32 |
Size in bytes of each block. Has to be a power of two. |
Peripheral/IO Modules |
boolean |
false |
Disable System Configuration Information Memory (SYSINFO) module; ⚠️ not recommended - for advanced users only! |
natural |
0 |
Number of general purpose input/output pairs of the General Purpose Input and Output Port (GPIO), max 32. |
boolean |
false |
Implement the Core Local Interruptor (CLINT). |
boolean |
false |
Implement the Primary Universal Asynchronous Receiver and Transmitter (UART0). |
natural |
1 |
UART0 RX FIFO depth, has to be a power of two, minimum value is 1, max 32768. |
natural |
1 |
UART0 TX FIFO depth, has to be a power of two, minimum value is 1, max 32768. |
boolean |
false |
Implement the Secondary Universal Asynchronous Receiver and Transmitter (UART1). |
natural |
1 |
UART1 RX FIFO depth, has to be a power of two, minimum value is 1, max 32768. |
natural |
1 |
UART1 TX FIFO depth, has to be a power of two, minimum value is 1, max 32768. |
boolean |
false |
Implement the Serial Peripheral Interface Controller (SPI). |
natural |
1 |
Depth of the Serial Peripheral Interface Controller (SPI) FIFO. Has to be a power of two, min 1, max 32768. |
boolean |
false |
Implement the Serial Data Interface Controller (SDI). |
natural |
1 |
Depth of the Serial Data Interface Controller (SDI) FIFO. Has to be a power of two, min 1, max 32768. |
boolean |
false |
Implement the Two-Wire Serial Interface Controller (TWI). |
natural |
1 |
Depth of the Two-Wire Serial Interface Controller (TWI) FIFO. Has to be a power of two, min 1, max 32768. |
boolean |
false |
Implement the Two-Wire Serial Device Controller (TWD). |
natural |
1 |
Depth of the Two-Wire Serial Device Controller (TWD) FIFO. Has to be a power of two, min 1, max 32768. |
natural |
0 |
Number of channels of the Pulse-Width Modulation Controller (PWM) to implement (0..16). |
boolean |
false |
Implement the Watchdog Timer (WDT). |
boolean |
false |
Implement the True Random-Number Generator (TRNG). |
natural |
1 |
Depth of the TRNG data FIFO. Has to be a power of two, min 1, max 32768. |
boolean |
false |
Implement the Custom Functions Subsystem (CFS). |
suv(31:0) |
x"00000000" |
"Conduit" generic to pass user-defined flags to the Custom Functions Subsystem (CFS). |
natural |
32 |
Size of the Custom Functions Subsystem (CFS) input signal conduit ( |
natural |
32 |
Size of the Custom Functions Subsystem (CFS) output signal conduit ( |
boolean |
false |
Implement the Smart LED Interface (NEOLED). |
natural |
1 |
TX FIFO depth of the Smart LED Interface (NEOLED). Has to be a power of two, min 1, max 32768. |
boolean |
false |
Implement the General Purpose Timer (GPTMR). |
boolean |
false |
Implement the One-Wire Serial Interface Controller (ONEWIRE). |
natural |
1 |
Depth of the One-Wire Serial Interface Controller (ONEWIRE) FIFO. Has to be a power of two, min 1, max 32768. |
boolean |
false |
Implement the Direct Memory Access Controller (DMA). |
boolean |
false |
Implement the Stream Link Interface (SLINK). |
natural |
1 |
SLINK RX FIFO depth, has to be a power of two, minimum value is 1, max 32768. |
natural |
1 |
SLINK TX FIFO depth, has to be a power of two, minimum value is 1, max 32768. |
boolean |
false |
Implement the Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) unit. |
2.3. Processor Clocking
The processor is implemented as fully-synchronous logic design using a single clock domain that is driven entirely
by the top’s clk_i
signal. This clock signal is used by all internal registers and memories. All of them trigger
on the rising edge of this clock signal. External "clocks" like the OCD’s JTAG clock or the SDI’s serial clock
are synchronized into the processor’s clock domain before being used as "general logic signal" (and not as a dedicated clock).
CPU Clock Gating
The CPU core provides an optional clock-gating feature to switch off large parts of the core when sleep mode is entered.
See section CPU Clock Gating for more information.
2.3.1. Peripheral Clocks
Many processor modules like the UARTs or the timers provide a programmable time base for operations. In order to simplify
the hardware, the processor implements a global "clock generator" (neorv32_sys.vhd
) that provides single-cycle clock enables
for certain frequencies which are derived from the main clock. These clock enable signals are synchronous to the system’s
main clock. The processor modules can use these enables for sub-main-clock operations while still providing a single
clock domain only.
In total, 8 sub-main-clock signals are available. All processor modules, which feature a time-based configuration, provide a
programmable three-bit prescaler select in their control register to select one of the 8 available clocks. The
mapping of the prescaler select bits to the according clock source is shown in the table below. Here, f represents the
processor main clock from the top entity’s clk_i
Prescaler bits: |
Resulting clock: |
f/2 |
f/4 |
f/8 |
f/64 |
f/128 |
f/1024 |
f/2048 |
f/4096 |
Power Saving
If no peripheral modules requires a clock signal from the internal clock generator (all according modules are disabled by
clearing the enable bit in the according module’s control register) the generator is automatically deactivated to reduce
dynamic power consumption.
2.4. Processor Reset
The NEORV32 processor includes a central reset sequencer (neorv32_sys.vhd
) that handles all reset requests
and controls the internal reset nets. The processor-wide reset (aka "system reset") can be triggered by any
of the following sources:
the asynchronous low-active
top entity input signal (External source) -
the On-Chip Debugger (OCD) (internal source)
the Watchdog Timer (WDT) (internal source)
Processor Reset Signal
Make sure to connect the processor’s reset signal rstn_i to a valid reset source (a button, the "locked"
signal of a PLL, a dedicated reset controller, etc.).
Reset Cause
The actual reset cause can be determined via the Watchdog Timer (WDT).
If any of these sources triggers a reset, the internal system-wide reset will be active for at least 4 clock cycles ensuring
a valid reset of the entire processor. This system reset is asserted asynchronoulsy if triggered by the external
signal and is asserted synchronously if triggered by an internal reset source. However, the system reset is
always de-asserted synchronously at the next rising clock edge.
Internally, all registers that are not meant for mapping to blockRAM (like the register file) do provide a dedicated and low-active asynchronous hardware reset. This asynchronous reset ensures that the entire processor logic is reset to a defined state even if the main clock is not operational yet.
2.5. Processor Interrupts
The NEORV32 Processor provides several interrupt request signals (IRQs) for custom platform use.
Trigger Type
All interrupt request lines are level-triggered and high-active. Once set, the signal should remain high until
the interrupt request is explicitly acknowledged (e.g. writing to a memory-mapped register).
2.5.1. RISC-V Standard Interrupts
The processor setup features the standard machine-level RISC-V interrupt lines for "machine timer interrupt", "machine software interrupt" and "machine external interrupt". Their usage is defined by the RISC-V privileged architecture specifications. However, bare-metal system can also repurpose these interrupts. See CPU section Traps, Exceptions and Interrupts for more information.
Top signal | Description |
Machine timer interrupt from processor-external CLINT ( |
Machine software interrupt from processor-external CLINT ( |
Machine external interrupt ( |
2.5.2. NEORV32-Specific Fast Interrupt Requests
As part of the NEORV32-specific CPU extensions, the processor core features 16 fast interrupt request signals
to FIRQ15
) providing dedicated bits in the mip
and mie
CSRs and custom mcause
trap codes.
The FIRQ signals are reserved for processor-internal modules only (for example for the communication
interfaces to signal "available incoming data" or "ready to send new data").
The mapping of the 16 FIRQ channels to the according processor-internal modules is shown in the following table (the channel number also corresponds to the according FIRQ priority: 0 = highest, 15 = lowest):
Channel | Source | Description |
0 |
TWD FIFO level interrupt |
1 |
Custom functions subsystem (CFS) interrupt (user-defined) |
2 |
UART0 RX FIFO level interrupt |
3 |
UART0 TX FIFO level interrupt |
4 |
UART1 RX FIFO level interrupt |
5 |
UART1 TX FIFO level interrupt |
6 |
SPI FIFO level interrupt |
7 |
TWI FIFO level interrupt |
8 |
GPIO input pin(s) interrupt |
9 |
NEOLED TX FIFO level interrupt |
10 |
DMA transfer done interrupt |
11 |
SDI FIFO level interrupt |
12 |
General purpose timer interrupt |
13 |
1-wire idle interrupt |
14 |
SLINK RX FIFO level interrupt |
15 |
SLINK TX FIFO level interrupt |
2.6. Address Space
As a 32-bit architecture the NEORV32 can access a 4GB physical address space. By default, this address space is
split into three main regions. All accesses to "unmapped" addresses (a.k.a. "the void") are redirected to the
Processor-External Bus Interface (XBUS). For example, if the internal IMEM is disabled, the accesses to the
entire address space between 0x00000000
and 0x7FFFFFFF
are converted into XBUS requests. If the XBUS interface
is not enabled any access to the void will raise a bus error exception.

Each region provides specific physical memory attributes ("PMAs") that define the access capabilities (rwxac
= read access, w
= write access, x
- execute access, a
= atomic access, c
= cached CPU access).
Custom PMAs
Custom physical memory attributes enforced by the CPU’s physcial memory protection (Smpmp ISA Extension)
can be used to further constrain the physical memory attributes.
# | Region | PMAs | Description |
1 |
Internal IMEM address space |
For instructions / code and constants; mapped to the internal Instruction Memory (IMEM) if implemented. |
2 |
Internal DMEM address space |
For application runtime data (heap, stack, etc.); mapped to the internal Data Memory (DMEM)) if implemented. |
3 |
IO/peripheral address space |
Processor-internal peripherals / IO devices including the Bootloader ROM (BOOTROM). |
- |
The "void" |
Unmapped address space. All accesses to this region(s) are redirected to the Processor-External Bus Interface (XBUS) if implemented. |
2.6.1. Bus System
The CPU provides individual interfaces for instruction fetch and data access. It can can access all of the 32-bit address space from each of the interface. Both of them can be equipped with optional caches (Processor-Internal Data Cache (dCACHE) and Processor-Internal Instruction Cache (iCACHE)).
The two CPU interfaces are multiplexed by a simple bus switch into a single processor-internal bus. Optionally, this bus is further multiplexed by another instance of the bus switch so the Direct Memory Access Controller (DMA) controller can also access the entire address space. Accesses via the resulting SoC bus are split by the Bus Gateway that redirects accesses to the according main address regions (see table above). Accesses to the processor-internal IO/peripheral devices are further redirected via a dedicated IO Switch.

Bus System Infrastructure
The components of the processor’s bus system infrastructure are located in rtl/core/neorv32_bus.vhd .
Bus Interface
See sections CPU Architecture and Bus Interface for more information regarding the CPU bus accesses.
SMP Dual-Core Configuration
The dual-core configuration adds a second CPU core complex in parallel to the first one.
See section Dual-Core Configuration for more information.
2.6.2. Bus Gateway
The central bus gateway serves two purposes: it redirects accesses to the according modules (e.g. memory accesses
vs. memory-mapped IO accesses) and also monitors all bus transactions. The redirection of access request is based on a
customizable memory map implemented via VHDL constants in the main package file (rtl/core/neorv323_package.vhd
-- Main Address Regions ---
constant mem_imem_base_c : std_ulogic_vector(31 downto 0) := x"00000000"; -- IMEM size via generic
constant mem_dmem_base_c : std_ulogic_vector(31 downto 0) := x"80000000"; -- DMEM size via generic
constant mem_io_base_c : std_ulogic_vector(31 downto 0) := x"ffe00000";
constant mem_io_size_c : natural := 32*64*1024; -- = 32 * iodev_size_c
Besides the redirecting of bus requests the gateway also implements a bus monitor (aka "the bus keeper") that tracks all
active bus transactions to ensure safe and deterministic operations. Whenever a memory-mapped device is accessed (a
real memory, a memory-mapped IO or some processor-external module) the bus monitor starts an internal countdown. The
accessed module has to respond ("ACK") to the bus request within a bound time window. This time window is defined
by a global constant in the processor’s VHDL package file (rtl/core/neorv323_package.vhd
constant bus_timeout_c : natural := 16;
This constant defines the maximum number of cycles after which a non-responding bus request (i.e. no ack
and no err
signal) will time out raising a bus access fault exception. For example this can happen when accessing
"address space holes" - addresses that are not mapped to any physical module. The resulting exception type corresponds
to the according access type, i.e. instruction fetch access exception, load access exception or store access exception.
External Bus Interface Timeout
Accesses that are delegated to the external bus interface have a different maximum timeout value that is defined by an
explicit specific processor generic. See section Processor-External Bus Interface (XBUS) for more information.
2.6.3. IO Switch
The IO switch further decodes the address when accessing the processor-internal IO/peripheral devices and forwards
the access request to the according module. Note that a total address space size of 256 bytes is assigned to each
IO module in order to simplify address decoding. The IO-specific address map is also defined in the main VHDL
package file (rtl/core/neorv323_package.vhd
-- IO Address Map --
constant iodev_size_c : natural := 256; -- size of a single IO device (bytes)
constant base_io_cfs_c : std_ulogic_vector(31 downto 0) := x"ffffeb00";
constant base_io_slink_c : std_ulogic_vector(31 downto 0) := x"ffffec00";
constant base_io_dma_c : std_ulogic_vector(31 downto 0) := x"ffffed00";
2.6.4. Atomic Memory Operations Controller
The atomic memory operations controller is split into two individual modules. Each module
implements a specific sub-extensions of the A
ISA extension:
Hardware Module | ISA Extensions | Description |
Atomic read-modify-write operations |
Atomic reservation-set operations |
Direct Access
Atomic operations always bypass the CPU’s data cache
using direct/uncached accesses. Care must be taken to maintain data Memory Coherence.
Physical Memory Attributes
Atomic memory operations can be executed for any address. This also includes
cached memory, memory-mapped IO devices and processor-external address spaces.
Atomic Read-Modify-Write Controller
This modules converts a single atomic memory operations request into a set of bus transactions to execute an un-interruptable read-modify-write (RMW) operation. For each request, the controller executes an atomic set of three operations:
Step | Pseudo Code | Description |
1 |
Perform a read operation accessing the addressed memory
cell and store the loaded data into an internal buffer ( |
2 |
The buffered data from the first step is processed
using the write data provide by the CPU. The result is stored to another internal buffer ( |
3 |
The data from the second buffer ( |
The controller performs two bus transactions: a read operations and a write operation. Only the acknowledge/error handshake of the last transaction is sent back to the CPU. As the RMW controller is the memory-nearest instance (see Bus System) the previously described set of operations cannot be interrupted. Hence, they execute in an atomic way.
Atomic Reservation-Set Controller
A "reservation" defines an address or address range that provides a guarding mechanism to support atomic accesses. A new
reservation is registered by the LR
instruction. The address provided by this instruction defines the memory location
that is now monitored for atomic accesses. The according SC
instruction evaluates the state of this reservation. If
the reservation is still valid the write access triggered by the SC instruction is finally executed and the instruction
return a "success" state (rd
= 0). If the reservation has been invalidated the SC instruction will not write to memory
and will return a "failed" state (rd
= 1).
Reservation Set and Granule
The reservation set controller supports only **single global`` reservation set. Hence, the entire physical address
space is treated as single granule.
The reservation-set controller implements the strong semnatics. An active reservation is invalidated if…
instruction is executed. If there is no previousLR
instruction, theSC
instruction will fail (not writing to memory). -
instruction is executed. If there is a previousLR
instruction, theSC
instruction will succeed (finally writing to memory). -
a normal store operation is executed (by a CPU / CPU cache, the DMA or the on-chip debugger).
a hardware reset is triggered.
2.6.5. Memory Coherence
Depending on the configuration, the NEORV32 processor provides several layer of memory consisting of caches, buffers and storage.
The CPU instruction prefetch buffer ("level-0")
The Processor-Internal Data Cache (dCACHE) (level-1)
The Processor-Internal Instruction Cache (iCACHE) (level-1)
The cache of the Processor-External Bus Interface (XBUS) (level-2)
Internal and external memories
All caches and buffers operate transparently for the software. Hence, special attention must therefore be paid to maintain coherence. Note that coherence and cache synchronization is not automatically performed by the hardware itself as there is no snooping implemented.
NEORV32 uses two instructions for manual memory synchronization which are always available regardless of the actual CPU/ISA configuration:
ISA Extension /E
ISA Extension) -
ISA Extension)
By executing the "data" fence
instruction the CPU’s load/store operations are ordered
and synchronized across the entire system:
The CPU data cache (if enabled) is flushed and invalidated: all local modifications are copied to the next higher memory level (for example the internal DMEM or the XBUS-cache).
The CPU data cache is cleared invalidating so the next load/store access will cause a cache miss that will fetch up-to-date data from the memory system.
The synchronization request is forwarded to the next-higher memory level. If the XBUS cache is implemented it will also be flushed and invalidated.
By executing the "instruction" fence.i
instruction the CPU’s instruction-fetch cache is are ordered
and synchronized across the entire system:
Perform all the steps that are performed by the
instruction. -
The CPU instruction cache is cleared invalidating all local entries so the next instruction fetch access will cause a cache miss that will fetch up-to-date data from the memory system.
CPU Stall While Synchronizing
Executing any fence instruction will stall the CPU until all the requested ordering/synchronization
steps are completed.
2.7. Boot Configuration
The NEORV32 processor provides some pre-defined boot configurations to adjust system start-up to
the requirements of the application. The actual boot configuration is defined by the BOOT_MODE_SELECT
generic (see Processor Top Entity - Generics).
Name | Boot address | Description |
0 (default) |
Bootloader |
Base of internal BOOTROM |
Implement the processor-internal Bootloader ROM (BOOTROM) as pre-initialized ROM and boot from there. |
1 |
Custom Address |
Start booting at user-defined address ( |
2 |
IMEM Image |
Base of internal IMEM |
Implement the processor-internal Instruction Memory (IMEM) as pre-initialized ROM and boot from there. |
Dual-Core Boot
For the SMPA dual-core CPU configuration boot procedure see section Dual-Core Boot.
2.7.1. Booting via Bootloader
This is the most common and thus, the default boot configuration. When selected, the processor-internal
Bootloader ROM (BOOTROM) is enabled. This ROM contains the executable image (rtl/core/neorv32_bootloader_image.vhd
of the default NEORV32 Bootloader that will be executed right after reset. The bootloader provides an interactive
user console for executable upload as well as an automatic boot-configuration targeting external (SPI) memories.
If the processor-internal Instruction Memory (IMEM) is enabled it will be implemented as blank RAM.
2.7.2. Boot from Custom Address
This is the most flexible boot configuration as it allows the user to specify a custom boot address via the
generic. Note that this address has to be aligned to 4-byte boundary. The processor will
start executing from the defined address right after reset. For example, this boot configuration ca be used to
execute a custom bootloader from a memory that is attached via the Processor-External Bus Interface (XBUS).
The Bootloader ROM (BOOTROM) is not enabled / implement at all. If the processor-internal Instruction Memory (IMEM) is enabled it will be implemented as blank RAM.
2.7.3. Boot IMEM Image
This configuration will implement the Instruction Memory (IMEM) as pre-initialized read-only memory (ROM).
The ROM is initialized during synthesis with the according application image file (rtl/core/neorv32_application_image.vhd
After reset, the CPU will directly start executing this image. Since the IMEM is implemented as ROM, the executable cannot
be altered at runtime at all.
The Bootloader ROM (BOOTROM) is not enabled / implement at all.
Internal IMEM is Required
This boot configuration requires the IMEM to be enabled (MEM_INT_IMEM_EN = true).
Simulation Setup
This boot configuration is handy for simulations as the application software is executed right away without the
need for an explicit initialization / executable upload.
2.8. Processor-Internal Modules
Full-Word Write Accesses Only
All peripheral/IO devices should only be accessed in full-word mode (i.e. 32-bit).
Byte or half-word (8/16-bit) write accesses might cause undefined behavior.
Each peripheral/IO module occupies an address space of 64kB bytes. Most devices do not fully utilize this address space and will mirror the available memory-mapped registers across the entire 64kB address space. However, accessing memory-mapped registers other than the specified ones should be avoided.
Unimplemented Modules / Address Holes
When accessing an IO device that hast not been implemented (disabled via the according generic)
or when accessing an address that is actually unused, a load/store access fault exception is raised.
Writing to Read-Only Registers
Unless otherwise specified, writing to registers that are listed as read-only does not trigger an exception
as the write access is simply ignored by the corresponding hardware module.
IO Access Latency
In order to shorten the critical path of the IO system, the IO switch provides register stages for the request and
response buses.Hence, accesses to the processor-internal IO region require two additional clock cycles to complete.
Module Interrupts
Several peripheral/IO devices provide some kind of interrupt. These interrupts are mapped to the CPU’s
Custom Fast Interrupt Request Lines. See section Processor Interrupts for more information.
CMSIS System Description View (SVD)
A CMSIS-compatible System View Description (SVD) file including all peripherals is available in sw/svd .
2.8.1. Instruction Memory (IMEM)
Hardware source files: |
neorv32_imem.vhd |
default platform-agnostic instruction memory (RAM or ROM) |
neorv32_application_image.vhd |
initialization image (a VHDL package) |
Software driver files: |
none |
implicitly used |
Top entity ports: |
none |
Configuration generics: |
implement processor-internal IMEM when |
IMEM size in bytes (use a power of 2) |
implement IMEM as ROM when |
CPU interrupts: |
none |
Implementation of the processor-internal instruction memory is enabled by the processor’s
generic. The total memory size in bytes is defined via the MEM_INT_IMEM_SIZE
Note that this size should be a power of two to optimize physical implementation. If enabled,
the IMEM is mapped to base address 0x00000000
(see section Address Space).
By default the IMEM is implemented as true RAM so the content can be modified during run time. This is required when using the Bootloader (or the On-Chip Debugger (OCD)) so it can update the content of the IMEM at any time.
Alternatively, the IMEM can be implemented as pre-initialized read-only memory (ROM), so the processor can
directly boot from it after reset. This option is configured via the BOOT_MODE_SELECT
generic. See section
Boot Configuration for more information. The initialization image is embedded into the bitstream during synthesis.
The software framework provides an option to generate and override the default VHDL initialization file
, which is automatically inserted into the IMEM (see Makefile Targets.
If the IMEM is implemented as RAM (default), the memory block will not be initialized at all.
Platform-Specific Memory Primitives
If required, the default IMEM can be replaced by a platform-/technology-specific primitive to
optimize area utilization, timing and power consumption.
Memory Size
If the configured memory size (via the MEM_INT_IMEM_SIZE generic) is not a power of two the actual memory
size will be auto-adjusted to the next power of two (e.g. configuring a memory size of 60kB will result in a
physical memory size of 64kB).
Legacy HDL Style
If synthesis fails to infer block RAM for the IMEM, turn on the alt_style_c option inside
the memory’s VHDL source file. When enabled, a different HDL style is used to describe the memory core.
Read-Only Access
If the IMEM is implemented as ROM any write attempt to it will raise a store access fault exception.
2.8.2. Data Memory (DMEM)
Hardware source files: |
neorv32_dmem.vhd |
default platform-agnostic data memory |
Software driver files: |
none |
implicitly used |
Top entity ports: |
none |
Configuration generics: |
implement processor-internal DMEM when |
DMEM size in bytes (use a power of 2) |
CPU interrupts: |
none |
Implementation of the processor-internal data memory is enabled by the processor’s MEM_INT_DMEM_EN
generic. The total memory size in bytes is defined via the MEM_INT_DMEM_SIZE
generic. Note that this
size should be a power of two to optimize physical implementation. If the DMEM is implemented,
it is mapped to base address 0x80000000
by default (see section Address Space).
The DMEM is always implemented as true RAM.
Platform-Specific Memory Primitives
If required, the default DMEM can be replaced by a platform-/technology-specific primitive to
optimize area utilization, timing and power consumption.
Memory Size
If the configured memory size (via the MEM_INT_DMEM_SIZE generic) is not a power of two the actual memory
size will be auto-adjusted to the next power of two (e.g. configuring a memory size of 60kB will result in a
physical memory size of 64kB).
Legacy HDL Style
If synthesis fails to infer block RAM for the DMEM, turn on the alt_style_c option inside
the memory’s VHDL source file. When enabled, a different HDL style is used to describe the memory core.
Execute from RAM
The CPU is capable of executing code also from arbitrary data memory.
2.8.3. Bootloader ROM (BOOTROM)
Hardware source files: |
neorv32_boot_rom.vhd |
default platform-agnostic bootloader ROM |
neorv32_bootloader_image.vhd |
initialization image (a VHDL package) |
Software driver files: |
none |
implicitly used |
Top entity ports: |
none |
Configuration generics: |
implement BOOTROM when |
CPU interrupts: |
none |
The boot ROM contains the executable image of the default NEORV32 Bootloader. When the
Boot Configuration is set to bootloader mode (0) via the BOOT_MODE_SELECT
generic, the
boot ROM is automatically enabled and the CPU boot address is adjusted to the base address of the boot ROM.
Note that the entire boot ROM is read-only.
Bootloader Image
The bootloader ROM is initialized during synthesis with the default bootloader image
(rtl/core/neorv32_bootloader_image.vhd ). The physical size of the ROM is automatically
adjusted to the next power of two of the image size. However, note that the BOOTROM is
constrained to a maximum size of 64kB.
2.8.4. Processor-Internal Instruction Cache (iCACHE)
Hardware source files: |
neorv32_cache.vhd |
Generic cache module |
Software driver files: |
none |
Top entity ports: |
none |
Configuration generics: |
implement processor-internal instruction cache when |
number of cache blocks (pages or lines); has to be a power of two |
size of a cache block in bytes; has to be a power of two |
CPU interrupts: |
none |
The processor features an optional instruction cache to improve performance when using memories with high access latency. The cache is connected directly to the CPU’s instruction fetch interface and provides full-transparent accesses. The cache is direct-mapped and read-only.
Uncached Accesses
The data cache provides direct accesses (= uncached) to memory in order to access memory-mapped IO (like the
processor-internal IO/peripheral modules). All accesses that target the address range from 0xF0000000 to 0xFFFFFFFF
will not be cached at all (see section Address Space). Furthermore, the atomic memory operations
of the Zaamo ISA Extension will always bypass the cache.
Manual Cache Flush/Clear/Reload and Memory Coherence
By executing the fence.i instruction the instruction cache is cleared and reloaded.
See section Memory Coherence for more information.
Retrieve Cache Configuration from Software
Software can retrieve the cache configuration/layout from the SYSINFO - Cache Configuration register.
Bus Access Fault Handling
If the cache encounters a bus error when uploading a modified block to the next memory level or when
downloading a new block from the next memory level, the entire block is invalidated and a bus access
error exception is raised.
2.8.5. Processor-Internal Data Cache (dCACHE)
Hardware source files: |
neorv32_cache.vhd |
Generic cache module |
Software driver files: |
none |
Top entity ports: |
none |
Configuration generics: |
implement processor-internal data cache when |
number of cache blocks (pages or lines); has to be a power of two |
size of a cache block in bytes; has to be a power of two |
CPU interrupts: |
none |
The processor features an optional data cache to improve performance when using memories with high access latency. The cache is connected directly to the CPU’s data access interface and provides full-transparent accesses. The cache is direct-mapped and uses "write-allocate" and "write-back" strategies.
Uncached Accesses
The data cache provides direct accesses (= uncached) to memory in order to access memory-mapped IO (like the
processor-internal IO/peripheral modules). All accesses that target the address range from 0xF0000000 to 0xFFFFFFFF
will not be cached at all (see section Address Space). Furthermore, the atomic memory operations
of the Zaamo ISA Extension will always bypass the cache.
Manual Cache Flush/Clear/Reload and Memory Coherence
By executing the fence instruction the data cache is flushed, cleared and reloaded.
See section Memory Coherence for more information.
Retrieve Cache Configuration from Software
Software can retrieve the cache configuration/layout from the SYSINFO - Cache Configuration register.
Bus Access Fault Handling
If the cache encounters a bus error when uploading a modified block to the next memory level or when
downloading a new block from the next memory level, the entire block is invalidated and a bus access
error exception is raised.
2.8.6. Direct Memory Access Controller (DMA)
Hardware source files: |
neorv32_dma.vhd |
Software driver files: |
neorv32_dma.c |
neorv32_dma.h |
Top entity ports: |
none |
Configuration generics: |
implement DMA when |
CPU interrupts: |
fast IRQ channel 10 |
DMA transfer done (see Processor Interrupts) |
The NEORV32 DMA provides a small-scale scatter/gather direct memory access controller that allows to transfer and modify data independently of the CPU. A single read/write transfer channel is implemented that is configured via memory-mapped registers. a configured transfer can either be triggered manually or by a programmable CPU FIRQ interrupt (see NEORV32-Specific Fast Interrupt Requests).
The DMA is connected to the central processor-internal bus system (see section Address Space) and can access the same address space as the CPU core. It uses interleaving mode accessing the central processor bus only if the CPU does not currently request and bus access.
The controller can handle different data quantities (e.g. read bytes and write them back as sign-extend words) and can also change the Endianness of data while transferring.
DMA Demo Program
A DMA example program can be found in sw/example/demo_dma .
Theory of Operation
The DMA provides four memory-mapped interface registers: A status and control register CTRL
and three registers for
configuring the actual DMA transfer. The base address of the source data is programmed via the SRC_BASE
Vice versa, the base address of the destination data is programmed via the DST_BASE
. The third configuration register
is use to configure the actual transfer type and the number of elements to transfer.
The DMA is enabled by setting the DMA_CTRL_EN
bit of the control register. Manual trigger mode (i.e. the DMA transfer is
triggered by writing to the TTYPE
register) is selected if DMA_CTRL_AUTO
is cleared. Alternatively, the DMA transfer can
be triggered by a processor internal FIRQ signal if DMA_CTRL_AUTO
is set (see section below).
The DMA uses a load-modify-write data transfer process. Data is read from the bus system, internally modified and then written
back to the bus system. This combination is implemented as an atomic progress, so canceling the current transfer by clearing the
bit will stop the DMA right after the current load-modify-write operation.
If the DMA controller detects a bus error during operation, it will set either the DMA_CTRL_ERROR_RD
(error during
last read access) or DMA_CTRL_ERROR_WR
(error during last write access) and will terminate the current transfer.
Software can read the SRC_BASE
register to retrieve the address that caused the according error.
Alternatively, software can read back the NUM
bits of the control register to determine the index of the element
that caused the error. The error bits are automatically cleared when starting a new transfer.
flag is set the DMA has actually executed a transfer. However, the DMA_CTRL_ERROR_*
should also be checked to verify that the executed transfer completed without errors. The DMA_CTRL_DONE
flag is
automatically cleared when writing the CTRL
DMA Access Privilege Level
Transactions performed by the DMA are executed as bus transactions with elevated machine-mode privilege level.
Note that any physical memory protection rules (Smpmp ISA Extension) are not applied to DMA transfers.
Transfer Configuration
If the DMA is set to manual trigger mode (DMA_CTRL_AUTO
= 0) writing the TTRIG
register will start the
programmed DMA transfer. Once started, the DMA will read one data quantity from the source address, processes it internally
and then will write it back to the destination address. The DMA_TTYPE_NUM
bits of the TTYPE
register define how many
times this process is repeated by specifying the number of elements to transfer.
Optionally, the source and/or destination addresses can be increments according to the data quantities
automatically by setting the according DMA_TTYPE_SRC_INC
Four different transfer quantities are available, which are configured via the DMA_TTYPE_QSEL
: Read source data as byte, write destination data as byte -
: Read source data as byte, write destination data as zero-extended word -
: Read source data as byte, write destination data as sign-extended word -
: Read source data as word, write destination data as word
Optionally, the DMA controller can automatically convert Endianness of the transferred data if the DMA_TTYPE_ENDIAN
bit is set.
Address Alignment
Make sure to align the source and destination base addresses to the according transfer data quantities. For instance,
word-to-word transfers require that the two LSB of SRC_BASE and DST_BASE are cleared.
Writing to IO Device
When writing data to IO / peripheral devices (for example to the Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC)) the destination
data quantity has to be set to word (32-bit) since all IO registers can only be written in full 32-bit word mode.
Automatic Trigger
As an alternative to the manual trigger mode, the DMA can be set to automatic trigger mode starting a pre-configured
transfer if a specific processor-internal peripheral issues a FIRQ interrupt request. The automatic trigger mode is enabled by
setting the CTRL
register’s DMA_CTRL_AUTO
bit. In this configuration no transfer is started when writing to the DMA’s
The actually triggering FIRQ channel is configured via the control register’s DMA_CTRL_FIRQ_SEL
bits. Writing a 0 will
select FIRQ channel 0, writing a 1 will select FIRQ channel 1, and so on. See section Processor Interrupts
for a list of all FIRQ channels and their according sources.
The FIRQ trigger can operate in two trigger mode configured via the DMA_CTRL_FIRQ_TYPE
: trigger the automatic DMA transfer on a rising-edge of the selected FIRQ channel (e.g. trigger DMA transfer only once) -
: trigger the automatic DMA transfer when the selected FIRQ channel is active (e.g. trigger DMA transfer again and again)
FIRQ Trigger
The DMA transfer will start if a rising edge is detected on the configured FIRQ channel. Hence, the DMA is triggered only
once even if the selected FIRQ channel keeps pending.
DMA Interrupt
The DMA features a single CPU interrupt that is triggered when the programmed transfer has completed. This
interrupt is also triggered if the DMA encounters a bus error during operation. The interrupt will remain pending
until the control register’s DMA_CTRL_DONE
is cleared (this will happen upon any write access to the control
Register Map
Address | Name [C] | Bit(s), Name [C] | R/W | Function |
r/w |
DMA module enable |
r/w |
Enable automatic mode (FIRQ-triggered) |
r/- |
reserved, read as zero |
r/- |
Error during read access, clears when starting a new transfer |
r/- |
Error during write access, clears when starting a new transfer |
r/- |
DMA transfer in progress |
r/c |
Set if a transfer was executed; auto-clears on write-access |
r/- |
reserved, read as zero |
r/w |
Trigger on rising-edge ( |
r/w |
FIRQ trigger select (FIRQ0=0 … FIRQ15=15) |
r/- |
reserved, read as zero |
r/w |
Source base address (shows the last-accessed source address when read) |
r/w |
Destination base address (shows the last-accessed destination address when read) |
r/w |
Number of elements to transfer (shows the last-transferred element index when read) |
r/- |
reserved, read as zero |
r/w |
Quantity select ( |
r/w |
Constant ( |
r/w |
Constant ( |
r/w |
Swap Endianness when set |
2.8.7. Processor-External Bus Interface (XBUS)
Hardware source files: |
neorv32_xbus.vhd |
External bus gateway |
neorv32_cache.vhd |
Generic cache module |
Software driver files: |
none |
Top entity ports: |
address output (32-bit) |
data input (32-bit) |
data output (32-bit) |
access tag (3-bit) |
write enable (1-bit) |
byte enable (4-bit) |
bus strobe (1-bit) |
valid cycle (1-bit) |
acknowledge (1-bit) |
bus error (1-bit) |
Configuration generics: |
enable external bus interface when |
number of clock cycles after which an unacknowledged external bus access will auto-terminate (0 = disabled) |
implement XBUS register stages |
implement the external bus cache when |
number of cache blocks (pages or lines); has to be a power of two |
size of a cache block in bytes; has to be a power of two |
CPU interrupts: |
none |
The external bus interface provides a Wishbone b4-compatible on-chip bus interface that gets
implemented if the XBUS_EN
generic is true
. This bus interface can be used to attach processor-external
modules like memories, custom hardware accelerators or additional peripheral devices.
An optional cache module ("XCACHE") can be enabled to improve memory access latency.
Address Mapping
The external interface is not mapped to a specific address space. Instead, all CPU memory accesses that
do not target a specific (and actually implemented) processor-internal address region (hence, accessing the "void";
see section Address Space) are redirected to the external bus interface.
AXI4-Lite Interface Bridge
A simple bridge that converts the processor’s XBUS into an AXI4-lite-compatible host interface can
be found in rtl/system_inegration (xbus2axi4lite_bridge.vhd ). Note that the AXI specifications
do not allow any bus timeouts. Hence, XBUS_TIMEOUT should be set to zero (disabling the bus timeout)
when using the XBUS-AXI bridge.
AHB3-Lite Interface Bridge
A simple bridge that converts the processor’s XBUS into an AHB3-lite-compatible host interface can
be found in rtl/system_inegration (xbus2ahblite_bridge.vhd ). Note that the AHB specifications
do not allow any bus timeouts. Hence, XBUS_TIMEOUT should be set to zero (disabling the bus timeout)
when using the XBUS-AHB bridge.
Wishbone Bus Protocol
The external bus interface complies to the pipelined Wishbone b4 protocol. Even though this protocol was explicitly designed to support pipelined transfers, only a single transfer will be "in fly" at once. Hence, just two types of bus transactions are generated by the XBUS controller (see images below).

Wishbone "Classic" Protocol
Native support for the "classic" Wishbone protocol has been deprecated.
However, classic mode can still be emulated by connecting the processor’s xbus_cyc_o directly to the
device’s / bus system’s cyc and stb signals (omitting the processor’s xbus_stb_o signal).
Atomic Memory Accesses
Atomic Memory Access operations (read-modify-write) keep the cyc signal active to perform a
back-to-back bus access consisting of two stb strobes (one for the load/read operation and another
one for the store/write operation). Reservation-set operations (Zalrsc ISA Extension) are not
propagated via the XBUS interface and appear as normal load/store operations.
Wishbone Specs.
A detailed description of the implemented Wishbone bus protocol and the according interface signals
can be found in the data sheet "Wishbone B4 - WISHBONE System-on-Chip (SoC) Interconnection
Architecture for Portable IP Cores". A copy of this document can be found in the docs folder of this
An accessed XBUS/Wishbone device does not have to respond immediately to a bus request by sending an ACK
Instead, there is a time window where the device has to acknowledge the transfer. This time window
is configured by the XBUS_TIMEOUT
generic and it defines the maximum time (in clock cycles) a bus access can
be pending before it is automatically terminated raising an bus fault exception. If XBUS_TIMEOUT
is set to zero,
the timeout is disabled and a bus access can take an arbitrary number of cycles to complete. Note that this is not
recommended as a missing ACK will permanently stall the entire processor!
Furthermore, an accesses XBUS/Wishbone device can signal an error condition at any time by setting the ERR
high for one cycle. This will also terminate the current bus transaction before raising a CPU bus fault exception.
Register Stage
An optional register stage can be added to the XBUS gateway to break up the critical path easing timing closure.
When XBUS_REGSTAGE_EN is true all outgoing and incoming XBUS signals are registered increasing access latency
by two cycles. Furthermore, all outgoing signals (like the address) will be kept stable if there is no bus access
being initiated.
Access Tag
The XBUS tag signal xbus_tag_o(0)
provides additional information about the current access cycle.
It compatible to the AXI4 ARPROT
P: access is performed from privileged mode (machine-mode) when set -
NS: this bit is hardwired to0
indicating a secure access -
I: access is an instruction fetch when set; access is a data access when cleared
External Bus Cache (XBUS-CACHE)
The XBUS interface provides an optional internal cache that can be used to buffer processor-external accesses.
The x-cache is enabled via the XBUS_CACHE_EN
generic. The total size of the cache is split into the number of
cache lines or cache blocks (XBUS_CACHE_NUM_BLOCKS
generic) and the line or block size in bytes
generic). The cache uses a direct-mapped architecture that implements "write-allocate"
and "write-back" strategies.
Uncached Accesses
The data cache provides direct accesses (= uncached) to memory in order to access memory-mapped IO.
All accesses that target the address range from 0xF0000000 to 0xFFFFFFFF
will not be cached at all (see section Address Space). Furthermore, the atomic memory operations
of the Zaamo ISA Extension will always bypass the cache.
Manual Cache Flush/Clear/Reload and Memory Coherence
By executing a fence or fence.i instruction the XBUS cache is flushed (local modifications are send back to
main memory), cleared (all cache entries are invalidated) and a reloaded (fetching new data from main memory).
See section Memory Coherence for more information.
Retrieve Cache Configuration from Software
Software can retrieve the cache configuration/layout from the SYSINFO - Cache Configuration register.
Bus Access Fault Handling
If the cache encounters a bus error when uploading a modified block to the next memory level or when
downloading a new block from the next memory level, the entire block is invalidated and a bus access
error exception is raised.
2.8.8. Stream Link Interface (SLINK)
Hardware source files: |
neorv32_slink.vhd |
Software driver files: |
neorv32_slink.c |
neorv32_slink.h |
Top entity ports: |
RX link data (32-bit) |
RX routing information (4-bit) |
RX link data valid (1-bit) |
RX link last element of stream (1-bit) |
RX link ready to receive (1-bit) |
TX link data (32-bit) |
TX routing information (4-bit) |
TX link data valid (1-bit) |
TX link last element of stream (1-bit) |
TX link allowed to send (1-bit) |
Configuration generics: |
implement SLINK when true |
RX FIFO depth (1..32k), has to be a power of two, min 1 |
TX FIFO depth (1..32k), has to be a power of two, min 1 |
CPU interrupts: |
fast IRQ channel 14 |
RX SLINK IRQ (see Processor Interrupts) |
fast IRQ channel 15 |
TX SLINK IRQ (see Processor Interrupts) |
The stream link interface provides independent RX and TX channels for sending and receiving
stream data. Each channel features a configurable internal FIFO to buffer stream data
for the TX FIFO). The SLINK interface provides higher
bandwidth and less latency than the external bus interface making it ideally suited for coupling custom
stream processors or streaming peripherals.
Example Program
An example program for the SLINK module is available in sw/example/demo_slink .
Interface & Protocol
The SLINK interface consists of four signals for each channel:
contains the actual data word -
marks the current transmission cycle as valid -
marks the current transmission cycle as the last element of a stream -
indicates that the receiver is ready to receive -
provide source/destination routing information (optional)
AXI4-Stream Compatibility
The interface names (except for src and dst ) and the underlying protocol is compatible to the AXI4-Stream protocol standard.
A processor top entity with a AXI4-Stream-compatible interfaces can be found in rtl/system_inegration .
More information regarding this alternate top entity can be found in the user guide:
Theory of Operation
The SLINK provides four interface registers. The control register (CTRL
) is used to configure
the module and to check its status. Two individual data registers (DATA
are used to send and receive the link’s actual data stream.
register provides direct access to the RX/TX FIFO buffers. Read accesses return data from the RX FIFO.
After reading data from this register the control register’s SLINK_CTRL_RX_LAST
flag can be checked to determine
if the according data word has been marked as "end of stream" via the slink_rx_lst_i
signal (this signal is also
buffered by the link’s FIFO).
Writing to the DATA
register will immediately write to the TX link FIFO.
When writing to the TX_DATA_LAST
the according data word will also be marked as "end of stream" via the
signal (this signal is also buffered by the link’s FIFO).
The configured FIFO sizes can be retrieved by software via the control register’s SLINK_CTRL_RX_FIFO_*
The SLINK is globally activated by setting the control register’s enable bit SLINK_CTRL_EN
. Clearing this bit will
reset all internal logic and will also clear both FIFOs. The FIFOs can also be cleared manually at any time by
setting the SLINK_CTRL_RX_CLR
bits (these bits will auto-clear).
FIFO Overflow
Writing to the TX channel’s FIFO while it is full will have no effect. Reading from the RX channel’s FIFO while it
is empty will also have no effect and will return the last received data word. There is no overflow indicator
implemented yet.
The current status of the RX and TX FIFOs can be determined via the control register’s SLINK_CTRL_RX_*
Stream Routing Information
Both stream link interface provide an optional port for routing information: slink_tx_dst_o
(AXI stream’s TDEST
can be used to set a destination address when using a switch/interconnect to access several stream sinks. slink_rx_src_i
(AXI stream’s TID
) can be used to determine the source when several sources can send data via a switch/interconnect.
The routing information can be set/read via the ROUTE
interface registers. Note that all routing information is also
fully buffered by the internal RX/TX FIFOs. RX routing information has to be read after reading the according RX
data. Vice versa, TX routing information has to be set before writing the according TX data.
The SLINK module provides two independent interrupt channels: one for RX events and one for TX events.
The interrupt conditions are based on the according link’s FIFO status flags and are configured via the control
register’s SLINK_CTRL_IRQ_*
flags. The according interrupt will fire when the module is enabled (SLINK_CTRL_EN
and the selected interrupt conditions are met. Note that all enabled interrupt conditions are logically OR-ed per
channel. If any enable interrupt conditions becomes active the interrupt will become pending until the
interrupt-causing condition is resolved (e.g. by reading from the RX FIFO).
Register Map
Address | Name [C] | Bit(s) | R/W | Function |
r/w |
SLINK global enable |
-/w |
Clear RX FIFO when set (bit auto-clears) |
-/w |
Clear TX FIFO when set (bit auto-clears) |
r/- |
reserved, read as zero |
r/- |
Last word read from |
r/- |
reserved, read as zero |
r/- |
RX FIFO empty |
r/- |
RX FIFO at least half full |
r/- |
RX FIFO full |
r/- |
TX FIFO empty |
r/- |
TX FIFO at least half full |
r/- |
TX FIFO full |
r/- |
reserved, read as zero |
r/w |
RX interrupt if RX FIFO not empty |
r/w |
RX interrupt if RX FIFO at least half full |
r/w |
RX interrupt if RX FIFO full |
r/w |
TX interrupt if TX FIFO empty |
r/w |
TX interrupt if TX FIFO not at least half full |
r/w |
TX interrupt if TX FIFO not full |
r/- |
reserved, read as zero |
r/- |
log2(RX FIFO size) |
r/- |
log2(TX FIFO size) |
r/w |
TX destination routing information ( |
r/- |
RX source routing information ( |
-/- |
reserved |
r/w |
Write data to TX FIFO; read data from RX FIFO |
r/w |
Write data to TX FIFO (and also set "last" signal); read data from RX FIFO |
2.8.9. General Purpose Input and Output Port (GPIO)
Hardware source files: |
neorv32_gpio.vhd |
Software driver files: |
neorv32_gpio.c |
neorv32_gpio.h |
Top entity ports: |
32-bit parallel output port |
32-bit parallel input port |
Configuration generics: |
number of input/output pairs to implement (0..32) |
CPU interrupts: |
fast IRQ channel 8 |
GPIO (see Processor Interrupts) |
The general purpose IO unit provides simple uni-directional input and output port. These ports can be used chip-externally (for example to drive status LEDs, connect buttons, etc.) or chip-internally to provide control signals for other IP modules. The input port features programmable pin-individual level or edge interrupts capabilities.
Data written to the PORT_OUT
will appear on the processor’s gpio_o
port. Vice versa, the PORT_IN
represents the current state of the processor’s gpio_i
The actual number of input/output pairs is defined by the IO_GPIO_NUM
generic. When set to zero, the GPIO module
is excluded from synthesis and the output port gpio_o
is tied to all-zero. If IO_GPIO_NUM
is less than the
maximum value of 32, only the LSB-aligned bits in gpio_o
and gpio_i
are actually connected while the remaining
bits are tied to zero or are left unconnected, respectively. This also applies to all memory-mapped interface
registers of the GPIO module (i.e. the according most-significant bits are hardwired to zero).
Input Pin Interrupts
Each input pin (gpio_i
) provides an individual programmable interrupt trigger. The actual interrupt trigger
type can be configured individually for each input pin using the IRQ_TYPE
defines the actual trigger type (level-triggered or edge-triggered), while IRQ_POLARITY
the trigger’s polarity (low-level/falling-edge or high-level/rising-edge). The position of each bit in these
registers corresponds the according gpio_i
input pin.
Each pin interrupt channel can be enabled or disabled individually using the IRQ_ENABLE
register. Each bit
in this register corresponds to the according input pin. If the programmed trigger of a disabled input
(IRQ_ENABLE(i) = 0
) fires, the interrupt request is entirely ignored.
Resulting trigger of gpio_i(i) |
low-level ( |
high-level ( |
falling-edge ( |
rising-edge ( |
interrupt disabled |
If the configured trigger of an enabled input pin (IRQ_ENABLE(i) = 1
) fires, the according interrupt request
is buffered internally in the IRQ_PENDING
register. When this register contains a non-zero value (i.e. any
bit becomes set) an interrupt request is sent to the CPU via FIRQ channel 8 (see Processor Interrupts).
The CPU can determine the interrupt-triggering pins by reading the IRQ_PENDING
register. Each set bit in this
register indicates that the according input pin’s interrupt trigger has fired. Then, the CPU can clear those
pending interrupt pin by setting all set bits to zero.
GPIO Interrupts Demo Program
A demo program for the GPIO input interrupts can be found in sw/example/demo_gpio .
Register Map
Address | Name [C] | Bit(s) | R/W | Function |
31:0 |
r/- |
Parallel input port; |
31:0 |
r/w |
Parallel output port; |
- |
31:0 |
r/- |
reserved, read as zero |
- |
31:0 |
r/- |
reserved, read as zero |
31:0 |
r/w |
Trigger type select ( |
31:0 |
r/w |
Trigger polarity select ( |
31:0 |
r/w |
Per-pin interrupt enable; |
31:0 |
r/c |
Per-pin interrupt pending, can be cleared by writing zero to the according bit(s); |
2.8.10. Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC)
Hardware source files: |
neorv32_crc.vhd |
Software driver files: |
neorv32_crc.c |
neorv32_crc.h |
Top entity ports: |
none |
Configuration generics: |
implement CRC module when |
CPU interrupts: |
none |
The cyclic redundancy check unit provides a programmable checksum computation module. The unit operates on single bytes and can either compute CRC8, CRC16 or CRC32 checksums based on an arbitrary polynomial and start value.
CRC Demo Program
A CRC example program (also using CPU-independent DMA transfers) can be found in sw/example/crc_dma .
CPU-Independent Operation
The CRC unit can compute a checksum for an arbitrary memory array without any CPU overhead
by using the processor’s Direct Memory Access Controller (DMA).
Theory of Operation
The module provides four interface registers:
: selects either CRC8-, CRC16- or CRC32-mode -
: programmable polynomial -
: data input register (single bytes only) -
: the CRC shift register; this register is used to define the start value and to obtain the final processing result
and SREG
registers need to be programmed before the actual processing can be started.
Writing a byte to DATA
will update the current checksum in SREG
Access Latency
Write access to the CRC module have an increased latency of 8 clock cycles. This additional latency
ensures that the internal bit-serial processing of the current data byte has also been completed when the
transfer is completed.
Data Size
For CRC8-mode only bits 7:0 of POLY and SREG are relevant; for CRC16-mode only bits 15:0 are used
and for CRC32-mode the entire 32-bit of POLY and SREG are used.
Register Map
Address | Name [C] | Bit(s), Name [C] | R/W | Function |
r/w |
CRC mode select ( |
r/- |
reserved, read as zero |
r/w |
CRC polynomial |
r/w |
data input (single byte) |
r/- |
reserved, read as zero, writes are ignored |
r/w |
current CRC shift register value (set start value on write) |
2.8.11. Watchdog Timer (WDT)
Hardware source files: |
neorv32_wdt.vhd |
Software driver files: |
neorv32_wdt.c |
neorv32_wdt.h |
Top entity ports: |
synchronous watchdog reset output, low-active |
Configuration generics: |
implement watchdog when |
CPU interrupts: |
none |
The watchdog (WDT) provides a last resort for safety-critical applications. When a pre-programmed timeout value is reached a system-wide hardware reset is generated. The internal counter has to be reset explicitly by the application program every now and then to prevent a timeout.
Theory of Operation
The watchdog is enabled by setting the control register’s WDT_CTRL_EN
bit. When this bit is cleared, the internal
timeout counter is reset to zero and no system reset can be triggered by this module.
The internal 32-bit timeout counter is clocked at 1/4096th of the processor’s main clock (fWDT[Hz] = fmain[Hz] / 4096).
Whenever this counter reaches the programmed timeout value (WDT_CTRL_TIMEOUT
bits in the control register) a
hardware reset is triggered.
The watchdog’s timeout counter is reset ("feeding the watchdog") by writing the reset PASSWORD to the RESET
The password is hardwired to hexadecimal 0x709D1AB3
Once enabled, the watchdog keeps operating even if the CPU is in Sleep Mode or if the processor is being debugged via the On-Chip Debugger (OCD). |
Configuration Lock
The watchdog control register can be locked to protect the current configuration from being modified. The lock is
activated by setting the WDT_CTRL_LOCK
bit. In the locked state any write access to the control register is entirely
ignored (see table below, "writable if locked"). However, read accesses to the control register as well as watchdog resets
are further possible.
The lock bit can only be set if the WDT is already enabled (WDT_CTRL_EN
is set). Furthermore, the lock bit can
only be cleared again by a system-wide hardware reset.
Strict Mode
The strict operation mode provides additional safety functions. If the strict mode is enabled by the WDT_CTRL_STRICT
control register bit an immediate hardware reset if enforced if
register is written with an incorrect password or -
register is written and theWDT_CTRL_LOCK
bit is set.
Cause of last Hardware Reset
The cause of the last system hardware reset can be determined via the WDT_CTRL_RCAUSE_*
(0b00): Reset caused by external reset signal/pin -
(0b01): Reset caused by on-chip debugger -
(0b10): Reset caused by watchdog timeout -
(0b11): Reset caused by illegal watchdog access (strict mode)
External Reset Output
The WDT provides a dedicated output (Processor Top Entity - Signals: rstn_wdt_o
) to reset processor-external modules
when the watchdog times out. This signal is low-active and synchronous to the processor clock. It is available if the
watchdog is implemented; otherwise it is hardwired to 1
. Note that the signal also becomes active (low) when the
processor’s main reset signal is active (even if the watchdog is deactivated or disabled for synthesis).
Register Map
Address | Name [C] | Bit(s), Name [C] | R/W | Reset value | Writable if locked | Function |
r/w |
no |
watchdog enable |
r/w |
no |
lock configuration when set, clears only on system reset, can only be set if enable bit is set already |
r/w |
no |
set to enable strict mode (force hardware reset if reset password is incorrect or if write access to locked CTRL register) |
r/- |
- |
cause of last system reset; 0=external reset, 1=ocd-reset, 2=watchdog reset |
r/- |
- |
- |
reserved, reads as zero |
r/w |
0 |
no |
24-bit watchdog timeout value |
-/w |
- |
yes |
Write PASSWORD to reset WDT timeout counter |
2.8.12. Core Local Interruptor (CLINT)
Hardware source files: |
neorv32_clint.vhd |
Software driver files: |
neorv32_clint.c |
neorv32_clint.h |
Top entity ports: |
RISC-V machine timer IRQ if CLINT is not implemented |
RISC-V software IRQ if CLINT is not implemented |
Current system time (from CLINT’s MTIMER) |
Configuration generics: |
implement core local interruptor when |
CPU interrupts: |
machine timer interrupt (see Processor Interrupts) |
machine software interrupt (see Processor Interrupts) |
The core local interruptor provides machine-level timer and software interrupts for a set of CPU cores (also called harts). It is compatible to the original SiFive® CLINT specifications and it is also backwards-compatible to the upcoming RISC-V _Advanced Core Local Interruptor (ACLINT) specifications. In terms of the ACLINT spec the NEORV32 CLINT implements three devices that are placed next to each other in the address space: an MTIMER and an MSWI device.
The CLINT can support up to 4095 harts. However, the NEORV32 CLINT is configured for a single hart only (yet). Hence, only the according registers are implemented while the remaining ones are hardwired to zero.
The MTIMER device provides a global 64-bit machine timer (NEORV32_CLINT→MTIME
) that increments with every main processor
clock tick. Upon reset the timer is reset to all zero. Each hart provides an individual 64-bit timer-compare register
for hart 0). Whenever MTIMECMP >= MTIME
the according machine timer interrupt is pending.
MSIW Device
The MSIV provides software interrupts for each hart via hart-individual memory-mapped registers (NEORV32_CLINT→MSWI[0]
hart 0). Setting bit 0 of this register will bring the machine software interrupt into pending state.
External Machine Timer and Software Interrupts
If the NEORV32 CLINT module is disabled (IO_CLINT_EN = false ) the core’s machine timer interrupt and
machine software interrupt become available as processor-external signals (mtime_irq_i and msw_irq_i , respectively).
Register Map
Address | Name [C] | Bits | R/W | Function |
0 |
r/w |
trigger machine software interrupt for hart 0 when set |
31:1 |
r/- |
hardwired to zero |
0 |
r/w |
trigger machine software interrupt for hart 1 when set |
31:1 |
r/- |
hardwired to zero |
63:0 |
r/w |
64-bit time compare for hart 0 |
63:0 |
r/w |
64-bit time compare for hart 1 |
63:0 |
r/w |
64-bit global machine timer |
2.8.13. Primary Universal Asynchronous Receiver and Transmitter (UART0)
Hardware source files: |
neorv32_uart.vhd |
Software driver files: |
neorv32_uart.c |
neorv32_uart.h |
Top entity ports: |
serial transmitter output |
serial receiver input |
flow control: RX ready to receive, low-active |
flow control: RX ready to receive, low-active |
Configuration generics: |
implement UART0 when |
RX FIFO depth (power of 2, min 1) |
TX FIFO depth (power of 2, min 1) |
CPU interrupts: |
fast IRQ channel 2 |
RX interrupt |
fast IRQ channel 3 |
TX interrupt (see Processor Interrupts) |
The NEORV32 UART provides a standard serial interface with independent transmitter and receiver channels, each
equipped with a configurable FIFO. The transmission frame is fixed to 8N1: 8 data bits, no parity bit, 1 stop
bit. The actual transmission rate (Baud rate) is programmable via software. The module features two memory-mapped
registers: CTRL
and DATA
. These are used for configuration, status check and data transfer.
Standard Console
All default example programs and software libraries of the NEORV32 software framework (including the bootloader
and the runtime environment) use the primary UART (UART0) as default user console interface. Furthermore, UART0
is used to implement the "standard consoles" (STDIN , STDOUT and STDERR ).
The UART provides individual data FIFOs for RX and TX to allow data transmission without CPU intervention.
The sizes of these FIFOs can be configured via the according configuration generics (UART0_RX_FIFO
Both FIFOs a re automatically cleared when disabling the module via the UART_CTRL_EN
flag. However, the FIFOs can
also be cleared individually by setting the UART_CTRL_RX_CLR
Theory of Operation
The module is enabled by setting the UART_CTRL_EN
bit in the UART0 control register CTRL
. The Baud rate
is configured via a 10-bit UART_CTRL_BAUDx
baud divisor (baud_div
) and a 3-bit UART_CTRL_PRSCx
clock prescaler (clock_prescaler
0b000 |
0b001 |
0b010 |
0b011 |
0b100 |
0b101 |
0b110 |
0b111 |
Resulting |
2 |
4 |
8 |
64 |
128 |
1024 |
2048 |
4096 |
Baud rate = (fmain[Hz] / clock_prescaler
) / (baud_div
+ 1)
The control register’s UART_CTRL_RX_*
flags provide information about the RX and TX FIFO fill level.
Disabling the module via the UART_CTRL_EN
bit will also clear these FIFOs.
A new TX transmission is started by writing to the DATA
register. The
transfer is completed when the UART_CTRL_TX_BUSY
control register flag returns to zero. RX data is available when
flag becomes set. The UART_CTRL_RX_OVER
will be set if the RX FIFO overflows. This flag
is cleared only by disabling the module via UART_CTRL_EN
UART Interrupts
The UART module provides independent interrupt channels for RX and TX. These interrupts are triggered by certain RX and TX
FIFO levels. The actual configuration is programmed independently for the RX and TX interrupt channel via the control register’s
RX IRQ The RX interrupt can be triggered by three different RX FIFO level states: If
is set the interrupt fires if the RX FIFO is not empty (e.g. when incoming data is available). IfUART_CTRL_IRQ_RX_HALF
is set the RX IRQ fires if the RX FIFO is at least half-full. IfUART_CTRL_IRQ_RX_FULL
the interrupt fires if the RX FIFO is full. Note that all these programmable conditions are logically OR-ed (interrupt fires if any enabled conditions is true). -
TX IRQ The TX interrupt can be triggered by two different TX FIFO level states: If
is set the interrupt fires if the TX FIFO is empty. IfUART_CTRL_IRQ_TX_NHALF
is set the interrupt fires if the TX FIFO is not at least half full. Note that all these programmable conditions are logically OR-ed (interrupt fires if any enabled conditions is true).
Once an UART interrupt has fired it remains pending until the actual cause of the interrupt is resolved; for
example if just the UART_CTRL_IRQ_RX_NEMPTY
bit is set, the RX interrupt will keep firing until the RX FIFO is empty again.
Software can retrieve the configured sizes of the RX and TX FIFO via the according UART_DATA_RX_FIFO_SIZE and
UART_DATA_TX_FIFO_SIZE bits from the DATA register.
RTS/CTS Hardware Flow Control
The NEORV32 UART supports optional hardware flow control using the standard CTS uart0_ctsn_i
("clear to send") and RTS
("ready to send" / "ready to receive (RTR)") signals. Both signals are low-active.
Hardware flow control is enabled by setting the UART_CTRL_HWFC_EN
bit in the modules control register CTRL
When hardware flow control is enabled:
The UART’s transmitter will not start a new transmission until the
signal goes low. During this time, the UART busy flagUART_CTRL_TX_BUSY
remains set. -
The UART will set
signal low if the RX FIFO is less than half full (to have a wide safety margin). As long as this signal is low, the connected device can send new data.uart0_rtsn_o
is always low if the hardware flow-control is disabled. Disabling the UART (settingUART_CTRL_EN
low) while having hardware flow-control enabled, will setuart0_rtsn_o
high to signal that the UARt is not capable of receiving new data.
Note that RTS and CTS signaling can only be activated together. If the RTS handshake is not required the signal can be left unconnected. If the CTS handshake is not required it has to be tied to zero. |
Simulation Mode
The UART provides a simulation-only mode to dump console data as well as raw data directly to a file. When the simulation
mode is enabled (by setting the UART_CTRL_SIM_MODE
bit) there will be no physical transaction on the uart0_txd_o
Instead, all data written to the DATA
register is immediately dumped to a file. Data written to DATA[7:0]
will be dumped as
ASCII chars to a file named neorv32.uart0_sim_mode.out
. Additionally, the ASCII data is printed to the simulator console.
Both file are created in the simulation’s home folder.
Register Map
Address | Name [C] | Bit(s), Name [C] | R/W | Function |
r/w |
UART enable |
r/w |
enable simulation mode |
r/w |
enable RTS/CTS hardware flow-control |
r/w |
Baud rate clock prescaler select |
r/w |
12-bit Baud value configuration value |
r/- |
RX FIFO not empty |
r/- |
RX FIFO at least half-full |
r/- |
RX FIFO full |
r/- |
TX FIFO empty |
r/- |
TX FIFO not at least half-full |
r/- |
TX FIFO full |
r/w |
fire IRQ if RX FIFO not empty |
r/w |
fire IRQ if RX FIFO at least half-full |
r/w |
fire IRQ if RX FIFO full |
r/w |
fire IRQ if TX FIFO empty |
r/w |
fire IRQ if TX not at least half full |
r/- |
reserved read as zero |
r/w |
Clear RX FIFO, flag auto-clears |
r/w |
Clear TX FIFO, flag auto-clears |
r/- |
RX FIFO overflow; cleared by disabling the module |
r/- |
TX busy or TX FIFO not empty |
r/w |
receive/transmit data |
r/- |
log2(RX FIFO size) |
r/- |
log2(TX FIFO size) |
r/- |
reserved, read as zero |
2.8.14. Secondary Universal Asynchronous Receiver and Transmitter (UART1)
Hardware source files: |
neorv32_uart.vhd |
Software driver files: |
neorv32_uart.c |
neorv32_uart.h |
Top entity ports: |
serial transmitter output |
serial receiver input |
flow control: RX ready to receive, low-active |
flow control: RX ready to receive, low-active |
Configuration generics: |
implement UART1 when |
RX FIFO depth (power of 2, min 1) |
TX FIFO depth (power of 2, min 1) |
CPU interrupts: |
fast IRQ channel 4 |
RX interrupt |
fast IRQ channel 5 |
TX interrupt (see Processor Interrupts) |
Access restrictions: |
privileged access only, non-32-bit write accesses are ignored |
The secondary UART (UART1) is functionally identical to the primary UART
(Primary Universal Asynchronous Receiver and Transmitter (UART0)). Obviously, UART1 uses different addresses for the
control register (CTRL
) and the data register (DATA
). The register’s bits/flags use the same bit positions and naming
as for the primary UART. The RX and TX interrupts of UART1 are mapped to different CPU fast interrupt (FIRQ) channels.
Simulation Mode
The secondary UART (UART1) provides the same simulation options as the primary UART (UART0). However, output data is
written to UART1-specific file neorv32.uart1_sim_mode.out
. This data is also printed to the simulator console.
Register Map
Address | Name [C] | Bit(s), Name [C] | R/W | Function |
… |
… |
Same as UART0 |
… |
… |
Same as UART0 |
2.8.15. Serial Peripheral Interface Controller (SPI)
Hardware source files: |
neorv32_spi.vhd |
Software driver files: |
neorv32_spi.c |
neorv32_spi.h |
Top entity ports: |
1-bit serial clock output |
1-bit serial data output |
1-bit serial data input |
8-bit dedicated chip select output (low-active) |
Configuration generics: |
implement SPI controller when |
FIFO depth, has to be a power of two, min 1 |
CPU interrupts: |
fast IRQ channel 6 |
configurable SPI interrupt (see Processor Interrupts) |
The NEORV32 SPI module is a host transceiver. Hence, it is responsible for generating transmission.
The module operates on a byte.wide data granularity, supports all 4 standard clock modes, a fine-tunable
SPI clock generator and provides up to 8 dedicated chip select signals via the top entity’s spi_csn_o
An optional receive/transmit ring-buffer/FIFO can be configured via the IO_SPI_FIFO
generic to support block-based
transmissions without CPU interaction.
Host-Mode Only
The NEORV32 SPI module only supports host mode. Transmission are initiated only by the processor’s SPI module
and not by an external SPI module. If you are looking for a device-mode serial peripheral interface (transactions
initiated by an external host) check out the Serial Data Interface Controller (SDI).
The SPI module provides a single control register CTRL
to configure the module and to check it’s status
and a single data register DATA
for receiving/transmitting data.
Theory of Operation
The SPI module is enabled by setting the SPI_CTRL_EN
bit in the CTRL
control register. No transfer can be initiated
and no interrupt request will be triggered if this bit is cleared. Clearing this bit will reset the entire module, clear
the FIFO and terminate any transfer being in process.
The actual SPI transfer (receiving one byte while sending one byte) as well as control of the chip-select lines is handled
via the module’s DATA
register. Note that this register will access the TX FIFO of the ring-buffer when writing and will
access the RX FIFO of the ring-buffer when reading.
The most significant bit of the DATA
register (SPI_DATA_CMD
) is used to select the purpose of the data being written.
is cleared, the lowest 8-bit represent the actual SPI TX data that will be transmitted by the
SPI bus engine. After completion, the received data is stored to the RX FIFO.
is set, the lowest 4-bit control the chip-select lines. In this case, bis 2:0
select one of the eight
chip-select lines. The selected line will become enabled when bit 3
is also set. If bit 3
is cleared, all chip-select
lines will be disabled at once.
Enable chip-select line 3:
NEORV32_SPI→DATA = (1 << SPI_DATA_CMD) | (1 << 3) | 3;
Enable chip-select line 7:
NEORV32_SPI→DATA = (1 << SPI_DATA_CMD) | (1 << 3) | 7;
Disable all chip-select lines:
NEORV32_SPI→DATA = (1 << SPI_DATA_CMD) | (0 << 3);
Send data byte
Since all SPI operations are controlled via the FIFO, entire SPI sequences (chip-enable, data transmissions, chip-disable) can be "programmed". Thus, SPI operations can be executed without any CPU interaction at all.
Application software can check if any chip-select is enabled by reading the control register’s SPI_CS_ACTIVE
SPI Clock Configuration
The SPI module supports all standard SPI clock modes (0, 1, 2, 3), which are configured via the two control register bits
bit defines the clock phase and the SPI_CTRL_CPOL
bit defines the clock polarity.

The SPI clock frequency (spi_clk_o
) is programmed by the 3-bit SPI_CTRL_PRSCx
clock prescaler for a coarse clock selection
and a 4-bit clock divider SPI_CTRL_CDIVx
for a fine clock configuration.
The following clock prescalers (SPI_CTRL_PRSCx
) are available:
0b000 |
0b001 |
0b010 |
0b011 |
0b100 |
0b101 |
0b110 |
0b111 |
Resulting |
2 |
4 |
8 |
64 |
128 |
1024 |
2048 |
4096 |
Based on the programmed clock configuration, the actual SPI clock frequency fSPI is derived from the processor’s main clock fmain according to the following equation:
fSPI = fmain[Hz] / (2 * clock_prescaler
Hence, the maximum SPI clock is fmain / 4 and the lowest SPI clock is fmain / 131072. The SPI clock is always symmetric having a duty cycle of exactly 50%.
High-Speed Mode
The SPI provides a high-speed mode to further boost the maximum SPI clock frequency. When enabled via the control
bit the clock prescaler configuration (SPI_CTRL_PRSCx
bits) is overridden setting it
to a minimal factor of 1. However, the clock speed can still be fine-tuned using the SPI_CTRL_CDIVx
fSPI = fmain[Hz] / (2 * 1 * (1 + SPI_CTRL_CDIVx
Hence, the maximum SPI clock is fmain / 2 when in high-speed mode.
SPI Interrupt
The SPI module provides a set of programmable interrupt conditions based on the level of the RX/TX FIFO. The different
interrupt sources are enabled by setting the according control register’s SPI_CTRL_IRQ_*
bits. All enabled interrupt
conditions are logically OR-ed, so any enabled interrupt source will trigger the module’s interrupt signal.
Once the SPI interrupt has fired it remains pending until the actual cause of the interrupt is resolved; for
example if just the SPI_CTRL_IRQ_RX_AVAIL
bit is set, the interrupt will keep firing until the RX FIFO is empty again.
Register Map
Address | Name [C] | Bit(s), Name [C] | R/W | Function |
r/w |
SPI module enable |
r/w |
clock phase |
r/w |
clock polarity |
r/w |
3-bit clock prescaler select |
r/w |
4-bit clock divider for fine-tuning |
r/w |
high-speed mode enable (overriding |
r/- |
reserved, read as zero |
r/- |
RX FIFO data available (RX FIFO not empty) |
r/- |
TX FIFO empty |
r/- |
TX FIFO not at least half full |
r/- |
TX FIFO full |
r/w |
Trigger IRQ if RX FIFO not empty |
r/w |
Trigger IRQ if TX FIFO empty |
r/w |
Trigger IRQ if TX FIFO not at least half full |
r/w |
Trigger IRQ if TX FIFO is empty and SPI bus engine is idle |
r/- |
FIFO depth; log2( |
r/- |
reserved, read as zero |
r/- |
Set if any chip-select line is active |
r/- |
SPI module busy when set (serial engine operation in progress and TX FIFO not empty yet) |
r/w |
receive/transmit data (FIFO) |
r/- |
reserved, read as zero |
-/w |
data ( |
2.8.16. Serial Data Interface Controller (SDI)
Hardware source files: |
neorv32_sdi.vhd |
Software driver files: |
neorv32_sdi.c |
neorv32_sdi.h |
Top entity ports: |
1-bit serial clock input |
1-bit serial data output |
1-bit serial data input |
1-bit chip-select input (low-active) |
Configuration generics: |
implement SDI controller when |
data FIFO size, has to a power of two, min 1 |
CPU interrupts: |
fast IRQ channel 11 |
configurable SDI interrupt (see Processor Interrupts) |
The serial data interface module provides a device-class SPI interface and allows to connect the processor
to an external SPI host, which is responsible of performing the actual transmission - the SDI is entirely
passive. An optional receive/transmit ring buffer (FIFOs) can be configured via the IO_SDI_FIFO
generic to
support block-based transmissions without CPU interaction.
Device-Mode Only
The NEORV32 SDI module only supports device mode. Transmission are initiated by an external host and not by the
the processor itself. If you are looking for a host-mode serial peripheral interface (transactions
performed by the NEORV32) check out the Serial Peripheral Interface Controller (SPI).
The SDI module provides a single control register CTRL
to configure the module and to check it’s status
and a single data register DATA
for receiving/transmitting data. Any access to the DATA
actually accesses the internal ring buffer.
Theory of Operation
The SDI module is enabled by setting the SDI_CTRL_EN
bit in the CTRL
control register. Clearing this bit
resets the entire module and will also clear the entire RX/TX ring buffer.
The SDI operates on byte-level only. Data written to the DATA
register will be pushed to the TX FIFO. Received
data can be retrieved by reading the RX FIFO via the DATA
register. The current state of these FIFOs is available
via the control register’s SDI_CTRL_RX_*
flags. If no data is available in the TX FIFO while
an external device performs a transmission the external device will read all-zero from the SDI controller.
Application software can check the current state of the SDI chip-select input via the control register’s
flag (the flag is set when the chip-select line is active (pulled low)).
MSB-first Only
The NEORV32 SDI module only supports MSB-first mode.
In-Transmission Abort
If the external SPI controller aborts the transmission by setting the chip-select signal high again before
8 data bits have been transferred, no data is written to the RX FIFO.
SDI Clocking
The SDI module supports both SPI clock polarity modes ("CPOL") but only "CPHA=0"-clock-phase is officially supported yet. However, experiments have shown that the SDI module can also deal with both clock phase modes (for slow SDI clock speeds).
All SDI operations are clocked by the external sdi_clk_i
signal. This signal is synchronized to the processor’s
clock domain to simplify timing behavior. This clock synchronization requires the external SDI clock
) does not exceed 1/4 of the processor’s main clock.
SDI Interrupt
The SDI module provides a set of programmable interrupt conditions based on the level of the RX & TX FIFOs. The different
interrupt sources are enabled by setting the according control register’s SDI_CTRL_IRQ_*
bits. All enabled interrupt
conditions are logically OR-ed so any enabled interrupt source will trigger the module’s interrupt signal.
Once the SDI interrupt has fired it will remain active until the actual cause of the interrupt is resolved; for
example if just the SDI_CTRL_IRQ_RX_AVAIL
bit is set, the interrupt will keep firing until the RX FIFO is empty again.
Register Map
Address | Name [C] | Bit(s), Name [C] | R/W | Function |
r/w |
SDI module enable |
r/- |
reserved, read as zero |
r/- |
FIFO depth; log2(IO_SDI_FIFO) |
r/- |
reserved, read as zero |
r/w |
fire interrupt if RX FIFO is not empty |
r/w |
fire interrupt if RX FIFO is at least half full |
r/w |
fire interrupt if if RX FIFO is full |
r/w |
fire interrupt if TX FIFO is empty |
r/w |
fire interrupt if TX FIFO is not at least half full |
r/- |
reserved, read as zero |
r/- |
RX FIFO data available (RX FIFO not empty) |
r/- |
RX FIFO at least half full |
r/- |
RX FIFO full |
r/- |
TX FIFO empty |
r/- |
TX FIFO not at least half full |
r/- |
TX FIFO full |
r/- |
reserved, read as zero |
r/- |
Chip-select is active when set |
r/w |
receive/transmit data (FIFO) |
r/- |
reserved, read as zero |
2.8.17. Two-Wire Serial Interface Controller (TWI)
Hardware source files: |
neorv32_twi.vhd |
Software driver files: |
neorv32_twi.c |
neorv32_twi.h |
Top entity ports: |
1-bit serial data line sense input |
1-bit serial data line output (pull low only) |
1-bit serial clock line sense input |
1-bit serial clock line output (pull low only) |
Configuration generics: |
implement TWI controller when |
FIFO depth, has to be a power of two, min 1 |
CPU interrupts: |
fast IRQ channel 7 |
FIFO empty and module idle interrupt (see Processor Interrupts) |
The NEORV32 TWI implements a I²C-compatible host controller to communicate with arbitrary I2C-devices. Note that peripheral-mode (controller acts as a device) and multi-controller mode are not supported yet.
Host-Mode Only
The NEORV32 TWI controller only supports host mode. Transmission are initiated by the processor’s TWI controller
and not by an external I²C module. If you are looking for a device-mode module (transactions
initiated by an external host) check out the Two-Wire Serial Device Controller (TWD).
Key features:
Programmable clock speed
Optional clock stretching
Generate START / repeated-START and STOP conditions
Sending & receiving 8 data bits including ACK/NACK
Generating a host-ACK (ACK send by the TWI controller)
Configurable data/command FIFO to "program" large I²C sequences without further involvement of the CPU
The TWI controller provides two memory-mapped registers that are used for configuring the module and
for triggering operations: the control and status register CTRL
and the command and data register DCMD
Tristate Drivers
The TWI module requires two tristate drivers (actually: open-drain drivers - signals can only be actively driven low) for
the SDA and SCL lines, which have to be implemented by the user in the setup’s top module / IO ring. A generic VHDL example
is shown below (here, sda_io
and scl_io
are the actual I²C bus lines, which are of type std_logic
sda_io <= '0' when (twi_sda_o = '0') else 'Z'; -- drive
scl_io <= '0' when (twi_scl_o = '0') else 'Z'; -- drive
twi_sda_i <= std_ulogic(sda_io); -- sense
twi_scl_i <= std_ulogic(scl_io); -- sense
TWI Clock Speed
The TWI clock frequency is programmed by two bit-fields in the device’s control register CTRL
: a 3-bit clock prescaler
) is used for a coarse clock configuration and a 4-bit clock divider (TWI_CTRL_CDIVx
) is used for a fine
clock configuration.
0b000 |
0b001 |
0b010 |
0b011 |
0b100 |
0b101 |
0b110 |
0b111 |
Resulting |
2 |
4 |
8 |
64 |
128 |
1024 |
2048 |
4096 |
Based on the clock configuration, the actual TWI clock frequency fSCL is derived from the processor’s main clock fmain according to the following equation:
fSCL = fmain[Hz] / (4 * clock_prescaler
* (1 + TWI_CTRL_CDIV))
Hence, the maximum TWI clock is fmain / 8 and the lowest TWI clock is fmain / 262144. The generated TWI clock is always symmetric having a duty cycle of exactly 50% (if the clock is not haled by a device during clock stretching).
Clock Stretching
An accessed peripheral can slow down/halt the controller’s bus clock by using clock stretching (= actively keeping the
SCL line low). The controller will halt operation in this case. Clock stretching is enabled by setting the
TWI_CTRL_CLKSTR bit in the module’s control register CTRL .
TWI Transfers
The TWI is enabled via the TWI_CTRL_EN
bit in the CTRL
control register. All TWI operations are controlled by
the DCMD
register. The actual operation is selected by a 2-bit value that is written to the register’s TWI_DCMD_CMD_*
: NOP (no-operation); all further bit-fields inDCMD
are ignored -
: Generate a (repeated) START conditions; all further bit-fields inDCMD
are ignored -
: Generate a STOP conditions; all further bit-fields inDCMD
are ignored -
: Trigger a data transmission; the data to be send has to be written to the register’sTWI_DCMD_MSB : TWI_DCMD_LSB
bit-field; ifTWI_DCMD_ACK
is set the controller will send a host-ACK in the ACK/NACK time slot; after the transmission is completedTWI_DCMD_MSB : TWI_DCMD_LSB
contains the RX data andTWI_DCMD_ACK
the device’s response if no host-ACK was configured (0
= ACK,1
= ACK)
All operations/data written to the DCMD
register are buffered by a configurable data/command FIFO. The depth of the FIFO is
configured by the IO_TWI_FIFO
top generic. Software can retrieve this size by reading the control register’s TWI_CTRL_FIFO
The command/data FIFO is internally split into a TX FIFO and a RX FIFO. Writing to DCMD
will write to the TX FIFO while reading from
will read from the RX FIFO. The TX FIFO is full when the TWI_CTRL_TX_FULL
flag is set. Accordingly, the RX FIFO contains valid
data when the TWI_CTRL_RX_AVAIL
flag is set.
The control register’s busy flag TWI_CTRL_BUSY
is set as long as the TX FIFO contains valid data (i.e. programmed TWI operations
that have not been executed yet) or of the TWI bus engine is still processing an operation.
An active transmission can be terminated at any time by disabling the TWI module. This will also clear the data/command FIFO. |
The current state of the I²C bus lines (SCL and SDA) can be checked by software via the TWI_CTRL_SENSE_* control register bits.
When reading data from a device, an all-one byte (0xFF ) has to be written to TWI data register NEORV32_TWI.DATA
so the accessed device can actively pull-down SDA when required.
TWI Interrupt
The TWI module provides a single interrupt to signal "idle condition" to the CPU. The interrupt becomes active when the
TWI module is enabled (TWI_CTRL_EN
= 1
) and the TX FIFO is empty and the TWI bus engine is idle.
Register Map
Address | Name [C] | Bit(s), Name [C] | R/W | Function |
r/w |
TWI enable, reset if cleared |
r/w |
3-bit clock prescaler select |
r/w |
4-bit clock divider |
r/w |
Enable (allow) clock stretching |
r/- |
reserved, read as zero |
r/- |
FIFO depth; log2( |
r/- |
reserved, read as zero |
r/- |
current state of the SCL bus line |
r/- |
current state of the SDA bus line |
r/- |
set if the TWI bus is claimed by any controller |
r/- |
RX FIFO data available |
r/- |
TWI bus engine busy or TX FIFO not empty |
r/w |
RX/TX data byte |
r/w |
write: ACK bit sent by controller; read: |
r/w |
TWI operation ( |
2.8.18. Two-Wire Serial Device Controller (TWD)
Hardware source files: |
neorv32_twd.vhd |
Software driver files: |
neorv32_twd.c |
neorv32_twd.h |
Top entity ports: |
1-bit serial data line sense input |
1-bit serial data line output (pull low only) |
1-bit serial clock line sense input |
1-bit serial clock line output (pull low only) |
Configuration generics: |
implement TWD controller when |
RX/TX FIFO depth, has to be a power of two, min 1 |
CPU interrupts: |
fast IRQ channel 0 |
FIFO status interrupt (see Processor Interrupts) |
The NEORV32 TWD implements a I2C-compatible device-mode controller. Processor-external hosts can communicate with this module by issuing I2C transactions. The TWD is entirely passive an only reacts on those external transmissions.
Key features:
Programmable 7-bit device address
Programmable interrupt conditions
Configurable RX/TX data FIFO to "program" large TWD sequences without further involvement of the CPU
Device-Mode Only
The NEORV32 TWD controller only supports device mode. Transmission are initiated by processor-external modules
and not by an external TWD. If you are looking for a host-mode module (transactions initiated by the processor)
check out the Two-Wire Serial Interface Controller (TWI).
Theory of Operation
The TWD module provides two memory-mapped registers that are used for configuration & status check (CTRL
) and
for accessing transmission data (DATA
). The DATA
register is transparently buffered by separate RX and TX FIFOs.
The size of those FIFOs can be configured by the IO_TWD_FIFO
generic. Software can determine the FIFO size via the
control register’s TWD_CTRL_FIFO_*
The module is globally enabled by setting the control register’s TWD_CTRL_EN
bit. Clearing this bit will disable
and reset the entire module also clearing the internal RX and TX FIFOs. Each FIFO can also be cleared individually at
any time by setting TWD_CTRL_CLR_RX
, respectively.
The external two wire bus is sampled sampled and synchronized into the processor’s clock domain with a sampling
frequency of 1/8 of the processor’s main clock. In order to increase the resistance to glitches the sampling
frequency can be lowered to 1/64 of the processor clock by setting the control register’s TWD_CTRL_FSEL
Current Bus State
The current state of the I2C bus lines (SCL and SDA) can be checked by software via the TWD_CTRL_SENSE_* control
register bits. Note that the TWD module needs to be enabled in order to sample the bus state.
The actual 7-bit device address of the TWD is programmed by the TWD_CTRL_DEV_ADDR
bits. Note that the TWD will
only response to a host transactions if the host issues the according address. Specific general-call or broadcast
addresses are not supported.
Depending on the transaction type, data is either read from the RX FIFO and transferred to the host ("read operation") or data is received from the host and written to the TX FIFO ("write operation"). Hence, data sequences can be programmed to the TX FIFO to be fetched from the host. If the TX FIFO is empty and the host keeps performing read transaction, the transferred data byte is automatically set to all-one.
The current status of the RX and TX FIFO can be polled by software via the TWD_CTRL_RX_*
TWD Interrupt
The TWD module provides a single interrupt to signal certain FIFO conditions to the CPU. The control register’s
bits are used to enabled individual interrupt conditions. Note that all enabled conditions are
logically OR-ed.
: trigger interrupt if at least one data byte is available in the RX FIFO -
: trigger interrupt if the RX FIFO is completely full -
: trigger interrupt if the TX FIFO is empty
The interrupt remains active until all enabled interrupt-causing conditions are resolved.
The interrupt can only trigger if the module is actually enabled (TWD_CTRL_EN
is set).
TWD Transmissions
Two standard I2C-compatible transaction types are supported: read operations and write operations. These two operation types are illustrated in the following figure (note that the transactions are split across two lines to improve readability).

Any new transaction starts with a START condition. Then, the host transmits the 7 bit device address MSB-first
(green signals A6
to A0
) plus a command bit. The command bit can be either write (pulling the SDA line low)
or read (leaving the SDA line high). If the transferred address matches the one programmed to to TWD_CTRL_DEV_ADDR
control register bits the TWD module will response with an ACK (acknowledge) by pulling the SDA bus line actively
low during the 9th SCL clock pulse. If there is no address match the TWD will not interfere with the bus and move back
to idle state.
For a write transaction (upper timing diagram) the host can now transfer an arbitrary number of bytes (blue signals
to D0
, MSB-first) to the TWD module. Each byte is acknowledged by the TWD by pulling SDA low during the 9th SCL
clock pules (ACK). Each received data byte is pushed to the internal RX FIFO. Data will be lost if the FIFO overflows.
The transaction is terminated when the host issues a STOP condition after the TWD has acknowledged the last data
For a read transaction (lower timing diagram) the host keeps the SDA line at high state while sending the clock
pulse. The TWD will read a byte from the internal TX FIFO and will transmit it MSB-first to the host (blue signals D7
to D0)
. During the 9th clock pulse the host has to acknowledged the transfer (ACK) by pulling SDA low. If no ACK
is received by the TWD no data is taken from the TX FIFO and the same byte can be transmitted in the next data phase.
If the TX FIFO becomes empty while the host keeps reading data, all-one bytes are transmitted. To terminate the
transmission the host hast so send a NACK after receiving the last data byte by keeping SDA high. After that, the
host has to issue a STOP condition.
A repeated-START condition can be issued at any time (but after the complete transaction of a data byte and there
according ACK/NACK) bringing the TWD back to the start of the address/command transmission phase. The control register’s
flag remains high while a bus transaction is in progress.
Abort / Termination
An active or even stuck transmission can be terminated at any time by disabling the TWD module.
This will also clear the RX/TX FIFOs.
Tristate Drivers
The TWD module requires two tristate drivers (actually: open-drain drivers - signals can only be actively driven low) for
the SDA and SCL lines, which have to be implemented by the user in the setup’s top module / IO ring. A generic VHDL example
is shown below (here, sda_io
and scl_io
are the actual TWD bus lines, which are of type std_logic
sda_io <= '0' when (twd_sda_o = '0') else 'Z'; -- drive
scl_io <= '0' when (twd_scl_o = '0') else 'Z'; -- drive
twd_sda_i <= std_ulogic(sda_io); -- sense
twd_scl_i <= std_ulogic(scl_io); -- sense
Register Map
Address | Name [C] | Bit(s), Name [C] | R/W | Function |
r/w |
TWD enable, reset if cleared |
-/w |
Clear RX FIFO, flag auto-clears |
-/w |
Clear TX FIFO, flag auto-clears |
r/w |
Bus sample clock / filter select |
r/w |
Device address (7-bit) |
r/w |
IRQ if RX FIFO data available |
r/w |
IRQ if RX FIFO full |
r/w |
IRQ if TX FIFO empty |
r/- |
reserved, read as zero |
r/- |
FIFO depth; log2( |
r/- |
reserved, read as zero |
r/- |
RX FIFO data available |
r/- |
RX FIFO full |
r/- |
TX FIFO empty |
r/- |
TX FIFO full |
r/- |
current state of the SCL bus line |
r/- |
current state of the SDA bus line |
r/- |
bus engine is busy (transaction in progress) |
r/w |
RX/TX data FIFO access |
r/- |
reserved, read as zero |
2.8.19. One-Wire Serial Interface Controller (ONEWIRE)
Hardware source files: |
neorv32_onewire.vhd |
Software driver files: |
neorv32_onewire.c |
neorv32_onewire.h |
Software reference: |
Top entity ports: |
1-bit 1-wire bus sense input |
1-bit 1-wire bus output (pull low only) |
Configuration generics: |
implement ONEWIRE interface controller when |
RTX fifo depth, has to be zero or a power of two, min 1 |
CPU interrupts: |
fast IRQ channel 13 |
operation done interrupt (see Processor Interrupts) |
The NEORV32 ONEWIRE module implements a single-wire interface controller that is compatible to the Dallas/Maxim 1-Wire protocol, which is an asynchronous half-duplex bus requiring only a single signal wire (plus ground) for communication.
The bus is based on a single open-drain signal. The controller as well as all devices on the bus can only pull-down the bus (similar to TWI/I2C). The default high-level is provided by a single pull-up resistor connected to the positive power supply close to the bus controller. Recommended values are between 1kΩ and 10kΩ depending on the bus characteristics (wire length, number of devices, etc.).
Tri-State Drivers
The ONEWIRE module requires a tristate driver (actually, just an open-drain driver) for the 1-wire bus line, which has
to be implemented in the top module / IO ring of the design. A generic VHDL example is given below (onewire_io
is the
actual 1-wire bus signal, which is of type std_logic
; onewire_o
and onewire_i
are the processor’s ONEWIRE port signals).
onewire_io <= '0' when (onewire_o = '0') else 'Z'; -- drive (low)
onewire_i <= std_ulogic(onewire_io); -- sense
Theory of Operation
The ONEWIRE controller provides two interface registers: CTRL
and DCMD.
The control register (CTRL
is used to configure the module and to monitor the current state. The DCMD
register, which can optionally
by buffered by a configurable FIFO (IO_ONEWIRE_FIFO
generic), is used to read/write data from/to the bus
and to trigger bus operations.
The module is enabled by setting the ONEWIRE_CTRL_EN
bit in the control register. If this bit is cleared, the
module is automatically reset, any bus operation is aborted, the bus is brought to high-level (due to the external
pull-up resistor) and the internal FIFO is cleared. The basic timing configuration is programmed via a coarse clock
bits) and a fine clock divider (ONEWIRE_CTRL_CLKDIVx
The controller can execute four basic bus operations, which are triggered by writing the according command bits
in the DCMD
bits) while also writing the actual data bits (ONEWIRE_DCMD_CMD_*
) - no operation (dummy) -
) - transfer a single-bit (read-while-write) -
) - transfer a full-byte (read-while-write) -
) - generate reset pulse and check for device presence
Every command (except NOP) will result in a bus operation when dispatched from the data/command FIFO.
Each command (except NOP) will also sample a bus response (a read bit, a read byte or a presence pulse) to a
shadowed receive FIFO that is accessed when reading the DCMD
When the single-bit operation (ONEWIRE_CMD_BIT
) is executed, the data previously written to DCMD[0]
be send to the bus and the response is sample to DCMD[7]
. Accordingly, a full-byte transmission (ONEWIRE_CMD_BYTE
will send the byte written to DCMD[7:0]
to the bus and will sample the response to DCMD[7:0]
(LSB-first). Finally, the
reset command (ONEWIRE_CMD_RESET
) will generate a bus reset and will also sample the "presence pulse" from the device(s)
Read from Bus
In order to read a single bit from the bus DCMD[0] has to set to 1 before triggering the bit transmission
operation to allow the accessed device to pull-down the bus. Accordingly, DCMD[7:0] has to be set to 0xFF before
triggering the byte transmission operation when the controller shall read a byte from the bus.
As soon as the current bus operation has completed (and there are no further operations pending in the FIFO) the
bit in the control registers clears.
Bus Timing
The control register provides a 2-bit clock prescaler select (ONEWIRE_CTRL_PRSC
) and a 8-bit clock divider
) for timing configuration. Both are used to define the elementary base time Tbase.
All bus operations are timed using multiples of this elementary base time.
0b00 |
0b01 |
0b10 |
0b11 |
Resulting |
2 |
4 |
8 |
64 |
Together with the clock divider value (ONEWIRE_CTRL_PRSCx
bits = clock_divider
) the base time is defined by the
following formula:
Tbase = (1 / fmain[Hz]) * clock_prescaler
* (clock_divider
+ 1)
fmain = 100MHz
clock prescaler select =
= 4 -
clock divider
= 249
Tbase = (1 / 100000000Hz) * 4 * (249 + 1) = 10000ns = 10µs
The base time is used to coordinate all bus interactions. Hence, all delays, time slots and points in time are quantized as multiples of the base time Tbase. The following images show the two basic operations of the ONEWIRE controller: single-bit (0 or 1) transaction and reset with presence detect. Note that the full-byte operations just repeats the single-bit operation eight times. The relevant points in time are shown as absolute time points (in multiples of the time base Tbase) with the falling edge of the bus as reference points.
![]() |
![]() |
Single-bit data transmission (not to scale) |
Reset pulse and presence detect (not to scale) |
Symbol | Description | Multiples of Tbase | Time when Tbase = 10µs |
Single-bit data transmission |
Time until end of active low-phase when writing a |
1 |
10µs |
Time until controller samples bus state (read operation) |
2 |
20µs |
Time until end of bit time slot (when writing a |
7 |
70µs |
Time until end of inter-slot pause (= total duration of one bit) |
9 |
90µs |
Reset pulse and presence detect |
Time until end of active reset pulse |
48 |
480µs |
Time until controller samples bus presence |
55 |
550µs |
Time until end of presence phase |
96 |
960µs |
Default Timing Parameters
The "known-good" default values for base time multiples were chosen for stable and reliable bus
operation and not for maximum throughput.
The absolute points in time are hardwired by the VHDL code and cannot be changed during runtime. However, the timing parameter can be customized (if necessary) by editing the ONEWIRE’s VHDL source file. The times t0 to t6 correspond to the previous timing diagrams.
-- timing configuration (absolute time in multiples of the base tick time t_base) --
constant t_write_one_c : unsigned(6 downto 0) := to_unsigned( 1, 7); -- t0
constant t_read_sample_c : unsigned(6 downto 0) := to_unsigned( 2, 7); -- t1
constant t_slot_end_c : unsigned(6 downto 0) := to_unsigned( 7, 7); -- t2
constant t_pause_end_c : unsigned(6 downto 0) := to_unsigned( 9, 7); -- t3
constant t_reset_end_c : unsigned(6 downto 0) := to_unsigned(48, 7); -- t4
constant t_presence_sample_c : unsigned(6 downto 0) := to_unsigned(55, 7); -- t5
constant t_presence_end_c : unsigned(6 downto 0) := to_unsigned(96, 7); -- t6
Overdrive Mode
The ONEWIRE controller does not support the overdrive mode natively. However, it can be implemented by reducing
the base time Tbase (and by eventually changing the hardwired timing configuration in the VHDL source file).
A single interrupt is provided by the ONEWIRE module to signal "idle" condition to the CPU. Whenever the controller is idle (again) and the data/command FIFO is empty, the interrupt becomes active.
Register Map
Address | Name [C] | Bit(s), Name [C] | R/W | Function |
r/w |
ONEWIRE enable, reset if cleared |
-/w |
clear RXT FIFO, auto-clears |
r/w |
2-bit clock prescaler select |
r/w |
8-bit clock divider value |
r/- |
reserved, read as zero |
r/- |
FIFO depth; log2( |
r/- |
reserved, read as zero |
r/- |
TX FIFO full |
r/- |
RX FIFO data available |
r/- |
current state of the bus line |
r/- |
operation in progress when set or TX FIFO not empty |
r/w |
receive/transmit data |
-/w |
operation command LSBs |
-/w |
bus presence detected |
r/- |
reserved, read as zero |
2.8.20. Pulse-Width Modulation Controller (PWM)
Hardware source files: |
neorv32_pwm.vhd |
Software driver files: |
neorv32_pwm.c |
neorv32_pwm.h |
Top entity ports: |
PWM output channels (16-bit) |
Configuration generics: |
number of PWM channels to implement (0..16) |
CPU interrupts: |
none |
The PWM module implements a pulse-width modulation controller with up to 16 independent channels. Duty cycle and
carrier frequency can be programmed individually for each channel.The total number of implemented channels is
defined by the IO_PWM_NUM_CH
generic. The PWM output signal pwm_o
has a static size of 16-bit. Channel 0
corresponds to bit 0, channel 1 to bit 1 and so on. If less than 16 channels are configured, only the LSB-aligned
channel bits are connected while the remaining ones are hardwired to zero.
Theory of Operation
Depending on the configured number channels, the PWM module provides 16 configuration registers CHANNEL_CFG[0]
- one for each channel. Regardless of the configuration of IO_PWM_NUM_CH
all channel registers can
be accessed without raising an exception. However, registers above IO_PWM_NUM_CH-1
are read-only and hardwired to
Each configuration provides a 1-bit enable flag to enable/disable the according channel, an 8-bit register for setting the duty cycle and a 3-bit clock prescaler select as well as a 10-bit clock diver for coarse and fine tuning of the carrier frequency, respectively.
A channel is enabled by setting the PWM_CFG_EN
bit. If this bit is cleared the according PWM output is set to zero.
The duty cycle is programmed via the 8 PWM_CFG_DUTY
bits. Based on the value programmed to this bits the duty cycle
the resulting duty cycle of the according channel can be computed by the following formula:
Duty Cycle[%] = PWM_CFG_DUTY
/ 28
The PWM period (carrier frequency) is derived from the processor’s main clock (fmain). The PWM_CFG_PRSC
bits allow to select one out of eight pre-defined clock prescalers for a coarse clock scaling. The 10 PWM_CFG_CDIV
bits can be used to apply another fine clock scaling.
0b000 |
0b001 |
0b010 |
0b011 |
0b100 |
0b101 |
0b110 |
0b111 |
Resulting |
2 |
4 |
8 |
64 |
128 |
1024 |
2048 |
4096 |
The resulting PWM carrier frequency is defined by:
fPWM[Hz] = fmain[Hz] / (28 * clock_prescaler
Register Map
Address | Name [C] | Bit(s), Name [C] | R/W | Function |
r/w |
Channel 0: channel enabled when set |
r/w |
Channel 0: 3-bit clock prescaler select |
r/- |
Channel 0: reserved, hardwired to zero |
r/w |
Channel 0: 10-bit clock divider |
r/w |
Channel 0: 8-bit duty cycle |
… |
r/w |
Channels 1 to 14 |
r/w |
Channel 15: channel enabled when set |
r/w |
Channel 15: 3-bit clock prescaler select |
r/- |
Channel 15: reserved, hardwired to zero |
r/w |
Channel 15: 10-bit clock divider |
r/w |
Channel 15: 8-bit duty cycle |
2.8.21. True Random-Number Generator (TRNG)
Hardware source files: |
neorv32_trng.vhd |
Software driver files: |
neorv32_trng.c |
neorv32_trng.h |
Top entity ports: |
none |
Configuration generics: |
implement TRNG when |
data FIFO depth, min 1, has to be a power of two |
The NEORV32 true random number generator provides physically true random numbers. It is based on free-running ring-oscillators that generate phase noise when being sampled by a constant clock. This phase noise is used as physical entropy source. The TRNG features a platform independent architecture without FPGA-specific primitives, macros or attributes so it can be synthesized for any FPGA.
In-Depth Documentation
For more information about the neoTRNG architecture and an analysis of its random quality check out the
neoTRNG repository: https://github.com/stnolting/neoTRNG
Inferring Latches
The synthesis tool might emit warnings regarding inferred latches or combinatorial loops. However, this
is not design flaw as this is exactly what we want. ;)
Theory of Operation
The TRNG provides two memory mapped interface register. One control register (CTRL
) for configuration and
status check and one data register (DATA
) for obtaining the random data. The TRNG is enabled by setting the
control register’s TRNG_CTRL_EN
. As soon as the TRNG_CTRL_AVAIL
bit is set a new random data byte is
available and can be obtained from the lowest 8 bits of the DATA
register. If this bit is cleared, there
is no valid data available and the reading DATA
will return all-zero.
An internal entropy FIFO can be configured using the IO_TRNG_FIFO
generic. This FIFO automatically samples
new random data from the TRNG to provide some kind of random data pool for applications which require a
larger number of random data in a short time. The random data FIFO can be cleared at any time either by
disabling the TRNG or by setting the TRNG_CTRL_FIFO_CLR
flag. The FIFO depth can be retrieved by software
via the TRNG_CTRL_FIFO_*
When simulating the processor the TRNG is automatically set to "simulation mode". In this mode the physical
entropy sources (the ring oscillators) are replaced by a simple pseudo RNG based on a LFSR providing only
deterministic pseudo-random data. The TRNG_CTRL_SIM_MODE flag of the control register is set if simulation
mode is active.
Register Map
Address | Name [C] | Bit(s), Name [C] | R/W | Function |
r/w |
TRNG enable |
-/w |
flush random data FIFO when set; flag auto-clears |
r/- |
FIFO depth, log2( |
r/- |
simulation mode (PRNG!) |
r/- |
random data available when set |
r/- |
random data byte |
r/- |
reserved, read as zero |
2.8.22. Custom Functions Subsystem (CFS)
Hardware source files: |
neorv32_cfs.vhd |
Software driver files: |
neorv32_cfs.c |
neorv32_cfs.h |
Top entity ports: |
custom input conduit |
custom output conduit |
Configuration generics: |
implement CFS when |
custom generic conduit |
size of |
size of |
CPU interrupts: |
fast IRQ channel 1 |
CFS interrupt (see Processor Interrupts) |
The custom functions subsystem is meant for implementing custom tightly-coupled co-processors or interfaces.
IT provides up to 16384 32-bit memory-mapped read/write registers (REG
, see register map below) that can be
accessed by the CPU via normal load/store operations. The actual functionality of these register has to be
defined by the hardware designer. Furthermore, the CFS provides two IO conduits to implement custom on-chip
or off-chip interfaces.
Just like any other externally-connected IP, logic implemented within the custom functions subsystem can operate independently of the CPU providing true parallel processing capabilities. Potential use cases might include dedicated hardware accelerators for en-/decryption (AES), signal processing (FFT) or AI applications (CNNs) as well as custom IO systems like fast memory interfaces (DDR) and mass storage (SDIO), networking (CAN) or real-time data transport (I2S).
If you like to implement custom instructions that are executed right within the CPU’s ALU
see the Zxcfu ISA Extension and the according Custom Functions Unit (CFU).
Take a look at the template CFS VHDL source file (rtl/core/neorv32_cfs.vhd ). The file is highly
commented to illustrate all aspects that are relevant for implementing custom CFS-based co-processor designs.
The CFS can also be used to replicate existing NEORV32 modules - for example to implement several TWI controllers. |
CFS Software Access
The CFS memory-mapped registers can be accessed by software using the provided C-language aliases (see
register map table below). Note that all interface registers are defined as 32-bit words of type uint32_t
// C-code CFS usage example
NEORV32_CFS->REG[0] = (uint32_t)some_data_array(i); // write to CFS register 0
int temp = (int)NEORV32_CFS->REG[20]; // read from CFS register 20
CFS Interrupt
The CFS provides a single high-level-triggered interrupt request signal mapped to the CPU’s fast interrupt channel 1.
CFS Configuration Generic
By default, the CFS provides a single 32-bit std_ulogic_vector
configuration generic IO_CFS_CONFIG
that is available in the processor’s top entity. This generic can be used to pass custom configuration options
from the top entity directly down to the CFS. The actual definition of the generic and it’s usage inside the
CFS is left to the hardware designer.
CFS Custom IOs
By default, the CFS also provides two unidirectional input and output conduits cfs_in_i
and cfs_out_o
These signals are directly propagated to the processor’s top entity. These conduits can be used to implement
application-specific interfaces like memory or peripheral connections. The actual use case of these signals
has to be defined by the hardware designer.
The size of the input signal conduit cfs_in_i
is defined via the top’s IO_CFS_IN_SIZE
generic (default = 32-bit). The size of the output signal conduit cfs_out_o
is defined via the top’s
configuration generic (default = 32-bit). If the custom function subsystem is not implemented
= false) the cfs_out_o
signal is tied to all-zero.
If the CFU output signals are to be used outside the chip, it is recommended to register these signals.
Register Map
Address | Name [C] | Bit(s) | R/W | Function |
(r)/(w) |
custom CFS register 0 |
(r)/(w) |
custom CFS register 1 |
… |
… |
(r)/(w) |
… |
(r)/(w) |
custom CFS register 16382 |
(r)/(w) |
custom CFS register 16383 |
2.8.23. Smart LED Interface (NEOLED)
Hardware source files: |
neorv32_neoled.vhd |
Software driver files: |
neorv32_neoled.c |
neorv32_neoled.h |
Top entity ports: |
1-bit serial data output |
Configuration generics: |
implement NEOLED controller when |
TX FIFO depth, has to be a power of 2, min 1 |
CPU interrupts: |
fast IRQ channel 9 |
configurable NEOLED data FIFO interrupt (see Processor Interrupts) |
The NEOLED module provides a dedicated interface for "smart RGB LEDs" like WS2812, WS2811 or any other compatible LEDs. These LEDs provide a single-wire interface that uses an asynchronous serial protocol for transmitting color data. Using the NEOLED module allows CPU-independent operation of an arbitrary number of smart LEDs. A configurable data buffer (FIFO) allows to utilize block transfer operation without requiring the CPU.
The NEOLED interface is compatible to the "Adafruit Industries NeoPixel™" products, which feature WS2812 (or older WS2811) smart LEDs. Other LEDs might be compatible as well when adjusting the controller’s programmable timing configuration. |
The interface provides a single 1-bit output neoled_o
to drive an arbitrary number of cascaded LEDs. Since the
NEOLED module provides 24-bit and 32-bit operating modes, a mixed setup with RGB LEDs (24-bit color)
and RGBW LEDs (32-bit color including a dedicated white LED chip) is possible.
Theory of Operation
The NEOLED modules provides two accessible interface registers: the control register CTRL
and the write-only
TX data register DATA
. The NEOLED module is globally enabled via the control register’s
bit. Clearing this bit will terminate any current operation, clear the TX buffer, reset the module
and set the neoled_o
output to zero. The precise timing (e.g. implementing the WS2812 protocol) and transmission
mode are fully programmable via the CTRL
register to provide maximum flexibility.
RGB / RGBW Configuration
NeoPixel™ LEDs are available in two "color" version: LEDs with three chips providing RGB color and LEDs with four chips providing RGB color plus a dedicated white LED chip (= RGBW). Since the intensity of every LED chip is defined via an 8-bit value the RGB LEDs require a frame of 24-bit per module and the RGBW LEDs require a frame of 32-bit per module.
The data transfer quantity of the NEOLED module can be programmed via the NEOLED_MODE_EN
register bit. If this bit is cleared, the NEOLED interface operates in 24-bit mode and will transmit bits 23:0
the data written to DATA
is set, the NEOLED interface operates in 32-bit
mode and will transmit bits 31:0
of the data written to DATA
to the LEDs.
The mode bit can be reconfigured before writing a new data word to DATA
in order to support an arbitrary setup/mixture
of RGB and RGBW LEDs.
The interface of the WS2812 LEDs uses an 800kHz carrier signal. Data is transmitted in a serial manner starting with LSB-first. The intensity for each R, G & B (& W) LED chip (= color code) is defined via an 8-bit value. The actual data bits are transferred by modifying the duty cycle of the signal (the timings for the WS2812 are shown below). A RESET command is "send" by pulling the data line LOW for at least 50μs.

Ttotal (Tcarrier) |
1.25μs +/- 300ns |
period for a single bit |
T0H |
0.4μs +/- 150ns |
high-time for sending a |
T0L |
0.8μs +/- 150ns |
low-time for sending a |
T1H |
0.85μs +/- 150ns |
high-time for sending a |
T1L |
0.45μs +/- 150 ns |
low-time for sending a |
Above 50μs |
low-time for sending a RESET command |
Timing Configuration
The basic carrier frequency (800kHz for the WS2812 LEDs) is configured via a 3-bit main clock prescaler
, see table below) that scales the main processor clock fmain and a 5-bit cycle
multiplier NEOLED_CTRL_T_TOT_*
0b000 |
0b001 |
0b010 |
0b011 |
0b100 |
0b101 |
0b110 |
0b111 |
Resulting |
2 |
4 |
8 |
64 |
128 |
1024 |
2048 |
4096 |
The duty-cycles (or more precisely: the high- and low-times for sending either a '1' bit or a '0' bit) are
defined via the 5-bit NEOLED_CTRL_T_ONE_H_*
values, respectively. These programmable
timing constants allow to adapt the interface for a wide variety of smart LED protocol (for example WS2812 vs.
Timing Configuration - Example (WS2812)
Generate the base clock fTX for the NEOLED TX engine:
processor clock fmain = 100 MHz
= fmain / 4
fTX = fmain[Hz] / clock_prescaler
= 100MHz / 4 = 25MHz
TTX = 1 / fTX = 40ns
Generate carrier period (Tcarrier) and high-times (duty cycle) for sending 0
(T0H) and 1
(T1H) bits:
(= decimal 30) -
(= decimal 10) -
(= decimal 20)
= 40ns * 30 = 1.4µs
= 40ns * 10 = 0.4µs
= 40ns * 20 = 0.8µs
The NEOLED SW driver library (neorv32_neoled.h ) provides a simplified configuration
function that configures all timing parameters for driving WS2812 LEDs based on the processor
clock frequency.
The interface features a configurable TX data buffer (a FIFO) to allow more CPU-independent operation. The buffer
depth is configured via the IO_NEOLED_TX_FIFO
top generic (default = 1 entry). The FIFO size configuration can be
read via the NEOLED_CTRL_BUFS_x
control register bits, which result log2(IO_NEOLED_TX_FIFO).
When writing data to the DATA
register the data is automatically written to the TX buffer. Whenever
data is available in the buffer the serial transmission engine will take and transmit it to the LEDs.
The data transfer size (NEOLED_MODE_EN
) can be modified at any time since this control register bit is also buffered
in the FIFO. This allows an arbitrary mix of RGB and RGBW LEDs in the chain.
Software can check the FIFO fill level via the control register’s NEOLED_CTRL_TX_EMPTY
flags provides additional information if the serial
transmit engine is still busy sending data.
Please note that the timing configurations (NEOLED_CTRL_PRSCx , NEOLED_CTRL_T_TOT_x ,
NEOLED_CTRL_T_ONE_H_x and NEOLED_CTRL_T_ZERO_H_x ) are NOT stored to the buffer. Changing
these value while the buffer is not empty or the TX engine is still busy will cause data corruption.
Strobe Command ("RESET")
According to the WS2812 specs the data written to the LED’s shift registers is strobed to the actual PWM driver registers when the data line is low for 50μs ("RESET" command, see table above). This can be implemented using busy-wait for at least 50μs. Obviously, this concept wastes a lot of processing power.
To circumvent this, the NEOLED module provides an option to automatically issue an idle time for creating the RESET
command. If the NEOLED_CTRL_STROBE
control register bit is set, all data written to the data FIFO (via DATA
the actually written data is irrelevant) will trigger an idle phase (neoled_o
= zero) of 127 periods (= Tcarrier).
This idle time will cause the LEDs to strobe the color data into the PWM driver registers.
flag is also buffered in the TX buffer, the RESET command is treated just as another
data word being written to the TX buffer making busy wait concepts obsolete and allowing maximum refresh rates.
NEOLED Interrupt
The NEOLED modules features a single interrupt that triggers based on the current TX buffer fill level.
The interrupt can only become pending if the NEOLED module is enabled. The specific interrupt condition
is configured via the NEOLED_CTRL_IRQ_CONF
bit in the unit’s control register.
is set, the module’s interrupt is generated whenever the TX FIFO is less than half-full.
In this case software can write up to IO_NEOLED_TX_FIFO
/2 new data words to DATA
without checking the FIFO
status flags. If NEOLED_CTRL_IRQ_CONF
is cleared, an interrupt is generated when the TX FIFO is empty.
Once the NEOLED interrupt has fired it remains pending until the actual cause of the interrupt is resolved.
Register Map
Address | Name [C] | Bit(s), Name [C] | R/W | Function |
r/w |
NEOLED enable |
r/w |
data transfer size; |
r/w |
r/w |
3-bit clock prescaler, bit 0 |
r/- |
4-bit log2(IO_NEOLED_TX_FIFO) |
r/w |
5-bit pulse clock ticks per total single-bit period (Ttotal) |
r/w |
5-bit pulse clock ticks per high-time for sending a zero-bit (T0H) |
r/w |
5-bit pulse clock ticks per high-time for sending a one-bit (T1H) |
r/w |
TX FIFO interrupt configuration: |
r/- |
TX FIFO is empty |
r/- |
TX FIFO is at least half full |
r/- |
TX FIFO is full |
r/- |
TX serial engine is busy when set |
-/w |
TX data (32- or 24-bit, depending on NEOLED_CTRL_MODE bit) |
2.8.24. General Purpose Timer (GPTMR)
Hardware source files: |
neorv32_gptmr.vhd |
Software driver files: |
neorv32_gptmr.c |
neorv32_gptmr.h |
Top entity ports: |
none |
Configuration generics: |
implement general purpose timer when |
CPU interrupts: |
fast IRQ channel 12 |
timer interrupt (see Processor Interrupts) |
The general purpose timer module implements a simple yet universal 32-bit timer. It is implemented if the processor’s
top generic is set true
. The timer provides a pre-scaled counter register that can trigger an interrupt
when reaching a programmable threshold value.
The GPTMR provides three interface registers : a control register (CTRL
), a 32-bit counter register (COUNT
) and a
32-bit threshold register (THRES
). The timer is globally enabled by setting the GPTMR_CTRL_EN
bit in the module’s
control register. When the timer is enable the COUNT
register will start incrementing from zero at a programmable
rate that scales the main processor clock. this pre-scaler is configured via the three GPTMR_CTRL_PRSCx
control register bits:
0b000 |
0b001 |
0b010 |
0b011 |
0b100 |
0b101 |
0b110 |
0b111 |
Resulting |
2 |
4 |
8 |
64 |
128 |
1024 |
2048 |
4096 |
Whenever the counter register COUNT
equals the programmable threshold value THRES
the module’s interrupt
signal becomes pending (indicated by GPTMR_CTRL_IRQ_PND
being set). Note that a pending interrupt has to be
cleared manually by writing a 1
The control register’s GPTMR_CTRL_MODE
bit defines what will happen when COUNT == THRES
: single-shot mode - theCOUNT
register will stop incrementing -
: continuous mode - theCOUNT
register is automatically reset and restarts incrementing from zero
Resetting the Counter
Disabling the GPTMR will also clear the COUNT register.
The GPTRM provides a single interrupt line is triggered whenever COUNT
equals THRES
. Once triggered, the interrupt will
stay pending until explicitly cleared by writing a 1 to GPTMR_CTRL_IRQ_CLR
Register Map
Address | Name [C] | Bit(s), Name [C] | R/W | Function |
r/w |
Timer enable flag |
r/w |
3-bit clock prescaler select |
r/w |
Operation mode (0=single-shot, 1=continuous) |
r/- |
reserved, read as zero |
-/w |
Write |
r/- |
Timer-match interrupt pending |
r/w |
Threshold value register |
r/- |
Counter register |
2.8.25. System Configuration Information Memory (SYSINFO)
Hardware source files: |
neorv32_sysinfo.vhd |
Software driver files: |
neorv32_sysinfo.h |
Top entity ports: |
none |
Configuration generics: |
* |
most of the top’s configuration generics |
CPU interrupts: |
none |
The SYSINFO module allows the application software to determine the setting of most of the Processor Top Entity - Generics that are related to CPU and processor/SoC configuration. This device is always implemented - regardless of the actual hardware configuration since the NEORV32 software framework requires information from this device for correct operation. However, advanced users that do not want to use the default NEORV32 software framework can choose to disable the entire SYSINFO module. This might also be suitable for setups that use the processor just as wrapper for a CPU-only configuration.
Disabling the SYSINFO Module
Setting the IO_DISABLE_SYSINFO top entity generic to true will remove the SYSINFO module from the design.
This option is suitable for advanced uses that wish to use a CPU-only setup that still contains the bus infrastructure.
As a result, large parts of the NEORV32 software framework no longer work (e.g. most IO drivers, the RTE and the bootloader).
Hence, this option is not recommended.
Register Map
All registers of this module are read-only except for the CLK
register. Upon reset, the CLK
registers is initialized
top entity generic. Application software can override this default value in order, for example,
to take into account a dynamic frequency scaling of the processor.
Address | Name [C] | R/W | Description |
r/w |
clock frequency in Hz (initialized from top’s |
r/- |
miscellaneous system configurations (see SYSINFO - Miscellaneous Configuration) |
r/- |
specific SoC configuration (see SYSINFO - SoC Configuration) |
r/- |
cache configuration information (see SYSINFO - Cache Configuration) |
SYSINFO - Miscellaneous Configuration
Bit fields in this register are set to all-zero if the according memory system is not implemented. |
Byte | Name [C] | Description |
log2(internal IMEM size in bytes), via top’s |
log2(internal DMEM size in bytes), via top’s |
number of physical CPU cores ("harts") |
boot mode configuration, via top’s |
SYSINFO - SoC Configuration
Bit | Name [C] | Description |
set if processor-internal bootloader is implemented (via top’s |
set if external Wishbone bus interface is implemented (via top’s |
set if processor-internal DMEM is implemented (via top’s |
set if processor-internal IMEM is implemented (via top’s |
set if on-chip debugger is implemented (via top’s |
set if processor-internal instruction cache is implemented (via top’s |
set if processor-internal data cache is implemented (via top’s |
- |
reserved, read as zero |
set if external bus interface cache is implemented (via top’s |
- |
reserved, read as zero |
- |
reserved, read as zero |
set if on-chip debugger authentication is implemented (via top’s |
set if processor-internal IMEM is implemented as pre-initialized ROM (via top’s |
set if TWD is implemented (via top’s |
set if direct memory access controller is implemented (via top’s |
set if GPIO is implemented (via top’s |
set if CLINT is implemented (via top’s |
set if primary UART0 is implemented (via top’s |
set if SPI is implemented (via top’s |
set if TWI is implemented (via top’s |
set if PWM is implemented (via top’s |
set if WDT is implemented (via top’s |
set if custom functions subsystem is implemented (via top’s |
set if TRNG is implemented (via top’s |
set if SDI is implemented (via top’s |
set if secondary UART1 is implemented (via top’s |
set if NEOLED is implemented (via top’s |
- |
reserved, read as zero |
set if GPTMR is implemented (via top’s |
set if stream link interface is implemented (via top’s |
set if ONEWIRE interface is implemented (via top’s |
set if cyclic redundancy check unit is implemented (via top’s |
SYSINFO - Cache Configuration
The SYSINFO cache register provides information about the configuration of the processor caches:
Bit | Name [C] | Description |
log2(i-cache block size in bytes), via top’s |
log2(i-cache number of cache blocks), via top’s |
log2(d-cache block size in bytes), via top’s |
log2(d-cache number of cache blocks), via top’s |
reserved |
reserved |
log2(xbus-cache block size in bytes), via top’s |
log2(xbus-cache number of cache blocks), via top’s |
3. NEORV32 Central Processing Unit (CPU)
The NEORV32 CPU is an area-optimized RISC-V core implementing the rv32i_zicsr_zifencei
base (privileged) ISA and
supporting several additional/optional ISA extensions. The CPU’s micro architecture is based on a von-Neumann
machine build upon a mixture of multi-cycle and pipelined execution schemes. Optionally, the core can be implemented
as SMP Dual-Core Configuration.
RISC-V Specifications
This chapter assumes that the reader is familiar with the official
RISC-V User and Privileged Architecture specifications.
Section Structure
3.1. RISC-V Compatibility
The NEORV32 CPU passes the tests of the official RISCOF RISC-V Architecture Test Framework. This framework is used to check RISC-V implementations for compatibility to the official RISC-V user/privileged ISA specifications. The NEORV32 port of this test framework is available in a separate repository at GitHub: https://github.com/stnolting/neorv32-riscof
Unsupported ISA Extensions
Executing instructions or accessing CSRs from yet unsupported ISA extensions will raise an illegal
instruction exception (see section Full Virtualization).
Incompatibility Issues and Limitations
time[h] CSRs (Wall Clock Time)time[h] registers. Any access to these registers will trap. It is
recommended that the trap handler software provides a means of accessing the machine timer of the
Core Local Interruptor (CLINT).
No Hardware Support of Misaligned Memory Accesses
The CPU does not support resolving unaligned memory access by the hardware (this is not a
RISC-V-incompatibility issue but an important thing to know!). Any kind of unaligned memory access
will raise an exception to allow a software-based emulation provided by the application. However, unaligned memory
access can be emulated using the NEORV32 runtime environment. See section Application Context Handling
for more information.
3.2. CPU Top Entity - Signals
The following table shows all interface signals of the CPU top entity rtl/core/neorv32_cpu.vhd
. The
type of all signals is std_ulogic or std_ulogic_vector, respectively. The "Dir." column shows the signal
direction as seen from the CPU.
Signal | Width/Type | Dir | Description |
Clock and reset |
1 |
in |
Global clock line, all registers triggering on rising edge. |
1 |
in |
Global reset, low-active. |
Interrupts (Traps, Exceptions and Interrupts) |
1 |
in |
RISC-V machine software interrupt. |
1 |
in |
RISC-V machine external interrupt. |
1 |
in |
RISC-V machine timer interrupt. |
16 |
in |
Custom fast interrupt request signals. |
1 |
in |
Request CPU to halt and enter debug mode (RISC-V On-Chip Debugger (OCD)). |
out |
TX link |
in |
RX link |
Instruction Bus Interface |
out |
Instruction fetch bus request. |
in |
Instruction fetch bus response. |
Data Bus Interface |
out |
Data access (load/store) bus request. |
in |
Data access (load/store) bus response. |
Memory Coherence status |
1 |
in |
Requested coherence established when set (single-shot) |
Bus Interface Protocol
See section Bus Interface for the instruction fetch and data access interface protocol and the
according interface types (bus_req_t and bus_rsp_t ).
3.3. CPU Top Entity - Generics
Most of the CPU configuration generics are a subset of the actual Processor configuration generics (see section Processor Top Entity - Generics). and are not listed here. However, the CPU provides some specific generics that are used to configure the CPU for the NEORV32 processor setup. These generics are assigned by the processor setup only and are not available for user defined configuration. The specific generics are listed below.
Table Abbreviations
The generic type "suv(x:y)" represents a std_ulogic_vector(x downto y) .
Name | Type | Description |
natural |
ID of the core (for |
natural |
Total number of cores in the system. |
suv(31:0) |
CPU reset address. See section Address Space. |
suv(31:0) |
"Park loop" entry address for the On-Chip Debugger (OCD), has to be 4-byte aligned. |
suv(31:0) |
"Exception" entry address for the On-Chip Debugger (OCD), has to be 4-byte aligned. |
boolean |
Implement Inter-Core Communication (ICC) module. Automatically enabled for the SMP Dual-Core Configuration. |
boolean |
Implement RISC-V-compatible "debug" CPU operation mode required for the On-Chip Debugger (OCD). |
boolean |
Implement RISC-V-compatible trigger module. See section On-Chip Debugger (OCD). |
boolean |
Implement RISC-V-compatible physical memory protection (PMP). See section |
Tuning Option Generics
Additional generics that are related to certain tuning options are listed in section CPU Tuning Options.
3.4. Architecture

The CPU implements a pipelined multi-cycle architecture: each instruction is executed as a series of consecutive micro-operations. In order to increase performance, the CPU’s front-end (instruction fetch) and back-end (instruction execution) are de-couples via a FIFO (the instruction prefetch buffer. Thus, the front-end can already fetch new instructions while the back-end is still processing the previously-fetched instructions.
Basically, the CPU’s micro architecture is somewhere between a classical pipelined architecture, where each stage requires exactly one processing cycle (if not stalled) and a classical multi-cycle architecture, which executes every single instruction (including fetch) in a series of consecutive micro-operations. The combination of these two design paradigms allows an increased instruction execution in contrast to a pure multi-cycle approach (due to overlapping operation of fetch and execute) at a reduced hardware footprint (due to the multi-cycle concept).
As a Von-Neumann machine, the CPU provides independent interfaces for instruction fetch and data access. However, these two bus interfaces are merged into a single processor-internal bus via a prioritizing bus switch (data accesses have higher priority). Hence, all memory addresses including peripheral devices are mapped to a single unified 32-bit Address Space.
Linear/In-Order Execution Only
The CPU does not perform any speculative/out-of-order operations at all. Hence, it is not vulnerable to security issues
caused by speculative execution (like Spectre or Meltdown).
3.4.1. CPU Register File
The data register file contains the general purpose architecture registers x0
to x31
. For the rv32e
ISA only the lower
16 registers are implemented. Register zero (x0
) always read as zero and any write access to it has no effect.
Up to four individual synchronous read ports allow to fetch up to 4 register operands at once. The write and read accesses
are mutually exclusive as they happen in separate cycles. Hence, there is no need to consider things like "read-during-write"
Memory Tuning Options
The physical implementation of the register file’s memory core can be tuned for certain design goals like area or throughput.
See section CPU Tuning Options for more information.
Implementation of the
Register zero Register within FPGA Block RAMzero is also mapped to a physical memory location within the register file’s block RAM. By this, there is no need
to add a further multiplexer to "insert" zero if reading from register zero reducing logic requirements and shortening the
critical path. However, this also requires that the physical storage bits of register zero are explicitly initialized (set
to zero) by the hardware. This is done transparently by the CPU control requiring no additional processing overhead.
Block RAM Ports
The default register file configuration uses two access ports: a read-only port for reading register rs2 (second source operand)
and a read/write port for reading register rs1 (first source operand) and for writing processing results to register rd
(destination register). Hence, a simple dual-port RAM can be used to implement the entire register file. From a functional point
of view, read and write accesses to the register file do never occur in the same clock cycle, so no bypass logic is required at all.
3.4.2. CPU Arithmetic Logic Unit
The arithmetic/logic unit (ALU) is used for actual data processing as well as generating memory and branch addresses.
All "simple" I
ISA Extension computational instructions (like add
and or
) are implemented as plain combinatorial logic
requiring only a single cycle to complete. More sophisticated instructions like shift operations or multiplications are processed
by so-called "ALU co-processors".
The co-processors are implemented as iterative units that require several cycles to complete processing. Besides the base ISA’s
shift instructions, the co-processors are used to implement all further processing-based ISA extensions (e.g. M
ISA Extension
and B
ISA Extension).
Multi-Cycle Execution Monitor
The CPU control will raise an illegal instruction exception if a multi-cycle functional unit (like the Custom Functions Unit (CFU))
does not complete processing in a bound amount of time (configured via the package’s monitor_mc_tmo_c constant; default = 512 clock cycles).
3.4.3. CPU Bus Unit
The bus unit takes care of handling data memory accesses via load and store instructions. It handles data adjustment when accessing
sub-word data quantities (16-bit or 8-bit) and performs sign-extension for singed load operations. The bus unit also includes the optional
ISA Extension that performs permission checks for all data and instruction accesses.
A list of the bus interface signals and a detailed description of the protocol can be found in section Bus Interface. All bus interface signals are driven/buffered by registers; so even a complex SoC interconnection bus network will not effect maximal operation frequency.
Unaligned Accesses
The CPU does not support a hardware-based handling of unaligned memory accesses! Any unaligned access will raise a bus load/store unaligned
address exception. The exception handler can be used to emulate unaligned memory accesses in software.
See the NEORV32 Runtime Environment’s Application Context Handling section for more information.
3.4.4. CPU Control Unit
The CPU control unit is responsible for generating all the control signals for the different CPU modules. The control unit is split into a "front-end" and a "back-end".
The front-end is responsible for fetching instructions in chunks of 32-bits. This can be a single aligned 32-bit instruction,
two aligned 16-bit instructions or a mixture of those. The instructions including control and exception information are stored
to a FIFO queue - the instruction prefetch buffer (IPB). This FIFO has a depth of two entries by default but can be customized
via the ipb_depth_c
VHDL package constant.
The FIFO allows the front-end to do "speculative" instruction fetches, as it keeps fetching the next consecutive instruction all the time. This also allows to decouple front-end (instruction fetch) and back-end (instruction execution) so both modules can operate in parallel to increase performance. However, all potential side effects that are caused by this "speculative" instruction fetch are already handled by the CPU front-end ensuring a defined execution stage while preventing security side attacks.
Instruction data from the instruction prefetch buffer is decompressed (if the C
ISA extension is enabled) and sent to the
CPU back-end for actual execution. Execution is conducted by a state-machine that controls all of the CPU modules. The back-end also
includes the Control and Status Registers (CSRs) as well as the trap controller.
3.4.5. CPU Tuning Options
The top module provides several tuning options to optimize the CPU for a specific goal. Note that these configuration options have no impact on the actual functionality (e.g. ISA compatibility).
Software Tuning Options Discovery
Software can check for configured tuning options via specific flags in the mxisa CSR.
Name |
Clock gating |
Type |
Default |
Description |
When enabled the CPU’s primary clock is switched off when the CPU enters Sleep Mode. See CPU Clock Gating. |
When disabled the CPU clock system is implemented as single always-on clock domain. |
Name |
Fast multiplication |
Type |
Default |
Description |
When enabled the |
When disabled the |
Name |
Fast bit shifting |
Type |
Default |
Description |
When enabled the ALU’s shifter unit is implemented as full-parallel barrel shifter that is capable of shifting a data word by an arbitrary number of positions within a single cycle. Hence, the execution time of any base-ISA shift operation is independent of the provided operands. Note that the barrel shifter requires a lot of hardware resources and might also increase the core’s critical path. |
When disabled the ALU’s shifter unit is implemented as bit-serial shifter that can shift the input data only by one position per cycle. Hence, several cycles might be required to complete any base-ISA shift-related operations. Therefore, the execution time of the serial approach is not time-independent of the provided operands. However, the serial approach requires only a few hardware resources and does not impact the critical path. |
Name |
Register file hardware reset |
Type |
Default |
Description |
When enabled the CPU register file is implemented using single flip flops that provide a full hardware reset. The register file is reset to all-zero after each hardware reset. Note that this options requires a lot of flip flops and LUTs to build the register file. However, timing might be optimized as there is no need to route to far blockRAM resources. |
When disabled the CPU register file is implemented in a way to allow synthesis to infer memory primitives like blockRAM. Note that these primitives do not provide any kind of hardware reset. Hence, the data content is undefined after reset. |
3.4.6. Sleep Mode
The NEORV32 CPU provides a single sleep mode that can be entered to power-down the core reducing
dynamic power consumption. Sleep mode is entered by executing the RISC-V wfi
("wait for interrupt") instruction.
Execution Details
The wfi instruction will raise an illegal instruction exception when executed in user-mode
if TW in mstatus is set. When executed in debug-mode or during single-stepping wfi will behave as
simple nop without entering sleep mode.
After executing the wfi
instruction the sleep
signal of the CPU’s request buses (Bus Interface will become set
as soon as the CPU has fully halted:
CPU-external modules like memories, timers and peripheral interfaces are not affected by this. Furthermore, the CPU will
continue to buffer/enqueue incoming interrupts. The CPU will leave sleep mode as soon as any enabled interrupt (via mie
source becomes pending or if a debug session is started.
3.4.7. CPU Clock Gating
The single clock domain of the CPU core can be split into an always-on clock domain and a switchable clock domain. The switchable clock domain can be deactivated to further reduce reduce dynamic power consumption. CPU-external modules like timers, interfaces and memories are not affected by the clock gating.
The splitting into two clock domain is enabled by the CPU_CLOCK_GATING_EN
generic (Processor Top Entity - Generics /
CPU Tuning Options). When enabled, a generic clock switching gate is added to decouple the switchable clock from
the always-on clock domain. Whenever the CPU enters Sleep Mode the switchable clock domain is shut down.
Clock Switch Hardware
By default, a generic clock switch is used (rtl/core/neorv32_clockgate.vhd ). Especially for FPGA setups it is highly
recommended to replace this default module by a technology-specific primitive or macro wrapper to improve synthesis results
(clock skew, global clock tree usage, etc.).
3.4.8. Full Virtualization
Just like the RISC-V ISA, the NEORV32 aims to provide maximum virtualization capabilities on CPU and SoC level to allow a high standard of execution safety. The CPU supports all traps specified by the official RISC-V specifications. Thus, the CPU provides defined hardware fall-backs via traps for any expected and unexpected situations (e.g. executing a malformed or not supported instruction or accessing a non-allocated memory address). For any kind of trap the core is always in a defined and fully synchronized state throughout the whole system (i.e. there are no out-of-order operations that might have to be reverted). This allows a defined and predictable execution behavior at any time improving overall execution safety.
3.5. Bus Interface
The NEORV32 CPU provides separated instruction fetch and data access interfaces making it a Harvard Architecture:
the instruction fetch interface (i_bus_*
signals) is used for fetching instructions and the data access interface
signals) is used to access data via load and store operations. Each of these interfaces can access an address
space of up to 232 bytes (4GB).
The bus interface uses two custom interface types: bus_req_t
is used to propagate the bus access requests downstream
from a host to a device. These signals are driven by the request-issuing device (i.e. the CPU core). Vice versa, bus_rsp_t
is used to return the bus response upstream from a device back to the host and is driven by the accessed device or bus system
(i.e. a processor-internal memory or IO device).
The signals of the request bus are split in to two categories: in-band signals and out-of-band signals. In-band
signals always belong to a certain bus transaction and are only valid between stb
being set and the according response
or ack
). being set. In contrast, the out-of-band signals are not associated with any bus transaction and are
always valid when set.
Signal | Width | Description |
In-Band Signals |
32 |
Access address (byte addressing) |
32 |
Write data |
4 |
Byte-enable for each byte in |
1 |
Request trigger ("strobe", single-shot) |
1 |
Access direction ( |
1 |
Access source ( |
1 |
Set if privileged (M-mode) access |
1 |
Set if debug mode access |
1 |
Set if current access is an atomic memory operation (Atomic Memory Access) |
4 |
Type of atomic memory operation (Atomic Memory Access) |
Out-Of-Band Signals |
1 |
Data (load/store; |
Signal | Width | Description |
32 |
Read data (single-shot) |
1 |
Transfer acknowledge / success (single-shot) |
1 |
Transfer error / fail (single-shot) |
3.5.1. Bus Interface Protocol
Transactions are triggered entirely by the request bus. A new bus request is initiated by setting the strobe
signal stb
high for exactly one cycle. All remaining signals of the bus are set together with stb
and will
remain unchanged until the transaction is completed.
The transaction is completed when the accessed device returns a response via the response interface:
is high for exactly one cycle if the transaction was completed successfully. err
is high for exactly
one cycle if the transaction failed to complete. These two signals are mutually exclusive. In case of a read
access the read data is returned together with the ack
signal. Otherwise, the return data signal is
kept at all-zero allowing wired-or interconnection of all response buses.
The figure below shows three exemplary bus accesses:
A read access to address
after several cycles (slow response;ACK
arrives after several cycles). -
A write access to address
(fastest response;ACK
arrives right in the next cycle). -
A failing read access to address
(slow response;ERR
arrives after several cycles).

Adding Register Stages
Arbitrary pipeline stages can be added to the request and response buses at any point to relax timing (at the cost of
additional latency). However, all bus signals (request and response) need to be registered.
3.5.2. Atomic Memory Access
As the Bus Interface Protocol only supports read-or-write operations, all atomic memory requests are
handled by a dedicated module of the bus infrastructure - the Atomic Memory Operations Controller.
For the CPU, the atomic memory accesses are handled as plain load/store operation but with the amo
signal set.
The amoop
signal specifies the actual atomic processing operation:
bus_req_t.amoop |
Description | ISA Extension |
swap |
unsigned add |
logical xor |
logical and |
logical or |
unsigned minimum |
unsigned maximum |
signed minimum |
signed maximum |
load-reservate |
store-conditional |
Cache Coherency
Atomic operations always bypass the caches using direct/uncached accesses. Care must be taken
to maintain data synchronization. See section Memory Coherence for more information.
3.6. Instruction Sets and Extensions
The NEORV32 CPU provides several optional RISC-V-compliant and custom/user-defined ISA extensions. The extensions can be enabled/configured via the according Processor Top Entity - Generics. This chapter gives a brief overview of all available ISA extensions.
Name | Description | Enabled by Generic |
Atomic memory instructions |
Implicitly enabled |
Bit manipulation instructions |
Implicitly enabled |
Compressed (16-bit) instructions |
Embedded CPU extension (reduced register file size) |
Integer base ISA |
Enabled if |
Integer multiplication and division instructions |
Less-privileged user mode extension |
Platform-specific / NEORV32-specific extension |
Always enabled |
Atomic read-modify-write memory operations |
Atomic reservation-set memory operations |
Shifted-add bit manipulation instructions |
Basic bit manipulation instructions |
Scalar cryptographic bit manipulation instructions |
Scalar cryptographic carry-less multiplication instructions |
Scalar cryptographic crossbar permutation instructions |
Single-bit bit manipulation instructions |
Floating-point instructions using integer registers |
Instruction stream synchronization instruction |
Always enabled |
Base counters extension |
Integer conditional operations |
Control and status register access instructions |
Always enabled |
Hardware performance monitors extension |
Scalar cryptographic NIST algorithm suite |
Implicitly enabled |
Scalar cryptographic NIST AES decryption instructions |
Scalar cryptographic NIST AES encryption instructions |
Scalar cryptographic NIST hash function instructions |
Data independent execution time (of cryptographic operations) |
Implicitly enabled |
Scalar cryptographic ShangMi algorithm suite |
Implicitly enabled |
Scalar cryptographic ShangMi block cypher instructions |
Scalar cryptographic ShangMi hash instructions |
Integer multiplication-only instructions |
Custom / user-defined instructions |
Physical memory protection (PMP) extension |
External debug support extension |
Trigger module extension |
RISC-V ISA Specification
For more information regarding the RISC-V ISA extensions please refer to the "RISC-V Instruction Set Manual - Volume
I: Unprivileged ISA" and "The RISC-V Instruction Set Manual Volume II: Privileged Architecture". A copy of these
documents can be found in the projects docs/references folder.
Discovering ISA Extensions
Software can discover available ISA extensions via the misa and mxisa CSRs or by executing an instruction
and checking for an illegal instruction exception (i.e. Full Virtualization).
Instruction Cycles
This chapter shows the CPI values (cycles per instruction) for each individual instruction/type. Note that
values reflect optimal conditions (i.e. no additional memory delay, no cache misses, no pipeline waits, etc.).
To benchmark a certain processor configuration for its setup-specific CPI value please refer to the
sw/example/performance_tests test programs.
3.6.1. A
ISA Extension
The A
ISA extension adds instructions for bit-manipulation operations.
This ISA extension cannot be enabled by a specific generic. Instead, it is enabled if a specific set of
sub-extensions is enabled. The A
extension is shorthand for the following set of other extensions:
ISA Extension - Atomic read-modify-write instructions. -
ISA Extension - Atomic reservation-set instructions.
A processor configuration which implements A
must implement all of the above extensions.
3.6.2. B
ISA Extension
The B
ISA extension adds instructions for bit-manipulation operations.
This ISA extension cannot be enabled by a specific generic. Instead, it is enabled if a specific set of
sub-extensions is enabled. The B
extension is shorthand for the following set of other extensions:
ISA Extension - Address-generation / shifted-add instructions. -
ISA Extension - Basic bit manipulation instructions. -
ISA Extension - Single-bit operations.
A processor configuration which implements B
must implement all of the above extensions.
3.6.3. C
ISA Extension
The "compressed" ISA extension provides 16-bit encodings of commonly used instructions to reduce code space size.
Class | Instructions | Execution cycles |
2 |
3 + 1..32; |
Branches |
taken: 6; not taken: 3 |
Jumps / calls |
6 |
Memory access |
4 |
System |
3 |
3.6.4. E
ISA Extension
The "embedded" ISA extensions reduces the size of the general purpose register file from 32 entries to 16 entries to
shrink hardware size. It provides the same instructions as the base I
ISA extensions.
Alternative MABI
Due to the reduced register file size an alternate toolchain ABI (ilp32e* ) is required.
3.6.5. I
ISA Extension
The I
ISA extensions is the base RISC-V integer ISA that is always enabled.
Class | Instructions | Execution cycles |
2 |
No-operation |
“nop” |
2 |
ALU shifts |
3 + 1..32; |
Branches |
taken: 6; not taken: 3 |
Jump/call |
6 |
Load/store |
5 |
System |
3 |
Data fence |
depends on the memory system |
System |
3 |
System |
5 |
Illegal inst. |
- |
3 |
fence Instructionfence.i instruction (Zifencei ISA Extension) the fence instruction triggers
a load/store memory synchronization operation. The CPU will stall until the requested coherence is
established (mem_sync_i goes high). See section Memory Coherence for more information.
NEORV32 ignores the predecessor and successor fields and always executes a conservative fence on all
wfi Instructionwfi instruction is used to enter Sleep Mode. Executing the wfi instruction in user-mode
will raise an illegal instruction exception if the TW bit of mstatus is set.
Shifter Tuning Options
The physical implementation of the bit-shifter can be tuned for certain design goals like area or throughput.
See section CPU Tuning Options for more information.
3.6.6. M
ISA Extension
Hardware-accelerated integer multiplication and division operations are available via the RISC-V M
ISA extension.
This ISA extension is implemented as multi-cycle ALU co-process (rtl/core/neorv32_cpu_cp_muldiv.vhd
Class | Instructions | Execution cycles |
Multiplication |
36; |
Division |
36 |
Multiplication Tuning Options
The physical implementation of the multiplier can be tuned for certain design goals like area or throughput.
See section CPU Tuning Options for more information.
3.6.7. U
ISA Extension
In addition to the highest-privileged machine-mode, the user-mode ISA extensions adds a second less-privileged operation mode. Code executed in user-mode has reduced CSR access rights. Furthermore, user-mode accesses to the address space (like peripheral/IO devices) can be constrained via the physical memory protection. Any kind of privilege rights violation will raise an exception to allow Full Virtualization.
3.6.8. X
ISA Extension
The NEORV32-specific ISA extensions X
is always enabled. The most important points of the NEORV32-specific extensions are:
* The CPU provides 16 fast interrupt interrupts (FIRQ
), which are controlled via custom bits in the mie
and mip
CSRs. These extensions are mapped to CSR bits, that are available for custom use according to the
RISC-V specs. Also, custom trap codes for mcause
are implemented.
* All undefined/unimplemented/malformed/illegal instructions do raise an illegal instruction exception (see Full Virtualization).
* Additional NEORV32-Specific CSRs.
3.6.9. Zaamo
ISA Extension
The Zaamo
ISA extension is a sub-extension of the RISC-V A
ISA extension and compromises
instructions for read-modify-write Atomic Memory Access operations. It is enabled by the top’s
Class | Instructions | Execution cycles |
Atomic read-modify-write |
5 + 2 * memory_latency |
aq and rl Bitsaq and lr memory ordering bits are not evaluated by the hardware at all.
3.6.10. Zalrsc
ISA Extension
The Zalrsc
ISA extension is a sub-extension of the RISC-V A
ISA extension and compromises
instructions for reservation-set Atomic Memory Access operations. It is enabled by the top’s
Class | Instructions | Execution cycles |
Atomic reservation-set |
5 +memory_latency |
aq and rl Bitsaq and lr memory ordering bits are not evaluated by the hardware at all.
3.6.11. Zifencei
ISA Extension
The Zifencei
CPU extension allows manual synchronization of the instruction stream. This extension is always enabled.
This instruction is the only standard mechanism to ensure that stores visible to a hart will also be visible to its
instruction fetches. The CPU will stall until the requested coherence is established (mem_sync_i
goes high).
See section Memory Coherence for more information.
Class | Instructions | Execution cycles |
Instruction fence |
depends on the memory system |
3.6.12. Zfinx
ISA Extension
The Zfinx
floating-point extension is an alternative of the standard F
floating-point ISA extension.
It also uses the integer register file x
to store and operate on floating-point data
instead of a dedicated floating-point register file. Thus, the Zfinx
extension requires
less hardware resources and features faster context changes. This also implies that there are NO dedicated f
register file-related load/store or move instructions. The Zfinx
extension’S floating-point unit is controlled
via dedicated Floating-Point CSRs.
This ISA extension is implemented as multi-cycle ALU co-process (rtl/core/neorv32_cpu_cp_fpu.vhd
Fused / Multiply-Add Instructions
Fused multiply-add instructions f[n]m[add/sub].s are not supported. A special GCC switch is used to prevent the
compiler from emitting contracted/fused floating-point operations (see Default Compiler Flags).
Division and Squarer Root Instructions
Division fdiv.s and square root fsqrt.s instructions are not supported yet.
Subnormal Number
Subnormal numbers ("de-normalized" numbers, i.e. exponent = 0) are not supported by the NEORV32 FPU.
Subnormal numbers are flushed to zero setting them to +/- 0 before being processed by any FPU operation.
If a computational instruction generates a subnormal result it is also flushed to zero during normalization.
Class | Instructions | Execution cycles |
Artihmetic |
110 |
Artihmetic |
112 |
Artihmetic |
22 |
Compare |
13 |
Conversion |
48 |
Misc |
12 |
3.6.13. Zicntr
ISA Extension
The Zicntr
ISA extension adds the basic cycle[h]
, mcycle[h]
, instret[h]
and minstret[h]
counter CSRs. Section (Machine) Counter and Timer CSRs shows a list of all Zicntr
-related CSRs.
Time CSRs
The user-mode time[h] CSRs are not implemented. Any access will trap allowing the trap handler to
retrieve system time from the Core Local Interruptor (CLINT).
Mandatory Extension
This extensions is stated as mandatory by the RISC-V spec. However, area-constrained setups may remove
support for these counters.
Constrained Access
User-level access to the counter CSRs can be constrained by the mcounteren CSR.
3.6.14. Zicond
ISA Extension
The Zicond
ISA extension adds integer conditional move primitives that allow to implement branch-less
control flows. It is enabled by the top’s RISCV_ISA_Zicond
This ISA extension is implemented as multi-cycle ALU co-processor (rtl/core/neorv32_cpu_cp_cond.vhd
Class | Instructions | Execution cycles |
Conditional |
3 |
3.6.15. Zicsr
ISA Extension
This ISA extensions provides instructions for accessing the Control and Status Registers (CSRs) as well as further privileged-architecture extensions. This extension is mandatory and cannot be disabled. Hence, there is no generic for enabling/disabling this ISA extension.
Side-Effects if Destination is Zero-Register
If rd=x0 for the csrrw[i] instructions there will be no actual read access to the according CSR.
However, access privileges are still enforced so these instruction variants do cause side-effects
(the RISC-V spec. state that these combinations "shall" not cause any side-effects).
Class | Instructions | Execution cycles |
System |
3 |
3.6.16. Zihpm
ISA Extension
In additions to the base counters the NEORV32 CPU provides up to 13 hardware performance monitors (HPM 3..15),
which can be used to benchmark applications. Each HPM consists of an N-bit wide counter (split in a high-word 32-bit
CSR and a low-word 32-bit CSR), where N is defined via the top’s HPM_CNT_WIDTH
generic and a corresponding event
configuration CSR.
The event configuration CSR defines the architectural events that lead to an increment of the associated HPM counter. See section Hardware Performance Monitors (HPM) CSRs for a list of all HPM-related CSRs and event configurations.
Machine-Mode HPMs Only
Note that only the machine-mode hardware performance counter CSR are available (mhpmcounter*[h] ).
Accessing any user-mode HPM CSR (hpmcounter*[h] ) will raise an illegal instruction exception.
Increment Inhibit
The event-driven increment of the HPMs can be deactivated individually via the mcountinhibit CSR.
3.6.17. Zba
ISA Extension
The Zba
sub-extension is part of the RISC-V bit manipulation ISA specification (B
ISA Extension)
and adds shifted-add / address-generation instructions. It is enabled by the top’s
generic. This ISA extension is implemented as multi-cycle
ALU co-processor (rtl/core/neorv32_cpu_cp_bitmanip.vhd
Class | Instructions | Execution cycles |
Shifted-add |
4 |
3.6.18. Zbb
ISA Extension
The Zbb
sub-extension is part of the RISC-V bit manipulation ISA specification (B
ISA Extension)
and adds the basic bit manipulation instructions. It is enabled by the top’s RISCV_ISA_Zbb
generic. This ISA extension is implemented as multi-cycle ALU co-processor (rtl/core/neorv32_cpu_cp_bitmanip.vhd
Class | Instructions | Execution cycles |
Logic with negate |
4 |
Count leading/trailing zeros |
6 + 1..32; |
Count population |
6 + 32; |
Integer maximum/minimum |
4 |
Sign/zero extension |
4 |
Bitwise rotation |
6 + shift_amount; |
OR-combine |
4 |
Byte-reverse |
4 |
shifter Tuning Options
The physical implementation of the bit-shifter can be tuned for certain design goals like area or throughput.
See section CPU Tuning Options for more information.
3.6.19. Zbs
ISA Extension
The Zbs
sub-extension is part of the RISC-V bit manipulation ISA specification (B
ISA Extension)
and adds single-bit operations. It is enabled by the top’s RISCV_ISA_Zbs
This ISA extension is implemented as multi-cycle ALU co-processor (rtl/core/neorv32_cpu_cp_bitmanip.vhd
Single-bit | sbset[i] sbclr[i] sbinv[i] sbext[i] |
4 |
3.6.20. Zbkb
ISA Extension
The Zbkb
sub-extension is part of the RISC-V scalar cryptography ISA specification and extends the RISC-V bit manipulation
ISA extension with additional instructions. It is enabled by the top’s RISCV_ISA_Zbkb
Note that enabling this extension will also enable the Zbb
basic bit-manipulation ISA extension (which is extended by Zknb
This ISA extension is implemented as multi-cycle ALU co-processor (rtl/core/neorv32_cpu_cp_bitmanip.vhd
Class | Instructions | Execution cycles |
Packing |
4 |
Interleaving |
4 |
Byte-wise bit reversal |
4 |
3.6.21. Zbkc
ISA Extension
The Zbkc
sub-extension is part of the RISC-V scalar cryptography ISA extension and adds carry-less multiplication instruction.
ISA extension with additional instructions. It is enabled by the top’s RISCV_ISA_Zbkc
This ISA extension is implemented as multi-cycle ALU co-processor (rtl/core/neorv32_cpu_cp_bitmanip.vhd
Class | Instructions | Execution cycles |
Carry-less multiply |
6 + 32 |
3.6.22. Zbkx
ISA Extension
The Zbkx
sub-extension is part of the RISC-V scalar cryptography ISA specification and adds crossbar permutation instructions.
It is enabled by the top’s RISCV_ISA_Zbkx
This ISA extension is implemented as multi-cycle ALU co-processor (rtl/core/neorv32_cpu_cp_crypto.vhd
Class | Instructions | Execution cycles |
Crossbar permutation |
4 |
3.6.23. Zkn
ISA Extension
The Zkn
ISA extension is part of the RISC-V scalar cryptography ISA specification and defines the "NIST algorithm suite".
This ISA extension cannot be enabled by a specific generic. Instead, it is enabled if a specific set of cryptography-related
sub-extensions is enabled.
The Zkn
extension is shorthand for the following set of other extensions:
ISA Extension - Bit manipulation instructions for cryptography. -
ISA Extension - Carry-less multiply instructions. -
ISA Extension - Cross-bar permutation instructions. -
ISA Extension - AES encryption instructions. -
ISA Extension - AES decryption instructions. -
ISA Extension - SHA2 hash function instructions.
A processor configuration which implements Zkn
must implement all of the above extensions.
3.6.24. Zknd
ISA Extension
The Zknd
sub-extension is part of the RISC-V scalar cryptography ISA specification and adds NIST AES decryption instructions.
It is enabled by the top’s RISCV_ISA_Zknd
This ISA extension is implemented as multi-cycle ALU co-processor (rtl/core/neorv32_cpu_cp_crypto.vhd
Class | Instructions | Execution cycles |
AES decryption |
6 |
3.6.25. Zkne
ISA Extension
The Zkne
sub-extension is part of the RISC-V scalar cryptography ISA specification and adds NIST AES encryption instructions.
It is enabled by the top’s RISCV_ISA_Zkne
This ISA extension is implemented as multi-cycle ALU co-processor (rtl/core/neorv32_cpu_cp_crypto.vhd
Class | Instructions | Execution cycles |
AES decryption |
6 |
3.6.26. Zknh
ISA Extension
The Zknh
sub-extension is part of the RISC-V scalar cryptography ISA specification and adds NIST hash function instructions.
It is enabled by the top’s RISCV_ISA_Zknh
This ISA extension is implemented as multi-cycle ALU co-processor (rtl/core/neorv32_cpu_cp_crypto.vhd
Class | Instructions | Execution cycles |
sha256 |
4 |
sha512 |
4 |
3.6.27. Zks
ISA Extension
The Zks
ISA extension is part of the RISC-V scalar cryptography ISA specification and defines the "ShangMi algorithm suite".
This ISA extension cannot be enabled by a specific generic. Instead, it is enabled if a specific set of cryptography-related
sub-extensions is enabled.
The Zks
extension is shorthand for the following set of other extensions:
ISA Extension - Bit manipulation instructions for cryptography. -
ISA Extension - Carry-less multiply instructions. -
ISA Extension - Cross-bar permutation instructions. -
ISA Extension - SM4 block cipher instructions. -
ISA Extension - SM3 hash function instructions.
A processor configuration which implements Zks
must implement all of the above extensions.
3.6.28. Zksed
ISA Extension
The Zksed
sub-extension is part of the RISC-V scalar cryptography ISA specification and adds ShangMi block cypher
and key schedule instructions. It is enabled by the top’s RISCV_ISA_Zksed
This ISA extension is implemented as multi-cycle ALU co-processor (rtl/core/neorv32_cpu_cp_crypto.vhd
Class | Instructions | Execution cycles |
Block cyphers |
6 |
Key schedule |
6 |
3.6.29. Zksh
ISA Extension
The Zksh
sub-extension is part of the RISC-V scalar cryptography ISA specification and adds ShangMi hash function instructions.
It is enabled by the top’s RISCV_ISA_Zksh
This ISA extension is implemented as multi-cycle ALU co-processor (rtl/core/neorv32_cpu_cp_crypto.vhd
Class | Instructions | Execution cycles |
Hash |
6 |
3.6.30. Zkt
ISA Extension
The Zkt
sub-extension is part of the RISC-V scalar cryptography ISA specification and guarantees data independent execution
times of cryptographic and cryptography-related instructions. The ISA extension cannot be enabled by a specific generic.
Instead, it is enabled implicitly by certain CPU configurations.
The RISC-V Zkt
specifications provides a list of instructions that are included within this specification.
However, not all instructions are required to be implemented. Rather, every one of these instructions that the
core does implement must adhere to the requirements of Zkt
Parent extension | Instructions | Data independent execution time? |
yes |
yes if |
yes |
yes |
yes if |
yes |
yes |
yes if |
3.6.31. Zmmul
- ISA Extension
This is a sub-extension of the M
ISA Extension ISA extension. It implements only the multiplication operations
of the M
extensions and is intended for size-constrained setups that require hardware-based
integer multiplications but not hardware-based divisions, which will be computed entirely in software.
Note that the Zmmul
- ISA Extension and M
ISA Extension are mutually exclusive.
3.6.32. Zxcfu
ISA Extension
The Zxcfu
presents a NEORV32-specific ISA extension. It adds the Custom Functions Unit (CFU) to
the CPU core, which allows to add custom RISC-V instructions to the processor core.
For detailed information regarding the CFU, its hardware and the according software interface
see section Custom Functions Unit (CFU).
Software can utilize the custom instructions by using intrinsics, which are basically inline assembly functions that behave like regular C functions but that evaluate to a single custom instruction word (no calling overhead at all).
CFU Execution Time
The actual CFU execution time depends on the logic being implemented. The CPU architecture requires a minimal execution
time of 3 cycles (purely combinatorial CFU operation) and automatically terminates execution after 512 cycles if the CFU
does not complete operation within this time window.
Class | Instructions | Execution cycles |
Custom instructions |
Instruction words with |
3 … 3+512 |
3.6.33. Smpmp
ISA Extension
The NEORV32 physical memory protection (PMP) provides an elementary memory protection mechanism that can be used to configure read/write(execute permission of arbitrary memory regions. In general, the PMP can grant permissions to user mode, which by default has none, and can revoke permissions from M-mode, which by default has full permissions. The NEORV32 PMP is fully compatible to the RISC-V Privileged Architecture Specifications and is configured via several CSRs (Machine Physical Memory Protection CSRs). Several Processor Top Entity - Generics are provided to adjust the CPU’s PMP capabilities according to the application requirements (pre-synthesis):
defines the number of implemented PMP regions (0..16); setting this generic to zero will result in absolutely no PMP logic being implemented -
defines the minimal granularity of each region (has to be a power of 2, minimal granularity = 4 bytes); note that a smaller granularity will lead to wider comparators and thus, to higher area footprint and longer critical path -
controls the implementation of the top-of-region (TOR) mode (default = true); disabling this mode will reduce area footprint -
controls the implementation of the naturally-aligned-power-of-two (NA4 and NAPOT) modes (default = true); disabling this mode will reduce area footprint and critical path length
PMP Permissions when in Debug Mode
When in debug-mode all PMP rules are bypassed/ignored granting the debugger maximum access permissions.
PMP Time-Multiplex
Instructions are executed in a multi-cycle manner. Hence, data access (load/store) and instruction fetch cannot occur
at the same time. Therefore, the PMP hardware uses only a single set of comparators for memory access permissions checks
that are switched in an iterative, time-multiplex style reducing hardware footprint by approx. 50% while maintaining
full security features and RISC-V compatibility.
PMP Memory Accesses
Load/store accesses for which there are insufficient access permission do not trigger any memory/bus accesses at all.
In contrast, instruction accesses for which there are insufficient access permission nevertheless lead to a memory/bus
access (causing potential side effects on the memory side=. However, the fetched instruction will be discarded and the
corresponding exception will still be triggered precisely.
3.6.34. Sdext
ISA Extension
This ISA extension enables the RISC-V-compatible "external debug support" by implementing the CPU "debug mode", which is required for the on-chip debugger. See section On-Chip Debugger (OCD) / CPU Debug Mode for more information.
Class | Instructions | Execution cycles |
System |
5 |
3.6.35. Sdtrig
ISA Extension
This ISA extension implements the RISC-V-compatible "trigger module". See section On-Chip Debugger (OCD) / Trigger Module for more information.
3.7. Custom Functions Unit (CFU)
The Custom Functions Unit (CFU) is the central part of the NEORV32-specific Zxcfu
ISA Extension and
represents the actual hardware module that can be used to implement custom RISC-V instructions.
The CFU is intended for operations that are inefficient in terms of performance, latency, energy consumption or program memory requirements when implemented entirely in software. Some potential application fields and exemplary use-cases might include:
AI: sub-word / vertical vector/SIMD operations like processing all four sub-bytes of a 32-bit data word individually
Cryptographic: bit substitution and permutation
Communication: data conversions like binary to gray-code
Arithmetic: BCD (binary-coded decimal) operations; multiply-add operations; shift-and-add algorithms like CORDIC or BKM
Image processing: look-up-tables for color space transformations
implementing instructions from other RISC-V ISA extensions that are not yet supported by NEORV32
The NEORV32 CFU supports two different instruction formats (R3-type and R4-type; see CFU Instruction Formats) and also allows to implement up to 4 CFU-internal custom control and status registers (see CFU Control and Status Registers (CFU-CSRs)).
CFU Complexity
The CFU is not intended for complex and CPU-independent functional units that implement complete accelerators
(like block-based AES encryption). These kind of accelerators should be implemented as memory-mapped co-processor via the
Custom Functions Subsystem (CFS) to allow CPU-independent operation. A comparative survey of all NEORV32-specific
hardware extension/customization options is provided in the user guide section
Adding Custom Hardware Modules.
Default CFU Hardware Example
The default CFU module (rtl/core/neorv32_cpu_cp_cfu.vhd ) implements the Extended Tiny Encryption Algorithm (XTEA)
as "real world" application example.
3.7.1. CFU Instruction Formats
The custom instructions executed by the CFU utilize a specific opcode space in the rv32
32-bit instruction
encoding space that has been explicitly reserved for user-defined extensions by the RISC-V specifications ("Guaranteed
Non-Standard Encoding Space"). The NEORV32 CFU uses the custom-0
and custom-1
opcodes to identify the instruction
implemented by the CFU and to differentiate between the predefined instruction formats.
The NEORV32 CFU utilizes these two opcodes to support user-defined R3-type instructions (2 source registers, 1 destination register) and R4-type instructions (3 source registers, 1 destination register). Both instruction formats are compliant to the RISC-V specification.
RISC-V standard, used for NEORV32 CFU R3-Type Instructions (3x register addresses) -
RISC-V standard, used for NEORV32 CFU R4-Type Instructions (4x register addresses)
The provided instructions formats are predefined to allow an easy integration framework. However, system designers are free to ignore these and use their own instruction types and formats. |
CFU R3-Type Instructions
The R3-type CFU instructions operate on two source registers rs1
and rs2
and return the processing result to
the destination register rd
. The actual operation can be defined by using the funct7
and funct3
bit fields.
These immediates can also be used to pass additional data to the CFU like offsets, look-up-tables addresses or
shift-amounts. However, the actual functionality is entirely user-defined. Note that all immediate values are
always compile-time-static.
Example operation: rd ⇐ rs1 xnor rs2
(bit-wise logical XNOR)

: 7-bit immediate (immediate data or function select) -
: address of second source register (providing 32-bit source data) -
: address of first source register (providing 32-bit source data) -
: 3-bit immediate (immediate data or function select) -
: address of destination register (32-bit processing result) -
Instruction encoding space
By using the funct7 and funct3 bit fields entirely for selecting the actual operation a total of 1024 custom
R3-type instructions can be implemented (7-bit + 3-bit = 10 bit → 1024 different values).
CFU R4-Type Instructions
The R4-type CFU instructions operate on three source registers rs1
, rs2
and rs2
and return the processing
result to the destination register rd
. The actual operation can be defined by using the funct3
bit field.
Alternatively, this immediate can also be used to pass additional data to the CFU like offsets, look-up-tables
addresses or shift-amounts. However, the actual functionality is entirely user-defined. Note that all immediate
values are always compile-time-static.
Example operation: rd ⇐ (rs1 * rs2 + rs3)[31:0]
(multiply-and-accumulate; "MAC")

: address of third source register (providing 32-bit source data) -
: address of second source register (providing 32-bit source data) -
: address of first source register (providing 32-bit source data) -
: 3-bit immediate (immediate data or function select) -
: address of destination register (32-bit processing result) -
opcode) -
⚠️ bits [26:25] of the R4-type instruction word are unused. However, these bits are ignored by CPU’s instruction decoder and can be retrieved via the CFU’s
funct7_i(6 downto 5)
Instruction encoding space
By using the funct3 bit field entirely for selecting the actual operation a total of 8 custom R4-type
instructions can be implemented (3-bit → 8 different values).
Re-purposing R4-type instructions as additional R3-type instructions
Advanced user can use the custom-1 opcode to implement additional R3-type instructions instead of the
predefined r4-type instructions.
3.7.2. Using Custom Instructions in Software
The custom instructions provided by the CFU can be used in plain C code by using intrinsics. Intrinsics behave like "normal" C functions but under the hood they are a set of macros that hide the complexity of inline assembly, which is used to construct the custom 32-bit instruction words. Using intrinsics removes the need to modify the compiler, built-in libraries or the assembler when using custom instructions. Each intrinsic will be compiled into a single 32-bit instruction word without any overhead providing maximum code efficiency.
The NEORV32 software framework provides two pre-defined prototypes for custom instructions, which are defined in
uint32_t neorv32_cfu_r3_instr(funct7, funct3, rs1, rs2); // R3-type instructions
uint32_t neorv32_cfu_r4_instr(funct3, rs1, rs2, rs3); // R4-type instructions
The intrinsic functions always return a 32-bit value of type uint32_t
(the processing result), which can be
discarded if not needed. Each intrinsic function requires several arguments depending on the instruction type/format:
- 7-bit immediate (R3-type) -
- 3-bit immediate (R3-type, R4-type) -
- source operand 1, 32-bit (R3-type, R4-type) -
- source operand 2, 32-bit (R3-type, R4-type) -
- source operand 3, 32-bit (R4-type)
The funct3
and funct7
bit-fields are used to pass 3-bit or 7-bit literals to the CFU. The rs1
, rs2
arguments pass the actual data to the CFU via register addresses. These register arguments can be populated
with variables or literals; the compiler will add the required code to move the data into a register before
passing it to the CFU. The following examples shows how to pass arguments:
uint32_t tmp = some_function();
uint32_t res = neorv32_cfu_r3_instr(0b0000000, 0b101, tmp, 123);
uint32_t foo = neorv32_cfu_r4_instr(0b011, tmp, res, (uint32_t)some_array[i]);
neorv32_cfu_r3_instr(0b0100100, 0b001, tmp, foo); // discard result
CFU Example Program
There is an example program for the CFU, which shows how to use the default CFU hardware module.
This example program is located in sw/example/demo_cfu .
3.7.3. CFU Control and Status Registers (CFU-CSRs)
The CPU provides up to four control and status registers (cfureg*
) to be used within the CFU.
These CSRs are mapped to the "custom user-mode read/write" CSR address space, which is explicitly reserved for
platform-specific application by the RISC-V spec. For example, these CSRs can be used to pass additional operands
to the CFU, to obtain additional results, to check processing status or to configure operation modes.
neorv32_cpu_csr_write(CSR_CFUREG0, 0xabcdabcd); // write data to CFU CSR 0
uint32_t tmp = neorv32_cpu_csr_read(CSR_CFUREG3); // read data from CFU CSR 3
Additional CFU-internal CSRs
If more than four CFU-internal CSRs are required the designer can implement an "indirect access mechanism" based
on just two of the default CSRs: one CSR is used to configure the index while the other is used as alias to exchange
data with the indexed CFU-internal CSR - this concept is similar to the RISC-V Indirect CSR Access Extension
Specification (Smcsrind ).
Security Considerations
The CFU CSRs are mapped to the user-mode CSR space so software running at any privilege level can access these
3.7.4. Custom Instructions Hardware
The actual functionality of the CFU’s custom instructions is defined by the user-defined logic inside the CFU
hardware module (rtl/core/neorv32_cpu_cp_cfu.vhd
). This file is highly commented to explain the interface and
to illustrate hardware design considerations.
CFU operations can be entirely combinatorial (like bit-reversal) so the result is available at the end of the current clock cycle. However, operations can also take several clock cycles to complete (like multiplications) and may also include internal states and memories.
CFU Hardware Resource Requirements
Enabling the CFU and actually implementing R4-type instructions (or more precisely, using the third register
source rs3 ) will add an additional read port to the core’s register file increasing resource requirements
of the register file by 50%.
CFU Execution Time
The CFU has to complete computation within a bound time window (default = 512 clock cycles). Otherwise,
the CFU operation is terminated by the CPU execution logic and an illegal instruction exception is raised. See section
CPU Arithmetic Logic Unit for more information.
CFU Exception
The CFU can intentionally raise an illegal instruction exception by not asserting the done at all causing an
execution timeout. For example this can be used to signal invalid configurations/operations to the runtime
environment. See the documentation in the CFU’s VHDL source file for more information.
3.8. Control and Status Registers (CSRs)
The following table shows a summary of all available NEORV32 CSRs. The address field defines the CSR address for
the CSR access instructions. The "Name [ASM]" column provides the CSR name aliases that can be used in (inline) assembly.
The "Name [C]" column lists the name aliases that are defined by the NEORV32 core library. These can be used in plain C code.
The "Access" column shows the minimal required privilege mode required for accessing the according CSR (M
= machine-mode,
= user-mode, D
= debug-mode) and the read/write capabilities (RW
= read-write, RO
= read-only)
Unused, Reserved, Unimplemented and Disabled CSRs
All CSRs and CSR bits that are not listed in the table below are unimplemented and are hardwired to zero. Additionally,
CSRs that are unavailable ("disabled") because the according ISA extension is not enabled are also considered unimplemented
and are also hardwired to zero. Any access to such a CSR will raise an illegal instruction exception. All writable CSRs provide
WARL behavior (write all values; read only legal values). Application software should always read back a CSR after writing
to check if the targeted bits can actually be modified.
Address | Name [ASM] | Name [C] | Access | Description |
0x001 |
Floating-point accrued exceptions |
0x002 |
Floating-point dynamic rounding mode |
0x003 |
Floating-point control and status |
0x300 |
Machine status register - low word |
0x301 |
Machine CPU ISA and extensions |
0x304 |
Machine interrupt enable register |
0x305 |
Machine trap-handler base address for ALL traps |
0x306 |
Machine counter-enable register |
0x310 |
Machine status register - high word |
0x30a |
Machine environment configuration register - low word |
0x31a |
Machine environment configuration register - high word |
0x320 |
Machine counter-inhibit register |
0x340 |
Machine scratch register |
0x341 |
Machine exception program counter |
0x342 |
Machine trap cause |
0x343 |
Machine trap value |
0x344 |
Machine interrupt pending register |
0x34a |
Machine trap instruction |
0x3a0 .. 0x303 |
Physical memory protection configuration registers |
0x3b0 .. 0x3bf |
Physical memory protection address registers |
0x7a0 |
Trigger select register |
0x7a1 |
Trigger data register 1 |
0x7a2 |
Trigger data register 2 |
0x7a4 |
Trigger information register |
0x7b0 |
- |
Debug control and status register |
0x7b1 |
- |
Debug program counter |
0x7b2 |
- |
Debug scratch register 0 |
0xb00 |
Machine cycle counter low word |
0xb02 |
Machine instruction-retired counter low word |
0xb80 |
Machine cycle counter high word |
0xb82 |
Machine instruction-retired counter high word |
0xc00 |
Cycle counter low word |
0xc02 |
Instruction-retired counter low word |
0xc80 |
Cycle counter high word |
0xc82 |
Instruction-retired counter high word |
0x323 .. 0x32f |
Machine performance-monitoring event select for counter 3..15 |
0xb03 .. 0xb0f |
Machine performance-monitoring counter 3..15 low word |
0xb83 .. 0xb8f |
Machine performance-monitoring counter 3..15 high word |
0xf11 |
Machine vendor ID |
0xf12 |
Machine architecture ID |
0xf13 |
Machine implementation ID / version |
0xf14 |
Machine hardware thread ID |
0xf15 |
Machine configuration pointer register |
0xbc0 |
Inter-core communication status register |
0xbc1 |
Inter-core communication data register |
0x800 .. 0x803 |
Custom CFU registers 0 to 3 |
0xfc0 |
Extended machine CPU ISA and extensions |
3.8.1. Floating-Point CSRs
Name |
Floating-point accrued exceptions |
Address |
Reset value |
Description |
FPU status flags. |
Bit | R/W | Function |
0 |
r/w |
NX: inexact |
1 |
r/w |
UF: underflow |
2 |
r/w |
OF: overflow |
3 |
r/w |
DZ: division by zero |
4 |
r/w |
NV: invalid operation |
Name |
Floating-point dynamic rounding mode |
Address |
Reset value |
Description |
The |
Bit | R/W | Function |
2:0 |
r/w |
Rounding mode |
Name |
Floating-point control and status register |
Address |
Reset value |
Description |
The |
Bit | R/W | Function |
4:0 |
r/w |
Accrued exception flags ( |
7:5 |
r/w |
Rounding mode ( |
3.8.2. Machine Trap Setup CSRs
Name |
Machine status register - low word |
Address |
Reset value |
Description |
The |
Bit | Name [C] | R/W | Function |
3 |
r/w |
MIE: Machine-mode interrupt enable flag |
7 |
r/w |
MPIE: Previous machine-mode interrupt enable flag state |
12:11 |
r/w |
MPP: Previous machine privilege mode, |
17 |
r/w |
MPRV: Effective privilege mode for load/stores; use |
21 |
r/w |
TW: Trap on execution of |
If the core is in user-mode, machine-mode interrupts are globally enabled even if mstatus.mie is cleared:
"Interrupts for higher-privilege modes, y>x, are always globally enabled regardless of the setting of the global yIE
bit for the higher-privilege mode." - RISC-V ISA Spec.
Name |
ISA and extensions |
Address |
Reset value |
Description |
The |
The NEORV32 misa CSR is read-only. Hence, active CPU extensions are entirely defined by pre-synthesis configurations
and cannot be switched on/off during runtime. For compatibility reasons any write access to this CSR is simply ignored and
will not cause an illegal instruction exception.
Bit | Name [C] | R/W | Function |
0 |
r/- |
A: CPU extension (atomic memory access) available, set when |
1 |
r/- |
B: CPU extension (bit-manipulation) available, set when |
2 |
r/- |
C: CPU extension (compressed instruction) available, set when |
4 |
r/- |
E: CPU extension (embedded) available, set when |
8 |
r/- |
I: CPU base ISA, cleared when |
12 |
r/- |
M: CPU extension (mul/div) available, set when |
20 |
r/- |
U: CPU extension (user mode) available, set when |
23 |
r/- |
X: bit is always set to indicate non-standard / NEORV32-specific extensions |
31:30 |
r/- |
MXL: 32-bit architecture indicator (always |
Machine-mode software can discover available Z* sub-extensions (like Zicsr or Zfinx ) by checking the NEORV32-specific
mxisa CSR.
Name |
Machine interrupt-enable register |
Address |
Reset value |
Description |
The |
Bit | Name [C] | R/W | Function |
3 |
r/w |
MSIE: Machine software interrupt enable (from Core Local Interruptor (CLINT)) |
7 |
r/w |
MTIE: Machine timer interrupt enable (from Core Local Interruptor (CLINT)) |
11 |
r/w |
MEIE: Machine external interrupt enable |
31:16 |
r/w |
Fast interrupt channel 15..0 enable |
Name |
Machine trap-handler base address |
Address |
Reset value |
Description |
The |
Bit | R/W | Function |
1:0 |
r/w |
MODE: mode configuration, |
31:2 |
r/w |
BASE: in DIRECT mode = 4-byte-aligned base address of trap base handler, all traps jump to |
Interrupt Latency
The vectored mtvec mode is useful for reducing the time between interrupt request (IRQ) and servicing it (ISR).
As software does not need to determine the interrupt cause the reduction in latency can be 5 to 10 times and as low as 26 cycles.
Name |
Machine counter enable |
Address |
Reset value |
Description |
The |
Bit | Name [C] | R/W | Function |
0 |
r/w |
CY: User-mode is allowed to read |
1 |
- |
r/- |
TM: not implemented, hardwired to zero |
2 |
r/w |
IR: User-mode is allowed to read |
31:3 |
- |
r/- |
not implemented, hardwired to zero |
Name |
Machine status register - high word |
Address |
Reset value |
Description |
The features of this CSR are not implemented yet. The register is read-only and always returns zero. |
3.8.3. Machine Trap Handling CSRs
Name |
Scratch register for machine trap handlers |
Address |
Reset value |
Description |
The |
Name |
Machine exception program counter |
Address |
Reset value |
Description |
The |
mepc[0] is hardwired to zero. If IALIGN = 32 (i.e. C ISA Extension is disabled) then mepc[1] is also hardwired to zero.
Name |
Machine trap cause |
Address |
Reset value |
Description |
The |
Bit | R/W | Function |
4:0 |
r/w |
Exception code: see NEORV32 Trap Listing |
31 |
r/w |
Interrupt: |
Name |
Machine trap value |
Address |
Reset value |
Description |
The |
Note that the NEORV32 mtval CSR is updated by the hardware only and cannot be written from software.
However, any write-access will be ignored and will not cause an exception to maintain RISC-V compatibility.
Name |
Machine interrupt pending |
Address |
Reset value |
Description |
The |
Bit | Name [C] | R/W | Function |
3 |
r/- |
MSIP: Machine software interrupt pending, triggered by |
7 |
r/- |
MTIP: Machine timer interrupt pending, triggered by |
11 |
r/- |
MEIP: Machine external interrupt pending, triggered by |
31:16 |
r/- |
FIRQxP: Fast interrupt channel 15..0 pending, see NEORV32-Specific Fast Interrupt Requests; cleared by source-specific mechanism |
FIRQ Channel Mapping
See section NEORV32-Specific Fast Interrupt Requests for the mapping of the FIRQ channels and the according
interrupt-triggering processor module.
Name |
Machine trap instruction |
Address |
Reset value |
Description |
The |
Note that the NEORV32 mtinst CSR is updated by the hardware only and cannot be written from software.
However, any write-access will be ignored and will not cause an exception to maintain RISC-V compatibility.
Instruction Transformation
The RISC-V priv. spec. suggests that the instruction word written to mtinst by the hardware should be "transformed".
However, the NEORV32 mtinst CSR uses a simplified transformation scheme: if the trap-causing instruction is a
standard 32-bit instruction, mtinst contains the exact instruction word that caused the trap. If the trap-causing
instruction is a compressed instruction, mtinst contains the de-compressed 32-bit equivalent with bit 1 being cleared
while all remaining bits represent the pre-decoded 32-bit instruction equivalent.
3.8.4. Machine Configuration CSRs
Name |
Machine environment configuration register - low word |
Address |
Reset value |
Description |
Currently, the features of this CSR are not supported. Hence, the entire register is hardwired to all-zero. |
Name |
Machine environment configuration register - high word |
Address |
Reset value |
Description |
Currently, the features of this CSR are not supported. Hence, the entire register is hardwired to all-zero. |
3.8.5. Machine Physical Memory Protection CSRs
The physical memory protection system is configured via the PMP_NUM_REGIONS
top entity
defines the total number of implemented regions. Note that the maximum number of regions
is constrained to 16. If trying to access a PMP-related CSR beyond PMP_NUM_REGIONS
no illegal instruction exception
is triggered. The according CSRs are read-only (writes are ignored) and always return zero.
See section Smpmp
ISA Extension for more information.
Name |
Physical memory protection region configuration registers |
Address |
Reset value |
Description |
Configuration of physical memory protection regions. Each region provides an individual 8-bit array in these CSRs. |
Bit | Name [C] | R/W | Function |
0 |
r/w |
R: Read permission |
1 |
r/w |
W: Write permission |
2 |
r/w |
X: Execute permission |
4:3 |
r/w |
A: Mode configuration ( |
7 |
r/w |
L: Lock bit, prevents further write accesses, also enforces access rights in machine-mode, can only be cleared by CPU reset |
Implemented Modes
In order to reduce the CPU size certain PMP modes (A bits) can be excluded from synthesis.
Use the PMP_TOR_MODE_EN and PMP_NAP_MODE_EN Processor Top Entity - Generics to control
implementation of the according modes.
Name |
Physical memory protection region address registers |
Address |
Reset value |
Description |
Region address/boundaries configuration. |
Bit | R/W | Description |
31:30 |
r-w |
address bits |
29:0 |
r/w |
address bits |
3.8.6. (Machine) Counter and Timer CSRs
time[h] CSRs (Wall Clock Time)time[h] registers. Any access to these registers will trap.
It is recommended that the trap handler software provides a means of accessing the machine timer oft the
Core Local Interruptor (CLINT).
Instruction Retired Counter Increment
The [m]instret[h] counter always increments when a instruction enters the pipeline’s execute stage no matter
if this instruction is actually going to retire or if it causes an exception.
Name |
Cycle counter |
Address |
Reset value |
Description |
The |
Name |
Instructions-retired counter |
Address |
Reset value |
Description |
The |
Name |
Machine cycle counter |
Address |
Reset value |
Description |
If not halted via the |
Name |
Machine instructions-retired counter |
Address |
Reset value |
Description |
If not halted via the |
Instruction Retiring
Note that all executed instruction do increment the [m]instret[h] counters even if they do not retire
(e.g. if the instruction causes an exception).
3.8.7. Hardware Performance Monitors (HPM) CSRs
Machine-Mode HPMs Only
Note that only the machine-mode hardware performance counter CSR are available (mhpmcounter*[h] ).
Accessing any user-mode HPM CSR (hpmcounter*[h] ) will raise an illegal instruction exception.
The actual number of implemented hardware performance monitors is configured via the HPM_NUM_CNTS
top entity generic,
Note that always all 13 HPM counter and configuration registers (mhpmcounter*[h]
) are implemented, but
only the actually configured ones are implemented as "real" physical registers - the remaining ones will be hardwired to zero.
If trying to access an HPM-related CSR beyond HPM_NUM_CNTS
no illegal instruction exception is
triggered. These CSRs are read-only, writes are ignored and reads always return zero.
The total counter width of the HPMs can be configured before synthesis via the HPM_CNT_WIDTH
generic (0..64-bit).
is less than 64, all remaining MSB-aligned bits are hardwired to zero.
Name |
Machine hardware performance monitor event select |
Address |
Reset value |
Description |
The value in these CSRs define the architectural events that cause an increment of the according |
Bit | Name [C] | R/W | Event Description |
RISC-V-compatible |
0 |
r/w |
active clock cycle (CPU not in Sleep Mode) |
1 |
r/- |
not implemented, hardwired to zero |
2 |
r/w |
any executed instruction (16-bit/compressed or 32-bit/uncompressed) |
NEORV32-specific |
3 |
r/w |
any executed 16-bit/compressed ( |
4 |
r/w |
instruction dispatch wait cycle (wait for instruction prefetch-buffer refill (CPU Control Unit IPB); caused by a fence instruction, a control flow transfer or a instruction fetch bus wait cycle) |
5 |
r/w |
any delay/wait cycle caused by a multi-cycle CPU Arithmetic Logic Unit operation |
6 |
r/w |
any executed branch instruction (unconditional, conditional-taken or conditional-not-taken) |
7 |
r/w |
any control transfer operation (unconditional jump, taken conditional branch or trap entry/exit) |
8 |
r/w |
any executed load operation (including any atomic memory operations) |
9 |
r/w |
any executed store operation (including any atomic memory operations) |
10 |
r/w |
any memory/bus/cache/etc. delay/wait cycle while executing any load or store operation (caused by a data bus wait cycle)) |
11 |
r/w |
starting processing of any trap (Traps, Exceptions and Interrupts) |
Instruction Retiring ("Retired == Executed")
The CPU HPM/counter logic treats all executed instruction as "retired" even if they raise an exception,
cause an interrupt, trigger a privilege mode change or were not meant to retire (i.e. claimed by the RISC-V spec.).
Atomic Memory Access
The read-modify-write instructions of the Zaamo ISA Extension operate as simple load for the CPU hardware.
Hence, they will only trigger HPMCNT_EVENT_LOAD and only once.
Name |
Machine hardware performance monitor (HPM) counter |
Address |
Reset value |
Description |
If not halted via the |
3.8.8. Machine Counter Setup CSRs
Name |
Machine counter-inhibit register |
Address |
Reset value |
Description |
Set bit to halt the according counter CSR. |
Bit | Name [C] | R/W | Description |
0 |
r/w |
IR: Set to |
1 |
- |
r/- |
TM: Hardwired to zero as |
2 |
r/w |
CY: Set to |
15:3 |
r/w |
HPMx: Set to |
3.8.9. Machine Information CSRs
Name |
Machine vendor ID |
Address |
Reset value |
Description |
Hardwired to zero; read accesses are ignored. |
Name |
Machine architecture ID |
Address |
Reset value |
Description |
The |
Name |
Machine implementation ID |
Address |
Reset value |
Description |
The |
Name |
Machine hardware thread ID |
Address |
Reset value |
Description |
The |
Name |
Machine configuration pointer register |
Address |
Reset value |
Description |
The features of this CSR are not implemented yet. The register is read-only and always returns zero. |
3.8.10. NEORV32-Specific CSRs
RISC-V-Compliant Mapping
All NEORV32-specific CSRs are mapped to addresses that are explicitly reserved for
custom/implementation-specific use (assured by the RISC-V privileged specifications).
Name |
Custom (user-defined) CFU CSRs |
Address |
Reset value |
Description |
User-defined CSRs to be used within the Custom Functions Unit (CFU). |
Name |
Inter-Core Communication (ICC) status register |
Address |
Reset value |
Description |
Shows the status of the core’s inter-core communication link (message queue / FIFO status flags). The entire CSR is read-only. However, write accesses are ignored. This CSR is hardwired to all-zero if the Dual-Core Configuration is disabled. |
Bit | Name [C] | R/W | Description |
0 |
r/- |
Set if RX data from the other core is available. |
1 |
r/- |
Set if there is free space for TX data for the other core. |
31:2 |
- |
r/- |
Reserved; hardwired to zero. |
Name |
Inter-Core Communication (ICC) data register |
Address |
Reset value |
Description |
This CSR provides access to the inter-core communication message queues that are implemented as simple FIFOs. Writing to this register will put data into the message queue so it can be read by the other core. Reading from this register will return data received from the other core (i.e. this CSR has side effects when reading). A read access will return all-zero of no RX data is available from the other core. This CSR is hardwired to all-zero if the Dual-Core Configuration is disabled. |
Name |
Machine extended ISA and extensions register |
Address |
Reset value |
Description |
The |
Bit | Name [C] | R/W | Description |
0 |
r/- |
1 |
r/- |
2 |
r/- |
3 |
r/- |
4 |
r/- |
5 |
r/- |
6 |
r/- |
7 |
r/- |
8 |
r/- |
9 |
r/- |
10 |
r/- |
11 |
r/- |
12 |
r/- |
13 |
r/- |
14 |
r/- |
15 |
r/- |
16 |
r/- |
17 |
r/- |
18 |
r/- |
19 |
r/- |
20 |
r/- |
21 |
r/- |
22 |
r/- |
23 |
r/- |
24 |
r/- |
25 |
r/- |
26 |
r/- |
27 |
r/- |
sleep-mode clock gating implemented when set ( |
28 |
r/- |
full hardware reset of register file available when set ( |
29 |
r/- |
fast multiplication available when set ( |
30 |
r/- |
fast shifts available when set ( |
31 |
r/- |
set if CPU is being simulated |
3.9. Traps, Exceptions and Interrupts
In this document the following terminology is used (derived from the RISC-V trace specification available at https://github.com/riscv-non-isa/riscv-trace-spec):
exception: an unusual condition occurring at run time associated (i.e. synchronous) with an instruction in a RISC-V hart
interrupt: an external asynchronous event that may cause a RISC-V hart to experience an unexpected transfer of control
trap: the transfer of control to a trap handler caused by either an exception or an interrupt
Whenever an exception or interrupt is triggered, the CPU switches to machine-mode (if not already in machine-mode)
and continues operation at the address being stored in the mtvec
CSR. The cause of the trap can be determined via the
CSR. A list of all implemented mcause
values and the according description can be found below in section
NEORV32 Trap Listing. The address that reflects the current program counter when a trap was taken is stored to
CSR. Additional information regarding the cause of the trap can be retrieved from the mtval
and mtinst
The traps are prioritized. If several exceptions occur at once only the one with highest priority is triggered while all remaining exceptions are ignored and discarded. If several interrupts trigger at once, the one with highest priority is serviced first while the remaining ones stay pending. After completing the interrupt handler the interrupt with the second highest priority will get serviced and so on until no further interrupts are pending.
Interrupts when in User-Mode
If the core is currently operating in less privileged user-mode, interrupts are globally enabled
even if mstatus .mie is cleared.
Interrupt Signal Requirements - Standard RISC-V Interrupts
All interrupt request signals are high-active. Once triggered, a interrupt request line should stay high
until it is explicitly acknowledged by a source-specific mechanism (for example by writing to a specific memory-mapped register).
Instruction Atomicity and Forward-Progress
All instructions execute as atomic operations - interrupts can only trigger between consecutive instructions.
Additionally, if there is a permanent interrupt request, exactly one instruction from the interrupted program will be executed before
another interrupt handler can start. This allows program progress even if there are permanent interrupt requests.
3.9.1. Memory Access Exceptions
If a load operation causes any exception, the instruction’s destination register is not written at all. Furthermore, exceptions caused by a misaligned memory address a physical memory protection fault do not trigger a memory access request at all.
For 32-bit-only instructions (= no C
extension) the misaligned instruction exception is raised if bit 1 of the fetch
address is set (i.e. not on a 32-bit boundary). If the C
extension is implemented there will never be a misaligned
instruction exception at all.
3.9.2. Custom Fast Interrupt Request Lines
As a custom extension, the NEORV32 CPU features 16 fast interrupt request (FIRQ) lines via the firq_i
CPU top
entity signals. These interrupts have custom configuration and status flags in the mie
and mip
CSRs and also
provide custom trap codes in mcause
. These FIRQs are reserved for NEORV32 processor-internal usage only.
3.9.3. NEORV32 Trap Listing
The following tables show all traps that are currently supported by the NEORV32 CPU. It also shows the prioritization and the CSR side-effects.
FIRQ Mapping
See section NEORV32-Specific Fast Interrupt Requests for the mapping of the FIRQ channels to the according hardware modules.
Table Annotations
The "Prio." column shows the priority of each trap with the highest priority being 1. The "RTE Trap ID" aliases are
defined by the NEORV32 core library (the runtime environment RTE) and can be used in plain C code when interacting
with the pre-defined RTE function. The mcause
, mepc
, mtval
and mtinst
columns show the value being
written to the according CSRs when a trap is triggered:
I-PC - address of intercepted instruction (instruction has not been executed yet)
PC - address of instruction that caused the trap (instruction has been executed)
ADR - bad data memory access address that caused the trap
INS - the transformed/decompressed instruction word that caused the trap
0 - zero
Prio. | mcause |
RTE Trap ID | Cause | mepc |
mtval |
mtinst |
Exceptions (synchronous to instruction execution) |
1 |
instruction access fault |
I-PC |
0 |
2 |
illegal instruction |
PC |
0 |
3 |
instruction address misaligned |
PC |
0 |
4 |
environment call from M-mode |
PC |
0 |
5 |
environment call from U-mode |
PC |
0 |
6 |
software breakpoint / trigger firing |
PC |
0 |
7 |
store address misaligned |
PC |
8 |
load address misaligned |
PC |
9 |
store access fault |
PC |
10 |
load access fault |
PC |
Interrupts (asynchronous to instruction execution) |
11 |
fast interrupt request channel 0 |
I-PC |
0 |
0 |
12 |
fast interrupt request channel 1 |
I-PC |
0 |
0 |
13 |
fast interrupt request channel 2 |
I-PC |
0 |
0 |
14 |
fast interrupt request channel 3 |
I-PC |
0 |
0 |
15 |
fast interrupt request channel 4 |
I-PC |
0 |
0 |
16 |
fast interrupt request channel 5 |
I-PC |
0 |
0 |
17 |
fast interrupt request channel 6 |
I-PC |
0 |
0 |
18 |
fast interrupt request channel 7 |
I-PC |
0 |
0 |
19 |
fast interrupt request channel 8 |
I-PC |
0 |
0 |
20 |
fast interrupt request channel 9 |
I-PC |
0 |
0 |
21 |
fast interrupt request channel 10 |
I-PC |
0 |
0 |
22 |
fast interrupt request channel 11 |
I-PC |
0 |
0 |
23 |
fast interrupt request channel 12 |
I-PC |
0 |
0 |
24 |
fast interrupt request channel 13 |
I-PC |
0 |
0 |
25 |
fast interrupt request channel 14 |
I-PC |
0 |
0 |
26 |
fast interrupt request channel 15 |
I-PC |
0 |
0 |
27 |
machine external interrupt (MEI) |
I-PC |
0 |
0 |
28 |
machine software interrupt (MSI) |
I-PC |
0 |
0 |
29 |
machine timer interrupt (MTI) |
I-PC |
0 |
0 |
Trap ID [C] | Triggered when … |
bus timeout, bus access error or PMP rule violation during instruction fetch |
trying to execute an invalid instruction word (malformed or not supported) or on a privilege violation |
fetching a 32-bit instruction word that is not 32-bit-aligned (see note below) |
executing |
executing |
executing |
storing data to an address that is not naturally aligned to the data size (half/word) |
loading data from an address that is not naturally aligned to the data size (half/word) |
bus timeout, bus access error or PMP rule violation during load data operation |
bus timeout, bus access error or PMP rule violation during store data operation |
caused by interrupt-condition of processor-internal modules, see NEORV32-Specific Fast Interrupt Requests |
machine external interrupt (via dedicated Processor Top Entity - Signals) |
machine software interrupt (internal Core Local Interruptor (CLINT) or via dedicated Processor Top Entity - Signals) |
machine timer interrupt (internal Core Local Interruptor (CLINT) or via dedicated Processor Top Entity - Signals) |
Resumable Exceptions
Note that not all exceptions are resumable. For example, the "instruction access fault" exception or the "instruction
address misaligned" exception are not resumable in most cases. These exception might indicate a fatal memory hardware failure.
3.10. Dual-Core Configuration
Dual-Core Example Programs
A set of rather simple dual-core example programs can be found in sw/example/demo_dual_core* .
Optionally, the CPU core can be implemented as symmetric multiprocessing (SMP) dual-core system.
This dual-core configuration is enabled by the DUAL_CORE_EN
top generic.
When enabled, two core complexes are implemented. Each core complex consists of a CPU core and optional
instruction (I$
) and data (D$
) caches. Similar to the single-core Bus System, the instruction and
data interfaces are switched into a single bus interface by a prioritizing bus switch. The bus interfaces
of both core complexes are further switched into a single system bus using a round-robin arbiter.

Both CPU cores are fully identical and use the same ISA, tuning and cache configurations provided by the
according top generics. However, each core can be identified by the
according "hart ID" that can be retrieved from the mhartid
CSR. CPU core 0 (the primary core) has
mhartid = 0
while core 1 (the secondary core) has mhartid = 1
The following table summarizes the most important aspects when using the dual-core configuration.
CPU configuration |
Both cores use the same cache, CPU and ISA configuration provided by the according top generics. |
Debugging |
A special SMP openOCD script ( |
Clock and reset |
Both cores use the same global processor clock and reset. If CPU Clock Gating is enabled, the clock of each core can be individually halted by putting the core into Sleep Mode. |
Address space |
Both cores have full access to the same physical Address Space. |
Interrupts |
All Processor Interrupts are routed to both cores. Hence, each core has access to
all NEORV32-Specific Fast Interrupt Requests (FIRQs). Additionally, the RISC-V machine-level external
interrupt (via the top |
The NEORV32 Runtime Environment can be used for both cores. However, the RTE needs to be
explicitly initialized on each core (executing |
Memory |
Each core has its own stack. The top of stack of core 0 is defined by the Linker Script
while the top of stack of core 1 has to be explicitly defined by core 0 (see Dual-Core Boot). Both
cores share the same heap, |
Constructors and destructors |
Constructors and destructors are executed by core 0 only (see section C Standard Library). |
Cache coherency |
Be aware that there is no cache snooping available. If any level-1 cache is enabled
(Processor-Internal Instruction Cache (iCACHE) and/or Processor-Internal Data Cache (dCACHE)) care
must be taken to prevent access to outdated data - either by using cache synchronization ( |
Inter-core communication |
See section Inter-Core Communication (ICC). |
Bootloader |
Only core 0 will boot and execute the bootloader while core 1 is held in standby. |
Booting |
See section Dual-Core Boot. |
3.10.1. SMP Software Library
An SMP library provides basic functions for launching the secondary core and for performing direct core-to-core communication:
neorv32_smp.c |
neorv32_smp.h |
3.10.2. Inter-Core Communication (ICC)
Both cores can communicate with each other via a direct point-to-point connection based on FIFO-like message queues. These direct communication links are faster (in terms of latency) compared to a memory-mapped or shared-memory communication. Additionally, communication using these links is guaranteed to be atomic.
The inter-core communication (ICC) module is implemented as dedicated hardware module within each CPU core
(VHDL file rtl/core/neorv32_cpu_icc.vhd
). This module is automatically included if the dual-core option
is enabled. Each core provides a 32-bit wide and 4 entries deep FIFO for sending data to the other core.
Hence, there are two FIFOs: one for sending data from core 0 to core 1 and another one for sending data the
opposite way.
The ICC communication links are accessed via two NEORV32-specific CSRs. Hence, those FIFOs are accessible only by the CPU core itself and cannot be accessed by the DMA or any other CPU core.
The mxiccsreg
provides read-only status information about the core’s ICC links: bit 0 becomes set if
there is RX data available for this core (send from the other core). Bit 1 is set as long there is
free space in this core’s TX data FIFO. The mxiccdata
CSR is used for actual data send/receive operations.
Writing this register will put the according data word into the TX link FIFO of this core. Reading this CSR
will return a data word from the RX FIFO of this core.
The ICC FIFOs do not provide any interrupt capabilities. Software is expected to use the machine-software interrupt of the receiving core (provided by the Core Local Interruptor (CLINT)) to inform it about available messages.
3.10.3. Dual-Core Boot
After reset, both cores start booting. However, core 1 will - regardless of the Boot Configuration - always enter Sleep Mode right inside the default Start-Up Code (crt0). The primary core (core 0) will continue booting, executing either the Bootloader or the pre-installed image from the internal instruction memory (depending on the boot configuration).
To boot-up core 1, the primary core has to use a special library function provided by the NEORV32 software framework:
int neorv32_smp_launch(int (*entry_point)(void), uint8_t* stack_memory, size_t stack_size_bytes);
When executed, core 0 uses the Inter-Core Communication (ICC) to send launch data that includes the entry point
for core 1 (via entry_point
) and the actual stack configuration (via stack_memory
and stack_size_bytes
Note that the main function for core 1 has to use a specific type (return int
, no arguments):
int core1_main(void) {
return 0; // return to crt0 and go to sleep mode
Core 1 Stack Memory
The memory for the stack of core 1 (stack_memory ) can be either statically allocated (i.e. a global
volatile memory array; placed in the .data or .bss section of core 0) or dynamically allocated
(using malloc ; placed on the heap of core 0). In any case the memory should be aligned to a 16-byte
After that, the primary core triggers the machine software interrupt of core 1 using the
Core Local Interruptor (CLINT). Core 1 wakes up from sleep mode, consumes the configuration structure and
finally starts executing at the provided entry point. When neorv32_smp_launch()
returns (with no error
code) the secondary core is online and running.
4. Software Framework
The NEORV32 project comes with a complete software ecosystem called the "software framework" which is based on the C-language RISC-V GCC port and consists of the following parts:
Software Documentation
All core libraries and example programs are documented "in-code" using Doxygen.
The documentation is automatically built and deployed to GitHub pages and is available online
at https://stnolting.github.io/neorv32/sw/files.html.
Example Programs
A collection of annotated example programs illustrating how to use certain CPU functions
and peripheral/IO modules can be found in sw/example .
4.1. Compiler Toolchain
The toolchain for this project is based on the free and open RISC-V GCC-port. You can find the compiler sources and build instructions in the official RISC-V GNU toolchain GitHub repository: https://github.com/riscv/riscv-gnutoolchain.
Toolchain Installation
More information regarding the toolchain (building from scratch or downloading prebuilt ones) can be found in the
user guide section Software Toolchain Setup.
4.2. Core Libraries
The NEORV32 project provides a set of pre-defined C libraries that allow an easy integration of the processor/CPU features
(also called "HAL" - hardware abstraction layer). All driver and runtime-related files are located in
. These library files are automatically included and linked by adding the following include statement:
#include <neorv32.h> // NEORV32 HAL, core and runtime libraries
The NEORV32 HAL consists of the following files.
C source file | C header file | Description |
- |
Main NEORV32 library file |
General auxiliary/helper function |
Control and Status Registers (CSRs) definitions |
- |
Macros for intrinsics and custom instructions |
HAL for the SMP Dual-Core Configuration |
Primary Universal Asynchronous Receiver and Transmitter (UART0) and UART1 HAL |
- |
Platform-specific system calls for newlib |
Core Libraries Documentation
The Doxygen-based documentation of the software framework including all core libraries is available online at
4.3. System View Description File (SVD)
A CMSIS-SVD-compatible System View Description (SVD) file including all peripherals is available in sw/svd
4.4. Application Makefile
Application compilation is based on a centralized GNU makefile (sw/common/common.mk
). Each software project
(for example the ones in sw/example
folder) should provide a local makefile that just includes the central makefile:
# Set path to NEORV32 root directory
NEORV32_HOME ?= ../../..
# Include the main NEORV32 makefile
include $(NEORV32_HOME)/sw/common/common.mk
Thus, the functionality of the central makefile (including all targets) becomes available for the project. The project-local makefile should be used to define all setup-relevant configuration options instead of changing the central makefile to keep the code base clean. Setting variables in the project-local makefile will override the default configuration. Most example projects already provide a makefile that list all relevant configuration options.
The following example shows all relevant configuration variables:
# Override the default CPU ISA
MARCH = rv32imc_zicsr_zifencei
# Override the default RISC-V GCC prefix
RISCV_PREFIX ?= riscv-none-elf-
# Override default optimization goal
# Add extended debug symbols
USER_FLAGS += -ggdb -gdwarf-3
# Additional sources
APP_SRC += $(wildcard ./*.c)
APP_INC += -I .
# Adjust processor IMEM size
USER_FLAGS += -Wl,--defsym,__neorv32_rom_size=16k
# Adjust processor DMEM size
USER_FLAGS += -Wl,--defsym,__neorv32_ram_size=8k
# Adjust maximum heap size
USER_FLAGS += -Wl,--defsym,__neorv32_heap_size=1k
# Reduce library footprint when no UART is synthesized
# Enable link-time-optimization
#USER_FLAGS += -flto
# Additional compiler flags (append to this variable)
#USER_FLAGS += ...
# Set path to NEORV32 root directory
NEORV32_HOME ?= ../../..
# Include the main NEORV32 makefile
include $(NEORV32_HOME)/sw/common/common.mk
Setup of a New Project
When creating a new project, copy an existing project folder or at least the makefile to the new project folder.
It is recommended to create new projects also in sw/example to keep the file dependencies. However, these
dependencies can be manually configured via makefile variables if the new project is located somewhere else.
For more complex projects, it may be useful to use explicit source and include folders. See sw/example/coremark for an example.
4.4.1. Makefile Targets
Invoking a project-local makefile (executing make
or make help
) will show the help menu that lists all
available targets as well as all variable including their current setting.
neorv32/sw/example/hello_world$ make
NEORV32 Software Makefile
Find more information at https://github.com/stnolting/neorv32
help - show this text
check - check toolchain
info - show makefile/toolchain configuration
gdb - start GNU debugging session
asm - compile and generate <main.asm> assembly listing file for manual debugging
elf - compile and generate <main.elf> ELF file
exe - compile and generate <neorv32_exe.bin> executable image file for bootloader upload (includes a HEADER!)
bin - compile and generate <neorv32_raw_exe.bin> executable memory image
hex - compile and generate <neorv32_raw_exe.hex> executable memory image
coe - compile and generate <neorv32_raw_exe.coe> executable memory image
mem - compile and generate <neorv32_raw_exe.mem> executable memory image
mif - compile and generate <neorv32_raw_exe.mif> executable memory image
image - compile and generate VHDL IMEM application boot image <neorv32_application_image.vhd> in local folder
install - compile, generate and install VHDL IMEM application boot image <neorv32_application_image.vhd>
sim - in-console simulation using default/simple testbench and GHDL
hdl_lists - regenerate HDL file-lists (*.f) in NEORV32_HOME/rtl
all - exe + install + hex + bin + asm
elf_info - show ELF layout info
elf_sections - show ELF sections
clean - clean up project home folder
clean_all - clean up project home folder and image generator
bl_image - compile and generate VHDL BOOTROM bootloader boot image <neorv32_bootloader_image.vhd> in local folder
bootloader - compile, generate and install VHDL BOOTROM bootloader boot image <neorv32_bootloader_image.vhd>
USER_FLAGS - Custom toolchain flags [append only]: "-ggdb -gdwarf-3 -Wl,--defsym,__neorv32_rom_size=16k -Wl,--defsym,__neorv32_ram_size=8k"
USER_LIBS - Custom libraries [append only]: ""
EFFORT - Optimization level: "-Os"
MARCH - Machine architecture: "rv32i_zicsr_zifencei"
MABI - Machine binary interface: "ilp32"
APP_INC - C include folder(s) [append only]: "-I ."
APP_SRC - C source folder(s) [append only]: "./main.c "
ASM_INC - ASM include folder(s) [append only]: "-I ."
RISCV_PREFIX - Toolchain prefix: "riscv-none-elf-"
NEORV32_HOME - NEORV32 home folder: "../../.."
GDB_ARGS - GDB (connection) arguments: "-ex target extended-remote localhost:3333"
GHDL_RUN_FLAGS - GHDL simulation run arguments: ""
Build Artifacts
All intermediate build artifacts (like object files and binaries) will be places into a (new) project-local
folder named build . The resulting build artifacts (like executable, the main ELF and all memory
initialization/image files) will be placed in the root project folder.
4.4.2. Default Compiler Flags
The central makefile uses specific compiler flags to tune the code to the NEORV32 hardware. Hence, these flags should not be altered. However, experienced users can modify them to further tune compilation.
Enable all compiler warnings. |
Put functions in independent sections. This allows a code optimization as dead code can be easily removed. |
Put data segment in independent sections. This allows a code optimization as unused data can be easily removed. |
Do not use the default start code. Instead, the NEORV32-specific start-up code ( |
Use built-in software functions for floating-point divisions and square roots (since the according instructions are not supported yet). |
Unaligned memory accesses cannot be resolved by the hardware and require emulation. |
Branching costs a lot of cycles. |
Make the linker perform dead code elimination. |
Disable floating-point expression contraction. |
Add (simple) debug information. |
Checking Compiler Flags from a Compiled Program
The makefile’s CC_OPTS is exported as define to be available within a C program; for example
neorv32_uart0_printf("%s\n", CC_OPTS); .
Include/link with |
Search for the standard C library when linking. |
Make sure we have no unresolved references to internal GCC library subroutines. |
Advanced Debug Symbols
By default, only "simple" symbols are added to the ELF (-g ). Extended debug flags (e.g. for Eclipse) can be added
using the USER_FLAGS variable (e.g. USER_FLAGS += -ggdb -gdwarf-3 ). Note that other debug flags may be required
depending of the GCC/GDB version
4.5. Linker Script
The NEORV32-specific linker script (sw/common/neorv32.ld
) is used to link the compiled sources according to the
processor’s Address Space). For the final executable, only two memory segments are required:
Memory section | Description |
Instruction memory address space (processor-internal Instruction Memory (IMEM) and/or external memory) |
Data memory address space (processor-internal Data Memory (DMEM) and/or external memory) |
These two sections are configured by several variables defined in the linker script and exposed to the build framework (aka the makefile). Those variable allow to customized the RAM/ROM sizes and base addresses. Additionally, a certain amount of the RAM can be reserved for the software-managed heap (see RAM Layout).
Memory section | Description | Default |
"ROM" size (instruction memory / IMEM) |
16kB |
"RAM" size (data memory / DMEM) |
8kB |
"ROM" base address (instruction memory / IMEM) |
"RAM" base address (data memory / DMEM) |
Maximum heap size; part of the "RAM" |
0kB |
Each variable provides a default value (e.g. "16K" for the instruction memory /ROM /IMEM size). These defaults can
be overridden by setup-specific values to take the user-defined processor configuration into account (e.g. a different IMEM
size). The USER_FLAGS
variable provided by the Application Makefile can also be used to customize the memory
configuration. For example, the following line can be added to a project-specific local makefile to adjust the memory
USER_FLAGS += "-Wl,--defsym,__neorv32_rom_size=64k -Wl,--defsym,__neorv32_ram_size=32k"
Memory Configuration Constraints
Memory sizes have to be a multiple of 4 bytes. Memory base addresses have to be 32-bit-aligned.
4.5.1. RAM Layout
The default NEORV32 linker script uses the defined RAM size to map several sections. Note that depending on the application some sections might have zero size.

Constant data (
): The constant data section is placed right at the beginning of the RAM. For example, this section contains explicitly initialized global variables. This section is initialized by the Start-Up Code (crt0). -
Dynamic data (
): The constant data section is followed by the dynamic data section that contains uninitialized data like global variables without explicit initialization. This section is cleared by the Start-Up Code (crt0). -
Heap (
): The heap is used for dynamic memory that is managed by functions likemalloc()
. The heap grows upwards. This section is not initialized at all. -
Stack: The stack starts at the end of the RAM at the last 16-byte aligned address. According to the RISC-V ABI / calling convention the stack is 128-bit-aligned before procedure entry. The stack grows downwards.
Heap Size
The maximum size of the heap is defined by the __neorv32_heap_size variable. This variable has to be
explicitly defined in order to define a heap size (and to use dynamic memory allocation at all) other than zero.
Heap-Stack Collision
Take care when using dynamic memory to avoid collision of the heap and stack memory areas. There is no compile-time
protection mechanism available as the actual heap and stack size are defined by runtime data.
4.6. C Standard Library
The default software framework relies on newlib as default C standard library. Newlib provides hooks for common
"system calls" (like file handling and standard input/output) that are used by other C libraries like stdio
These hooks are available in sw/lib/source/newlib.c
and were adapted for the NEORV32 processor.
Standard Consoles
is used to implement all the standard input, output and error consoles (STDIN , STDOUT and STDERR ).
Note that \n (newline) is automatically converted to \r\n (carriage-return and newline).
Constructors and Destructors
Constructors and destructors for plain C code or for C++ applications are supported by the software framework.
See sw/example/hello_cpp for a minimal example. Note that constructor and destructors are only executed
by core 0 (primary core) in the SMP Dual-Core Configuration.
Newlib Test/Demo Program
A simple test and demo program that uses some of newlib’s system functions (like malloc /free and read /write )
is available in sw/example/demo_newlib .
4.7. Start-Up Code (crt0)
The CPU and also the processor require a minimal start-up and initialization code to bring the hardware into an
operational state. Furthermore, the C runtime requires an initialization before compiled code can be executed.
This setup is done by the start-up code (sw/common/crt0.S
) which is automatically linked with every application
program and gets mapped before the actual application code so it gets executed right after boot.
The crt0.S
start-up performs the following operations:
Setup the stack pointer and the global pointer according to the RAM Layout provided by the Linker Script symbols.
CSR disabling machine-level interrupts. -
Install an Early Trap Handler to
CSR. -
CSR disabling all interrupt sources. -
Initialize all integer register
if theE
CPU extension is enabled). -
If the executing CPU core is not core 0 an SMP-specific code is executed and the CPU is halted in sleep mode. See section Dual-Core Boot for more information.
section to configure initialized variables. -
Clear the
section. -
Call all constructors (if there are any).
Call the application’s
function (with no arguments;argc
= 0). -
All interrupt sources are disabled by clearing
CSR. -
The return value of
is copied to themscratch
CSR to allow inspection by the debugger. -
The Early Trap Handler is re-installed to
CSR. -
Call all destructors (if there are any).
Execute an
instruction to enter debug mode if an external debugger is connected. -
The CPU enters sleep mode executing the
instruction in an endless loop.
4.7.1. Early Trap Handler
The start-up code provides a very basic trap handler for the early boot phase. This handler does nothing but
trying to move on to the next linear instruction whenever an interrupt or synchronous exception is encountered.
This simple trap handler does not interact with the stack at all as it just uses a single register that is backup-ed
using the mscratch
4.8. Executable Image Formats
The compiled and linked executable (ELF file) is further processed by the NEORV32 image generator (sw/image_gen
) to
generate the final executable file. The image generator can generate several types of executable file formats selected
by a flag when calling the generator.
Note that all these options are managed by the makefile (see Makefile Targets).
Generates an executable binary file (including a bootloader header) for upload via the bootloader. |
Generates an executable VHDL memory initialization image for the processor-internal IMEM. |
Generates an executable VHDL memory initialization image for the processor-internal BOOT ROM. |
Generates a raw 8x ASCII hex-char file for custom purpose. |
Generates a raw binary file `for custom purpose. |
Generates a raw COE file for FPGA memory initialization. |
Generates a raw MEM file for FPGA memory initialization. |
Generates a raw MIF file for FPGA memory initialization. |
Image Generator Compilation
The sources of the image generator are automatically compiled when invoking the makefile
(requiring a native GCC installation).
Executable Header
for the app_bin option the image generator adds a small header to the executable. This header is required by the
Bootloader to identify and manage the executable. The header consists of three 32-bit words located right
at the beginning of the file. The first word of the executable is the signature word and is always 0x4788cafe .
Based on this word the bootloader can identify a valid image file. The next word represents the size in bytes of the
actual program image in bytes. A simple complement checksum of the actual program image is given by the third word.
This provides a simple protection against data transmission or storage errors.
Note that this executable format cannot be used for direct execution.
4.9. Bootloader
Pre-Built Bootloader Image
This section refers to the default NEORV32 bootloader. A pre-compiled memory image for the processor-internal
Bootloader ROM (BOOTROM) is available in the project’s rtl folder: rtl/core/neorv32_bootloader_image.vhd .
This image is automatically inserted into the boot ROM when synthesizing the processor with the bootloader being
Minimal RISC-V ISA and Memory Configuration
The default bootloader image was compiled for a minimal rv32e_zicsr_zifencei ISA configuration and only requires a
RAM size of at least 256 bytes. Both constraints ensure that the bootloader can be executed by any actual CPU/processor
configuration. However, the bootloader can recompiled with different capabilities. See the User Guide
https://stnolting.github.io/neorv32/ug/#_customizing_the_internal_bootloader for more information.
SMP Dual-Core Configuration
For the SMP Dual-Core Configuration only the primary core (core 0) will boot and execute the bootloader
while the secondary core (core 1) will be halted in sleep mode.
The NEORV32 bootloader (sw/bootloader/bootloader.c
) provides an optional built-in firmware that
allows to upload new application executables at any time without the need to re-synthesize the FPGA’s bitstream.
A UART connection is used to provide a simple text-based user interface that allows to upload executables.
Furthermore, the bootloader provides options to store an executable to a processor-external SPI flash. An "auto boot" feature can optionally fetch this executable right after reset if there is no user interaction via UART. This allows to build processor setups with non-volatile application storage while maintaining the option to update the application software at any timer.
Software Documentation
The Doxygen-based documentation of the bootloader’s software is available online:
4.9.1. Bootloader SoC/CPU Requirements
The bootloader requires certain CPU and SoC extensions and modules to be enabled in order to operate correctly.
The Boot Configuration ( |
The bootloader requires the privileged architecture CPU extension ( |
At least 512 bytes of data memory (processor-internal DMEM or processor-external DMEM) are required for the bootloader’s stack and global variables. |
For user interaction via the Bootloader Console (like uploading executables) the primary UART (Primary Universal Asynchronous Receiver and Transmitter (UART0)) is required. |
The default bootloader uses bit 0 of the General Purpose Input and Output Port (GPIO) output port to drive a high-active "heart beat" status LED. |
The machine timer of the Core Local Interruptor (CLINT) is used to control blinking of the status LED and also to automatically trigger the Auto Boot Sequence. |
The SPI controller (Serial Peripheral Interface Controller (SPI)) is needed to store/load executable from external flash using the Auto Boot Sequence. |
The TWI controller (Two-Wire Serial Interface Controller (TWI)) is needed to boot/execute code directly from pre-programmed TWI memory. |
4.9.2. Bootloader Flash Requirements
The bootloader can access an SPI-compatible flash via the processor’s top entity SPI port. By default, the flash
chip-select line is driven by spi_csn_o(0)
and the SPI clock uses 1/8 of the processor’s main clock as clock frequency.
The SPI flash has to support single-byte read and write operations, 24-bit addresses and at least the following standard commands:
: Program page (write byte) -
: Read data (byte) -
: Write disable (for volatile status register) -
: Read (first) status register -
: Write enable (for volatile status register) -
: Wake-up from sleep mode (optional) -
: Block erase (64kB)
Custom Configuration
Most properties (like chip select line, flash address width, SPI clock frequency, …) of the default bootloader can be reconfigured
without the need to change the source code. Custom configuration can be made using command line switches (defines) when recompiling
the bootloader. See the User Guide https://stnolting.github.io/neorv32/ug/#_customizing_the_internal_bootloader for more information.
4.9.3. Bootloader TWI memory Requirements
The bootloader can access an TWI-compatible memory via the processor’s top entity TWI port. Single- and dual address memory is supported, and reading is done in the following pattern
Device Address + Enabled Read | Memory Address Byte 0 | Memory Address 1 (optional) | Read Byte 0 | Read Byte 1 | Read Byte 2 | Read Byte 3
The addresses are incremented until the end of the program binary is reached.
A python upload script for uploading is provided in the sw/eeprom_upload
folder. Currently only for the USB-ISS module.
Clock speed information can be read here: Two-Wire Serial Interface Controller (TWI).
4.9.4. Bootloader Console
To interact with the bootloader, connect the primary UART (UART0) signals (uart0_txd_o
and uart0_rxd_o
) of the processor’s top
entity via a serial port (-adapter) to your computer (hardware flow control is not used so the according interface signals can be
ignored), configure your terminal program using the following settings and perform a reset of the processor.
Terminal console settings (19200-8-N-1
19200 Baud
8 data bits
no parity bit
1 stop bit
newline on
(carriage return, newline) -
no transfer protocol / control flow protocol - just raw bytes
Terminal Program
Any terminal program that can connect to a serial port should work. However, make sure the program
can transfer data in raw byte mode without any protocol overhead (e.g. XMODEM). Some terminal programs struggle with
transmitting files larger than 4kB (see https://github.com/stnolting/neorv32/pull/215). Try a different terminal program
if uploading of a binary does not work.
The bootloader uses the LSB of the top entity’s gpio_o
output port as high-active status LED. All other
output pins are set to low level and won’t be altered. After reset, the status LED will start blinking at 2Hz and the
following intro screen shows up:
<< NEORV32 Bootloader >>
BLDV: Mar 7 2023
HWV: 0x01080107
CLK: 0x05f5e100
MISA: 0x40901106
XISA: 0xc0000fab
SOC: 0xffff402f
IMEM: 0x00008000
DMEM: 0x00002000
Autoboot in 10s. Press any key to abort.
The start-up screen gives some brief information about the bootloader and several system configuration parameters:
Bootloader version (built date). |
Processor hardware version (the |
Processor clock speed in Hz (via the |
RISC-V CPU extensions ( |
NEORV32-specific CPU extensions ( |
Processor configuration (via the |
Internal IMEM size in byte (via the |
Internal DMEM size in byte (via the |
Now you have 10 seconds to press any key. Otherwise, the bootloader starts the Auto Boot Sequence. When you press any key within the 10 seconds, the actual bootloader user console starts:
<< NEORV32 Bootloader >>
BLDV: Mar 7 2023
HWV: 0x01080107
CLK: 0x05f5e100
MISA: 0x40901106
XISA: 0xc0000fab
SOC: 0xffff402f
IMEM: 0x00008000
DMEM: 0x00002000
Autoboot in 10s. Press any key to abort. (1)
Available CMDs:
h: Help
r: Restart
u: Upload
s: Store to flash
l: Load from flash
t: Load from TWI Device
e: Execute
1 | Auto boot sequence aborted due to user console input. |
The auto boot countdown is stopped and the bootloader’s user console is ready to receive one of the following commands:
: Show the help text (again) -
: Restart the bootloader and the auto-boot sequence -
: Upload new program executable (neorv32_exe.bin
) via UART into the instruction memory -
: Store executable to SPI flash atspi_csn_o(0)
(little-endian byte order) -
: Load executable from SPI flash atspi_csn_o(0)
(little-endian byte order) -
: Load executable from TWI memory at0x50
(little-endian byte order) (disabled by default) -
: Start the application, which is currently stored in the instruction memory (IMEM)
A new executable can be uploaded via UART by executing the u
command. After that, the executable can be directly
executed via the e
command. To store the recently uploaded executable to an attached SPI flash press s
. To
directly load an executable from the SPI flash press l
. The bootloader and the auto-boot sequence can be
manually restarted via the r
Executable Upload
Make sure to upload the NEORV32 executable neorv32_exe.bin . Uploading any other file (like main.bin )
will cause an ERR_EXE bootloader error (see Bootloader Error Codes).
SPI Flash Power Down Mode
The bootloader will issue a "wake-up" command prior to using the SPI flash to ensure it is not
in sleep mode / power-down mode (see https://github.com/stnolting/neorv32/pull/552).
SPI Flash Programming
For detailed information on using an SPI flash for application storage see User Guide section
Programming an External SPI Flash via the Bootloader.
4.9.5. Auto Boot Sequence
When you reset the NEORV32 processor, the bootloader waits 8 seconds for a UART console input before it
starts the automatic boot sequence. This sequence tries to fetch a valid boot image from the external SPI
flash, connected to SPI chip select spi_csn_o(0)
or from external TWI memory. If both are enabled, the bootloader
will select SPI. If a valid boot image is found that can be successfully
transferred into the instruction memory, it is automatically started. If no SPI flash is detected or if there
is no valid boot image found, and error code will be shown.
4.9.6. Bootloader Error Codes
If something goes wrong during bootloader operation an error code and a short message is shown. In this case the processor is halted (entering Sleep Mode), the bootloader status LED is permanently activated and the processor has to be reset manually.
Debugging Information
If an unexpected exception has been raised, the bootloader prints hexadecimal debug information showing
the mcause , mepc and mtval CSR values.
If you try to transfer an invalid executable (via UART or from the external SPI flash), this error message shows up. There might be a transfer protocol configuration error in the terminal program or maybe just the wrong file was selected. Also, if no SPI flash was found during an auto-boot attempt, this message will be displayed. |
Your program is way too big for the internal processor’s instructions memory. Increase the memory size or reduce your application code. |
This indicates a checksum error. Something went wrong during the transfer of the program image (upload via UART or loading from the external SPI flash). If the error was caused by a UART upload, just try it again. When the error was generated during a flash access, the stored image might be corrupted. |
This error occurs if the attached SPI flash cannot be accessed. Make sure you have the right type of flash and that it is properly connected to the NEORV32 SPI port using chip select #0. |
The bootloader encountered an unexpected exception during operation. This might be caused when it tries to access peripherals that were not implemented during synthesis. Example: executing commands |
The TWI received an unexpected NACK while reading the external memory. Are the address and speed settings correct? |
4.10. NEORV32 Runtime Environment
The NEORV32 software framework provides a minimal runtime environment ("RTE") that takes care of a stable and safe execution environment by providing a unified interface for handling of all traps (exceptions and interrupts). Once initialized, the RTE provides Default RTE Trap Handlers that catch all possible traps. These default handlers just output a message via UART when a certain trap has been triggered. The default handlers can be overridden by the application code to install application-specific handler functions for each trap.
Using the RTE is optional but highly recommended for bare-metal / non-OS applications. The RTE provides a simple and comfortable way of delegating traps to application-specific handlers while making sure that all traps (even though they are not explicitly used by the application) are handled correctly. Performance-optimized applications or embedded operating systems may not use the RTE at all in order to increase response time.
4.10.1. RTE Operation
The RTE manages the trap-related CSRs of the CPU’s privileged architecture (see Machine Trap Handling CSRs).
It initializes the mtvec
CSR in DIRECT mode, which provides the base entry point for all traps. The address
stored to this register defines the address of the first-level trap handler, which is provided by the NEORV32
RTE. Whenever an exception or interrupt is triggered this first-level trap handler is executed.
The first-level handler performs a complete context save, analyzes the source of the trap and calls the according second-level trap handler, which takes care of the actual exception/interrupt handling. The RTE manages an internal look-up table to track the addresses of the according second-level trap handlers.
After the initial RTE setup, each entry in the RTE’s trap handler look-up table is initialized with a Default RTE Trap Handlers. These default handler do not execute any trap-related operations - they just output a debugging message via the primary UART (UART0) (if enabled) to inform the user that a trap has occurred that is not (yet) handled by a proper application-specific trap handler. After sending this message, the RTE tries to resume normal execution by moving on to the next linear instruction.
Dual-Core Configuration
The RTE’s internal trap handler look-up table is used globally for both cores. If a core-specific handling is
required, the according user-defined trap handler need to retrieve the core’s ID from mhartid and branch
4.10.2. Using the RTE
The NEORV32 runtime environment is part of the default NEORV32 software framework. The links to the according software references are listed below.
neorv32_rte.c |
neorv32_rte.h |
The RTE has to be explicitly enabled by calling the according setup function. It is recommended to do this right at the
beginning of the application’s main
function. For the SMP Dual-Core Configuration the RTE setup functions has to
be called on each core that wants to use the RTE.
int main() {
neorv32_rte_setup(); // setup NEORV32 runtime environment
After setup, all traps will trigger execution of the RTE’s Default RTE Trap Handlers at first. In order to use application-specific trap handlers the default debug handlers can be overridden by installing user-defined ones:
int neorv32_rte_handler_install(uint8_t id, void (*handler)(void));
The first argument id
defines the "trap ID" (for example a certain interrupt request) that shall be handled by the
user-defined handler. These IDs are defined in sw/lib/include/neorv32_rte.h
. However, more convenient device-specific
aliases are also defined in sw/lib/include/neorv32.h
. The second argument handler
is the actual function that
implements the user-defined trap handler. The custom handler functions must have a specific type without any arguments
and with no return value:
void custom_trap_handler_xyz(void) {
// handle trap...
Custom Trap Handler Attributes
Do NOT use the interrupt attribute for the application trap handler functions! This would place an mret
instruction at the end of the handler making it impossible to return to the first-level trap handler of the RTE core.
mscratch CSRmscratch CSR should not be used inside an application trap handler as this register is used by the RTE to
provide the base address of the application’s stack frame Application Context Handling (i.e. modifying the
registers of application code that caused a trap).
The following example shows how to install trap handlers for exemplary traps.
neorv32_rte_handler_install(RTE_TRAP_MTI, machine_timer_irq_handler); // handler for machine timer interrupt
neorv32_rte_handler_install(RTE_TRAP_MENV_CALL, environment_call_handler); // handler for machine environment call exception
neorv32_rte_handler_install(SLINK_RX_RTE_ID, slink_rx_handler); // handler for SLINK receive interrupt
4.10.3. Default RTE Trap Handlers
The default RTE trap handlers are executed when a certain trap is triggered that is not (yet) handled by an
application-defined trap handler. The default handler will output a message giving additional debug information
via the Primary Universal Asynchronous Receiver and Transmitter (UART0) to inform the user and it will also
try to resume normal program execution (exemplary RTE outputs are shown below). The specific message right at
the beginning of the debug trap handler message corresponds to the trap code obtained from the mcause
(see NEORV32 Trap Listing).
In most cases the RTE can successfully continue operation - for example if it catches an interrupt request that is not handled by the actual application program. However, if the RTE catches an un-handled trap like a bus access fault exception, continuing execution will most likely fail making the CPU crash.
<NEORV32-RTE> [cpu0] [M] Illegal instruction @ PC=0x000002d6, MTINST=0x000000FF, MTVAL=0x00000000 </NEORV32-RTE> (1)
<NEORV32-RTE> [cpu0] [U] Illegal instruction @ PC=0x00000302, MTINST=0x00000000, MTVAL=0x00000000 </NEORV32-RTE> (2)
<NEORV32-RTE> [cpu0] [U] Load address misaligned @ PC=0x00000440, MTINST=0x01052603, MTVAL=0x80000101 </NEORV32-RTE> (3)
<NEORV32-RTE> [cpu1] [M] Fast IRQ 0x3 @ PC=0x00000820, MTINST=0x00000000, MTVAL=0x00000000 </NEORV32-RTE> (4)
<NEORV32-RTE> [cpu1] [M] Instruction access fault @ PC=0x90000000, MTINST=0x42078b63, MTVAL=0x00000000 !!FATAL EXCEPTION!! Halting CPU. </NEORV32-RTE>\n (5)
1 | Illegal 32-bit instruction MTINST=0x000000FF at address PC=0x000002d6 while the CPU 0 was in machine-mode ([M] ). |
2 | Illegal 16-bit instruction MTINST=0x00000000 at address PC=0x00000302 while the CPU 0 was in user-mode ([U] ). |
3 | Misaligned load access at address PC=0x00000440 caused by instruction MTINST=0x01052603 (trying to load a full 32-bit word from address MTVAL=0x80000101 ) while the CPU 0 was in user-mode ([U] ). |
4 | Fast interrupt request from channel 3 before executing instruction at address PC=0x00000820 while the CPU 1 was in machine-mode ([M] ). |
5 | Instruction bus access fault at address PC=0x90000000 while executing instruction MTINST=0x42078b63 while the CPU 1 was in machine-mode ([M] ). |
4.10.4. Application Context Handling
Upon trap entry the RTE backups the entire application context (i.e. all x
general purpose registers) to the
stack. The context is restored automatically after trap completion. The base address of the according stack frame
is copied to the mscratch
CSR. By having this information available, the RTE provides dedicated functions
for accessing and altering the application context:
// Prototypes
uint32_t neorv32_rte_context_get(int x); // read register
void neorv32_rte_context_put(int x, uint32_t data); // write data to register
// Examples
uint32_t tmp = neorv32_rte_context_get(9); // read register 'x9'
neorv32_rte_context_put(28, tmp); // write 'tmp' to register 'x28'
The x
argument is used to specify one of the RISC-V general purpose register x0
to x31
. Note that registers
to x31
are not available if the RISC-V E
ISA Extension is enabled. For he SMP Dual-Core Configuration
the provided context functions will access the stack frame of the interrupted application code that was running
on the specific CPU core that caused the trap entry.
The context access functions can be used by application-specific trap handlers to emulate unsupported CPU / SoC features like unimplemented IO modules, unsupported instructions and even unaligned memory accesses.
Demo Program: Emulate Unaligned Memory Access
A demo program, which showcases how to emulate unaligned memory accesses using the NEORV32 runtime environment
can be found in sw/example/demo_emulate_unaligned .
5. On-Chip Debugger (OCD)
The NEORV32 Processor features an on-chip debugger (OCD) compatible to the Minimal RISC-V Debug Specification
implementing the execution-based debugging scheme. A copy of the specification is available in docs/references
The on-chip debugger is implemented if the OCD_EN
processor top generic is set
to true
Key Features
standard 4-wire JTAG access port
debugging of up to 4 CPU cores ("harts")
full control of the CPU: halting, single-stepping and resuming
indirect access to all core registers and the entire processor address space (via program buffer)
execution of arbitrary programs via the program buffer
compatible with upstream OpenOCD and GDB
optional trigger module for hardware breakpoints
optional authentication for advanced security
Hands-On Tutorial
A simple example on how to use NEORV32 on-chip debugger in combination with OpenOCD and the GNU debugger is shown in
section Debugging using the On-Chip Debugger
of the User Guide.

The NEORV32 on-chip debugger is based on five hardware modules:
Debug Transport Module (DTM): JTAG access tap to allow an external adapter to interface with the debug module (DM).
Debug Module (DM): The RISC-V debug module is the main bridge between the external debugger and the processor being debugged. It provides a data buffer for data transfer from/to the DM, a code ROM containing the "park loop" code, a program buffer to allow the debugger to execute small programs defined by the DM and a status register that is used to communicate exception, halt, resume and execute requests/acknowledges between the debugger and the CPU.
Debug Authentication: Authenticator module to secure on-chip debugger access. By default this module implements a very simple authentication mechanism as example. Users can modify/replace this default logic to implement arbitrary authentication mechanism.
CPU Debug Mode ISA extension: This ISA extension provides the "debug execution mode" as another CPU operation mode that is used to execute the park loop code from the DM. This mode also provides additional CSRs and instructions.
CPU Trigger Module: This module provides a single hardware breakpoint.
Theory of Operation
When debugging the system using the OCD, the external debugger (e.g. GDB) issues a halt request to the CPU to make it enter so-called debug mode. In this mode the application-defined architectural state of the system/CPU is "frozen" so the debugger can monitor it without interfering with the actual application. However, the OCD can also modify the entire architectural state at any time. While in debug mode, the debugger has full control over the entire CPU core.
After halting, the CPU executes the "park loop" code from the code ROM of the debug module (DM). This park loop implements an endless loop that is used to poll a memory-mapped Status Register of the DM. The flags in this register are used to communicate requests from the DM and to acknowledge their processing them by the CPU: trigger execution of the program buffer or resume the halted application. Furthermore, the CPU uses this register to signal that the CPU has halted after a halt request or to signal that an exception has been raised while being in debug mode.
5.1. openOCD
By default, the free and open-source openOCD (https://openocd.org/) is used to establish a debugger connection. However, other interfaces can be used (like Segger or Lauterbach tools) if they support the RISC-V debug specification.
openOCD is configured by single configuration script. Currently, two scripts are provided - one for the single-core processor configuration and another one for the SMP dual-core configuration:
: openOCD script for the single-core configuration -
: openOCD script for the dual-core configuration
Both scripts include several helper scripts (located in the same folder) that are used to hide some complexity. Two of these scripts may be modified to adjust openOCD for the actual setup:
: physical JTAG adapter configuration; by default this is configured for a simple FTDI USB converter; adjust this for your specific JTAG adapter. -
: optional authentication process; the Default Authentication Mechanism is implemented as example; adjust this when using a custom authentication mechanism. -
: main NEORV32 target configuration; end users should not alter this file.
5.2. Debug Transport Module (DTM)
The debug transport module "DTM" (VHDL module: rtl/core/neorv32_debug_dtm.vhd
) provides a bridge between a standard 4-wire
JTAG test access port ("tap") and the internal debug module interface.
Name | Width | Direction | Description |
1 |
in |
serial clock |
1 |
in |
serial data input |
1 |
out |
serial data output |
1 |
in |
mode select |
Maximum JTAG Clock
All JTAG signals are synchronized to the processor’s clock domain. Hence, no additional clock domain is required
for the DTM. However, this constraints the maximal JTAG clock frequency (jtag_tck_i ) to be less than or equal
to 1/5 of the processor clock frequency (clk_i ).
The NEORV32 JTAG TAP does not provide a dedicated reset signal ("TRST").
However, JTAG-level resets can be triggered using TMS signaling.
Maintaining the JTAG Chain
If the on-chip debugger is disabled the JTAG serial input jtag_tdi_i is directly
connected to the JTAG serial output jtag_tdo_o to maintain the JTAG chain.
The DTM implement a single 5-bit instruction register IR
and several data registers DR
with different sizes. The
individual data registers are accessed by writing the according address to the instruction register. The following table
shows all available data registers and their addresses:
Address (via IR ) |
Name | Size (bits) | Description |
32 |
identification code (see below) |
32 |
debug transport module control and status register (see below) |
41 |
debug module interface (see below) |
others |
1 |
default JTAG bypass register |
Bit(s) | Name | R/W | Description |
31:28 |
r/- |
version ID, hardwired to zero |
27:12 |
r/- |
part ID, hardwired to zero |
11:1 |
r/- |
JEDEDC manufacturer ID, assigned via the |
0 |
- |
r/- |
hardwired to |
Bit(s) | Name | R/W | Description |
31:18 |
- |
r/- |
reserved, hardwired to zero |
17 |
r/w |
setting this bit will reset the debug module interface; this bit auto-clears |
16 |
r/w |
setting this bit will clear the sticky error state; this bit auto-clears |
15 |
- |
r/- |
reserved, hardwired to zero |
14:12 |
r/- |
recommended idle states (= 0, no idle states required) |
11:10 |
r/- |
DMI status: |
9:4 |
r/- |
number of address bits in |
3:0 |
r/- |
Bit(s) | Name | R/W | Description |
40:34 |
r/w |
7-bit address, see DM Registers |
33:2 |
r/w |
32-bit to write/read to/from the addresses DM register |
1:0 |
r/w |
2-bit operation ( |
5.3. Debug Module (DM)
The debug module "DM" (VHDL module: rtl/core/neorv32_debug_dm.vhd
) acts as a translation interface between abstract
operations issued by the debugger application (like GDB) and the platform-specific debugger hardware.
It supports the following features:
Gives the debugger necessary information about the implementation.
Allows the hart to be halted/resumed/reset and provides the current status.
Provides abstract read and write access to the halted hart’s general purpose registers.
Provides access to a reset signal that allows debugging from the very first instruction after reset.
Provides a program buffer to force the hart to execute arbitrary instructions.
Allows memory accesses (to the entire address space) from a hart’s point of view.
Optionally implements an authentication mechanism to secure on-chip debugger access.
The NEORV32 DM follows the "Minimal RISC-V External Debug Specification" to provide full debugging capabilities while keeping resource/area requirements at a minimum. It implements the execution based debugging scheme for up to four individual CPU cores ("harts") and provides the following architectural core features:
program buffer with 2 entries and an implicit
instruction at the end -
indirect bus access via the CPU using the program buffer
abstract commands: "access register" plus auto-execution
halt-on-reset capability
optional authentication
DM Spec. Version
The NEORV32 DM complies to the RISC-V DM spec version 1.0.
From the DTM’s point of view, the DM implements a set of DM Registers that are used to control and monitor the debugging session. From the CPU’s point of view, the DM implements several memory-mapped registers that are used for communicating data, instructions, debugging control and status (DM CPU Access).
External Reset Output
The entire processor can be reset at any time by the debugger via the ndmreset
bit of the dmcontrol
This signal is also available as processor top signal (Processor Top Entity - Signals: rstn_ocd_o
) and can be used
to reset processor-external modules via the on-chip debugger. This signal is low-active and synchronous to the processor
clock. It is available if the on-chip debugger is actually implemented; otherwise it is hardwired to 1
. Note that the
signal also becomes active (low) when the processor’s main reset signal is active (even if the on-chip debugger is
deactivated or disabled for synthesis).
5.3.1. DM Registers
The DM is controlled via a set of registers that are accessed via the DTM. The following registers are implemented:
Unimplemented Registers
Write accesses to registers that are not implemented are simply ignored and read accesses to these
registers will always return zero. In both cases no error condition is signaled to the DTM.
Address | Name | Description |
0x04 |
Abstract data register 0 |
0x10 |
Debug module control |
0x11 |
Debug module status |
0x12 |
Hart information |
0x16 |
Abstract control and status |
0x17 |
Abstract command |
0x18 |
Abstract command auto-execution |
0x1d |
Base address of next DM; reads as zero to indicate there is only one DM |
0x20 |
Program buffer 0 |
0x21 |
Program buffer 1 |
0x30 |
Data to/from the authentication module |
0x38 |
System bus access control and status; reads as zero to indicate there is no system bus access |
0x40 |
Hart halt summary |
0x04 |
Abstract data 0 |
Reset value: |
Basic read/write data exchange register to be used with abstract commands (for example to read/write data from/to CPU GPRs). |
0x10 |
Debug module control register |
Reset value: |
Control of the overall debug module and the hart. The following table shows all implemented bits. All remaining bits/bit-fields are configured as "zero" and are read-only. Writing '1' to these bits/fields will be ignored. |
Bit | Name [RISC-V] | R/W | Description |
31 |
-/w |
set/clear hart halt request |
30 |
-/w |
request hart to resume |
28 |
-/w |
write |
27 |
- |
r/- |
reserved, hardwired to zero |
26 |
r/- |
25:16 |
r/w |
hart select; only the lowest 3 bits are implemented |
15:6 |
r/- |
hardwired to zero |
5:4 |
- |
r/- |
reserved, hardwired to zero |
3 |
r/- |
2 |
r/- |
1 |
r/w |
put whole system (except OCD) into reset state when |
0 |
r/w |
DM enable; writing |
0x11 |
Debug module status register |
Reset value: |
Current status of the overall debug module and the hart. The entire register is read-only. |
Bit | Name [RISC-V] | Description |
31:23 |
reserved |
reserved; zero |
22 |
21:20 |
reserved |
reserved; zero |
19 |